My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1100: Doubtful Points

The expression on Xu Yongqing's face froze for an instant. He stared blankly at his father Xu Lai, who seemed to be thinking about his future. His eyes were full of despair. At this moment, he completely I completely gave up the idea of ​​self-certification.

"Hahahaha..." Xu Yongqing suddenly burst out laughing. Under such a situation, he seemed so crazy, "In the end, you still don't believe me. It's really ridiculous for me to put my hope on such a last bit of expectation and Trust me! From my aunt and Yongnian, I should understand how ruthless you are, and in your eyes, family interests are above everything else!"

Xu Lai frowned slightly: "Yongqing, why don't you understand? This is not a family interest. If you make a mistake, you should pay the price and accept punishment, right? As your father, I see you like this Isn't it sad? You are my flesh and blood, my blood is flowing on your body, I..."

Before Xu Lai could continue talking, the exaggerated smile on Xu Yongqing's face had already disappeared, and he looked at the other party calmly: "I know what you want to say, okay, I admit, I was indeed threatened by that woman Xu Fanghua, as for the reason I can't reveal it, I can only tell it to you alone."

Xu Lai didn't doubt that there was him, and when he leaned in front of his son, Xu Yongqing was able to recognize the situation and no longer argue and accepted all the guilt. The scene of guilt, compared to the death of everyone in the Xu family, but the death of Xu Yongqing alone is already very good.

However, he also felt that it was a little weird. At this moment, his son Xu Yongqing's performance was too calm and indifferent. After the desperate laugh just now, he seemed to have suddenly become hopeless.

Hey, Xu Lai sighed, perhaps, Yongqing no longer had any expectations in his heart, he must have felt too disappointed.

With such thoughts in mind, Xu Lai moved his head closer, and when Xu Yongqing's lips approached the former's ears, Xu Lai only heard a faint voice full of hatred in his ears, as if the gates of hell were opened and closed. The death bell rang.

"Since I'm ruined, let the entire Xu family be buried with me! I will destroy everything you value, and fulfill my aunt's unfulfilled last wish!"

Hearing this, Xu Laideng's hair stood on end, and his heart was extremely panicked. The situation he feared most seemed to have happened. He just wanted to react, but Xu Yongqing didn't seem to intend to give him a chance at all.


There was a slight sound like a torn silk scarf, and Xu Lai's body shook suddenly. He only felt a tightness in his chest, and then a sharp pain hit him. All gone, the whole person's limbs were limp and weak, almost completely drooping, leaning on Xu Yongqing's shoulder, and slowly sliding down.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two just whispered a few words, and there was nothing strange about them.

But Zhao Guohua and Qin Hao were keenly aware of the bloody smell that was beginning to overflow. Zhao Guohua's face changed suddenly, and he appeared on the high platform in a flash. He reached out and grabbed Xu Lai, who was about to collapse on the ground. The other hand grabbed Xu Yongqing.

It wasn't until this time that people discovered that when Xu Lai left Xu Yongqing and was dragged by Zhao Guohua, a large amount of blood spewed out of his chest like a fountain. Spray ~ shoot ~ as far as two or three meters.

Xu Yongqing, killing ~ father?

Everyone was stunned,

No one would have thought that Xu Yongqing would be so crazy that he swung the butcher knife at his father, it was simply too frenzied!

What made people even more unexpected was that facing Zhao Guohua's attack, Xu Yongqing waved the blood-stained Triangle Army Thorn and stabbed towards Zhao Guohua.

Who is Zhao Guohua? What grade is Xu Yongqing? Stabbing Zhao Guohua with a knife is undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg!

With just one slap, the triangular army thorn in Xu Yongqing's hand was sent flying. The next moment, he flew into the air, fell several meters away, knocked over several wine tables, and all the dishes fell to the ground , the remains of a place.

Zhao Guohua had no intention of chasing after him, because Xu Lai seemed to be on the verge of dying. The three-edged army thorn was quite lethal to ordinary people. It was not just cutting damage, but the blood groove on the army thorn would quickly bleed. And the wound cannot stop bleeding through emergency treatment such as pressing ~ pressure.

Moreover, after the bayonet pierces the opponent's body and rotates the blade, it will cause large-scale damage to the tissue. There may be tendon rupture or blood vessel rupture inside. Even if the surface of the wound is sutured, it is meaningless.

Of course, Zhao Guohua didn't want Xu Lai to die just like that. He also hoped to find out what happened to Xu's family and get information about the Holy Gate in Hua from Xu Lai.

In fact, if Qin Hao is willing to make a move at this time, as long as he donates a few drops of blood, with his blood's super recovery ability, he can easily help Xu Lai stop the wound, but how could Qin Hao make a move?

If it is said that the most hopeful for the death of the Xu family is probably Qin Hao, he originally planned to do it himself, but unexpectedly the situation took a turn for the worse. When Mu Xiaofei appeared and presented strong evidence, it caused the Xu family to fight. And it's still a son~kill~kill~father, in Qin Hao's heart, the scene in front of him seems to relieve hatred more than his own hands.

Obviously, Xu Yongqing stabbed very deeply and injured the internal organs and tissues. The blood flow from Xu Lai's wound has gradually slowed down. It wasn't that he succeeded in stopping the bleeding, but that the blood had flowed nearly half, and he was about to It’s no good, not only the external bleeding, but Xu Lai’s internal bleeding is obviously also accompanied by symptoms, so that the trachea in the chest is completely blocked by blood, and the breathing has begun to be unable to supply. It is because of suffocation that it is purple, and it is almost belching.

Xu Da just looked at his son who was lying on the high platform, the blood had already stained the big red carpet as the last struggling son. At this moment, he seemed to be completely stunned, and he was indifferent even when his son was stabbed to death by his grandson.

This sudden scene made the guests in the audience unexpected. For a while, even the hostile families of the Xu family felt that Xu Da was a bit sad. His daughter, his eldest grandson, and his second grandson, each of them To hate the family so deeply, to be so hated by one's own children, and even go to the end to destroy it, that feeling...

At the same time, people also noticed another point, that is Qin Hao, who has been silent for a long time. The Xu family has encountered such a situation that the current situation of family ruin can be said to be entirely caused by Qin Hao. The family is still the top ten aristocratic family, still standing at the top of the pyramid, arrogant.

Think about the Duanmu family in the past, look at the Xu family now, all the patriarchs and heads of the aristocratic families feel a little hairy in their hearts. This is really a devil-like character. He destroyed the two families with only one person, but he himself It's okay, the consequences of being an enemy of him are too exaggerated!

Qin Hao and Zhao Guohua didn't pay attention to other people's opinions. What they were most confused about now was where did the triangular army thorn in Xu Yongqing's hand come from. You know, Xu Yongqing was going to marry Lin Xinyi before Qin Hao appeared. After that, he didn't leave the sight of everyone the whole time, that is to say, the triangular army thorn was already on his body before the wedding ceremony took place on the high stage.

Then the question arises, which groom will wear a triangular army thorn on his body when he gets married? How did he know that it would come in handy and use it to kill people?

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