My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1190 Spiritual Energy

Qin Hao didn't know that after he left the auditorium, he really encountered a wave of terrorist attacks. He just wanted to catch Xu Yongqing. Xu Lai was dead, and Xu Da couldn't bear the blow. The only survivor is Xu Yongqing.

The most important thing is that Xu Yongqing was the chief culprit for the destruction of the Skynet base. If it weren't for him, how could those scientists in the research institute and those soldiers who devoted themselves to serving the country have spilled blood in the South China Sea, and in the end even the bones could not be preserved?

Based on this alone, Xu Yongqing was already on Qin Hao's must-kill list!

Xu Yongqing fled desperately in the flames. The Italian hand-stitched suit had long been invaded by dust. It was wrinkled because of the violent movements. It was wrinkled like a beggar's suit half on his body, and his face was blackened by black smoke. One piece is white, as if he came back from digging coal in Africa, his face is red and hot with the reflection of the fire.

However, just when he thought he had successfully escaped by taking advantage of the chaos, a figure descended from the sky and landed in front of him, blocking his way forward.

Seeing the person coming, Xu Yongqing was startled, with a look of panic and anxiety on his face, he said angrily: "Qin Hao, you really are a hidden danger! You ruined my wedding and ruined my reputation, and now I have to block you!" I'm going to go, forcing me to go to a dead end?!"

"Xu Yongqing, compared to your younger brother, you are really shameless! At least your younger brother never hides it. He will never put all the blame on others like you. For what he has done Things have always been confessed, even in the end, he has more backbone than you, and would rather kill himself than run away!" Qin Hao looked at Xu Yongqing with disdain and contempt, and said in a cold voice.

"As for you, you colluded with Xu Fanghua's Holy Gate to attack the Skynet base, so that nearly a thousand people in the entire base were wiped out. After being exposed, you brutally murdered your father. Not only have you never regretted it until now, but you still feel that I forced you too However, it is simply ridiculous! Compared to your younger brother, you dare not look directly at the crimes you have committed. You will only escape, and you will only pass the responsibility for falling into such a desperate situation to others, but you don’t want to think about it. If you had If you don't do this, how can it become like this now?"

"Compared to those soldiers who died tragically and the academicians of the Academy of Sciences, isn't your life not good enough? Once Xu Yongnian dies, you are destined to be the third generation successor of the Xu family in the future. As the youngest of the Xu family, you have You have a beautiful and bright future, you have resources that many people have worked hard for a lifetime, but you not only don't cherish them, but also act recklessly, you will end up in the current situation, and you are completely to blame!"

"Fart!" Xu Yongqing roared angrily, "You only see my superficial beauty, and you don't understand the pain in my heart at all! Ever since I was a child, I have been taken away by others. It was Yongnian before, and after Yongnian died. It became you again! Lin Xinyi was supposed to be my wife. I had a marriage contract with her long ago. Without you, I would have married her long ago. But because of your appearance,

It is because of you that she did not choose me! You took my woman!

That bitch, I don't care about what happened to you even if she ever had, obviously I've done so much, but she still can't forget you in her heart! Do you think I don't know? Just last night, she left the villa to find you in private! That bitch woman, for her sake I can let go of the dignity of a man, but she insists on being your lover! The hatred of killing his brother, the hatred of taking his wife! Is there anything wrong with wanting to kill you? I am not wrong at all, it is you who are wrong, it is this world--\u003e\u003e

boundary! "

Qin Hao's face was slightly cold, and he said in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter if you want to kill me, but your mistake lies in a principled mistake. The resources and power in your hands are not for you to use indiscriminately or even betray the interests of the country. Those innocent heroes who are loyal to the country! You not only offended me, but also violated the bottom line of this country, as long as you have a little bit of conscience, you deserve to die tens of millions of times!"

Xu Yongqing gritted his teeth and stared at Qin Hao: "You bastard! Since you insist on killing me, fine! Then come!"

After finishing speaking, this guy took out the three-sided army thorn and stabbed towards Qin Hao.

For Qin Hao, this was undoubtedly an extremely ridiculous move. However, when he was about three or four meters away from Qin Hao, he suddenly raised his arm, and the three-edged army thorn flew out of his hand and flew straight to Qin Hao's head. At the same time, Xu Yongqing Turn around and flee without the slightest pause or hesitation.

Although Qin Hao didn't expect this guy to be so shameless, he still didn't give up struggling at this time, but the situation in front of him didn't affect him in the slightest. He moved his feet, and the next moment his figure appeared behind Xu Yongqing, with his arms stretched out to grab him. Holding Xu Yongqing's back collar, he lifted it up directly, and then Qin Hao fell heavily on the ground, and at the same time stepped on it with one foot, stepping on Xu Yongqing's chest, making him unable to move.

"Up to now, you have nowhere to go. If you want to die more happily, you can tell all the connections between your Xu family and the Holy Gate. Maybe I will let you not suffer any more because of your cooperation. Suffering!" Qin Hao didn't intend to kill Xu Yongqing right away, from Li Tianxia's appearance to Mu Xiaofei's appearance, Xu Yongqing's denial of the video, and the explosion of the resort that caused a fire, all the circumstances showed that he was killed this time. The people behind the scenes took advantage of it, and the other party's target was obviously also the Xu family.

According to common sense analysis, the person behind it is very likely to be the Holy Gate. The Xu family is just a pawn of theirs. When the pawn is exposed, it is obviously an abandoned piece. , use Qin Hao's hands to expose the Xu family, ruin the Xu family's reputation, and then solve everything and stop their mouths.

It's a pity that Qin Hao thought very well, but the answer Xu Yongqing gave made him very disappointed, because the other party's behavior didn't seem to know any more information about the Holy Gate, and Qin Hao felt very strange What's more, Xu Yongqing clearly said he knew, but he couldn't remember what he said, as if the memory about the Holy Gate had been deleted out of thin air.

Before contacting Xu Yongqing, he denied the situation of the video. Qin Hao frowned slightly, opened his mind and probed into his brain, and suddenly found that the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness in Xu Yongqing's brain was surrounded by an inexplicable energy, which was somewhat similar to that of the spiritual system. Magic will make the recruits hypnotized, controlled and unable to take care of themselves.

It wasn't until this moment that Qin Hao was so impressed that he didn't even know that those things were done by himself. Why did Xu Yongqing commit the act of murdering his father in such a frenzy? Why did he wear a three-edged sword when he got married? Military Assassin, why in the video he said so many crimes but didn't have any impression, why he couldn't tell the relevant information about the Holy Gate.

Everything is because of the inexplicable energy in his sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. This energy manipulated him to do many things that he didn't even know about. Moreover, the other party gave him a great deal of psychological pressure. It hinted that it had a considerable impact on his nerves and memory.

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