
This time, Bai Xiaochun was caught in a dilemma. After all, only Hu Yitian knew this spirit-calling technique, and Qin Hao didn't know it. He had to rely on the former. However, if there is a choice between Hu Yitian and Qin Hao, he still prefers the latter. In his opinion, there is a specialization in the arts, but Qin Hao does not know how to do it. The latter completely crushed the former, and he trusted Qin Hao more.

Although Hu Yitian felt that Qin Hao was just looking for trouble, after listening to Qin Hao's explanation, he actually had the feeling that what the other party said made sense. Saying it out of his mouth, for him, there are only advantages and no disadvantages, and it can be regarded as part of enlightenment, which is where the opportunity lies.

This made him feel awkward all of a sudden, Hu Yitian wanted Bai Xiaochun to go ahead with the original plan, and then succeeded in summoning the soul and slapped Qin Hao hard in the face, but in the bottom of his heart he somewhat agreed with Qin Hao's statement, even though it was just for no reason. An intuition from the bottom of his heart, but he just felt that what Qin Hao said made sense, how embarrassing would it be if you asked him to compromise now? Doesn't it prove that his attack just now was all about slapping himself in the face?

He is shameless! Even if he doesn't want it, the entire Shimen Longmen sect will lose face!

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene became silent. Qin Hao had already said what he should say, and he could not control whether he listened or not. If Duanmurui, Song Yao and the others were not involved, he would not have reminded them at all. Bai Xiaochun and Hu Yitian didn't know how to choose, and the other couldn't bear the face to make a choice, even though they both felt that what Qin Hao said was reasonable.

Fortunately, this awkward atmosphere didn't last long, and Lin Xinyi took the initiative to stand up: "Let me do it. Since Daoist Hu said before that people holding lamps don't have too many taboos, let me do it. It shouldn't be a problem to change it." Influence. Daoist Hu, can I be replaced?"

"Hmph! Whatever you want, I'm just here to help you under the order of my teacher. You can do whatever you want with these small problems." Hu Yitian snorted coldly and went down the steps. It was Bai Xiaochun who couldn't do it, the lamp bearer was the least important part of the whole technique, anyone could do it, he just got angry because he was aiming at Qin Hao and felt that the other party was deliberately looking for trouble.

With Hu Yitian's disguised compromise, the small episode is over, and the practice continues. Hu Yitian took out a stack of yellow paper, dipped the talisman pen into the cinnabar that had been prepared a long time ago, took a deep breath, raised his hand and wrote decisively , that breath was kept in his mouth all the time, and he didn't let out the foul breath until he finished drawing a talisman.

In order to avoid distraction and lack of concentration, the drawing of talismans is generally done in one go, holding the breath without vomiting, and transferring the spiritual power and true energy to the talisman paper through the talisman pen.

Qin Hao knows a little more about drawing talismans than Taoism and incantations. He has studied for a while before, and even tried simple talismans such as invisibility talismans. Those are all talisman graphics recorded in the old bald donkey's collection.

He followed the gourd completely, but he was able to succeed. Now that his realm has risen rapidly, if he tries again, the success rate is estimated to be frighteningly high, and it is difficult to fail.

When Qin Hao sensed the inexplicable energy on the talisman paper, he knew that Hu Yitian's talisman should be a success.

Hu Yitian put down the talisman pen, feeling relieved in his heart. He felt that he was in a pretty good state today. He guessed that he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of Qin Hao. He would inevitably fail once or twice with this soul-calling talisman on weekdays. It is rare to get it done at once, but today there is no failure, which is really impressive.

Qin Hao didn't know what the other party was thinking. He often failed when he tried to draw talismans before, and he thought it was normal. If he knew Hu Yitian's thoughts, he would be speechless. Originally fighting for the orthodoxy of the leader of the Taoist sect, sometimes he even died because of this. It is not an exaggeration to say that the hatred is deep, but now he has to vent his anger for the other party. It is really...

Hu Yitian emptied his head, stopped thinking about it, and lost his eyes to signal Lin Xinyi to go. At the same time, he picked up the talisman, shook his hand, and the talisman suddenly burned by itself, turning into a blue flame and melting into the flames of the paper lantern.

He took a special step and continued to chanting mantras. Qin Hao was very familiar with that step. It was called the Seven Star Step. This is a very basic operation in Taoism. The stepping on the seven stars often mentioned in ancient books is this thing. Son.

As Hu Yitian performed, suddenly there was a whirlwind blowing around, the whole space seemed to be separated from the surrounding world, and the temperature within a radius of one kilometer around the apartment building as the center dropped sharply.

Qin Hao opened his mind, and suddenly found that the Yin Qi energy in the surrounding space was restless, forming a whirlwind that was constantly circling, and the wind was blowing.

As an ordinary person, Lin Xinyi naturally didn't know what happened. She only felt a slight chill in her body, a drop in temperature, and a chill in her heart. After all, no one has ever seen ghosts before, and they only exist in movies. They are terrifying Yuanquan, she used to look at things casually, and she didn't feel scared, because she knew that there was no existence, and she believed in science.

But it's different now. When the times changed, she learned that those things not only existed and appeared, but had to be touched by herself. How could she not be afraid at all?

However, the police's sense of honor and mission forced her to move forward, so what if she was afraid? Everything needs someone to do it. If she doesn't do it, someone else has to do it. Since she has chosen to become a people's policeman, she has to fulfill her mission, shoulder the burden on her shoulders, and be worthy of that National coat of arms on the hat.

She held a lamp, called Zhang Qing's name, and walked around the apartment building step by step. She was very scared, and she could feel a lot of strange feelings. There was no one, but she walked behind her back, and there were only a few of them present. , but someone patted her on the shoulder and called her name.

She didn't dare to respond, she walked and shouted according to Hu Yitian's instructions, and ignored everything. During this process, she felt that time was too slow, and she was under great pressure every minute and every second. ~The legs seemed to be filled with lead, and it was difficult to move forward.

Qin Hao frowned slightly. He saw a lot of ghosts and ghosts. Some were wandering around and didn't dare to come forward. What the hell!

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