My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1239 Zombies also...


Not long after the camp calmed down, a figure descended from the sky.

A few miles away, Qin Hao already smelled a strong smell of blood. When he arrived at the camp, he saw corpses and bloody scenes all over the ground. The blood hadn't dried up yet. Obviously, not long ago , a big battle took place here.

In terms of the degree of damage to the corpses, it can be seen how tragic the battle was at that time, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it was a unilateral massacre. Because the corpse was so broken that it was difficult to identify, Qin Hao inspected it carefully and finally distinguished it.

One side is a soldier who followed a large army into the Jincheng Mountain Dojo, and the other side is short, thin, and dark-skinned. It doesn't look like a Chinese, but rather a Southeast Asian country.

Moreover, the death methods and conditions of the two parties were also very different. The corpses of these ordinary soldiers exuded a weak, sinister ghostly aura, while the wounds of the other party seemed to have been cut by a sharp knife, with a strong corpse aura.

Since entering here, Qin Hao has seen many people killed by zombies, and the appearance of the wounds is very similar to the few Southeast Asians in front of him. As for those soldiers, no accident, they should have died at the hands of these infiltrating spies. He has also seen evil methods such as the head drop technique before.

After roughly inferring the cause and effect, Qin Hao searched around the camp to see if there were any other clues. This search really led him to find something. In a sleeping bag, he found a notebook and a With a pen, the elegant font and recorded content in the notebook made his pupils constrict suddenly.

This is most likely left by Su Yanran!

Feminine fonts, detailed scientific research records, including daily records, 8~9 out of 10 are her!

The corpses present were all men, and it is also said that this scientific researcher was probably not killed, and was able to escape from the hands of these spies and zombies. Except for Su Yanran, whose physical fitness has been greatly improved after taking the longevity medicine, Qin Hao is not alone. I feel that there are still some of these scientific researchers who can do it.

Even if it was Su Yanran, it was probably just a fluke to escape. After all, there are not a few monks who died at the hands of these zombies and those who were awakened abroad.


In the woods, Su Yanran was running desperately. Behind her, an extremely fast phantom kept jumping among the trees, making the whistling wind. All the big trees were broken by it, a real reckless man.

Under the relentless pursuit of the zombies, even though Su Yanran had already run with all her strength, seeing the distance between the two was getting closer, Su Yanran couldn't help feeling a little flustered. The grace of saving her life gave her a way out.

The next scene surprised Su Yanran even more. She thought that the zombie was a dead thing without intelligence, but the zombie behind her suddenly stopped her pursuit, uprooted a tree next to her, and slammed forward. lost in the past.

A big tree that cannot be hugged by at least one person seems to be of no importance to the hands of this zombie. The speed is extremely fast, as if a sharp arrow is coming, and the wind sounds behind her head. Su Yanran's heart trembles, and she subconsciously wants to avoid it. , but the body couldn't follow the reaction of the brain, so he had to sit and wait.

The good thing is, I don't know if the zombie miscalculated the distance and direction or didn't intend to kill Su Yanran directly. The big tree almost flew past Su Yanran's scalp, and with a loud bang, it stuck straight in front of him. , and half of them got stuck in the ground, and it was pretty good to stop Su Yanran from escaping.

After being blocked for a while, the zombie had already chased him and stopped within two or three meters of Su Yanran.


A roar shook the surrounding leaves to fall, the zombie seemed to be very angry with Su Yanran's escape, the roar sounded like a human being and said, run, run, let me see where you can go!

Su Yanran frowned slightly, she obviously sensed something was wrong, this zombie didn't seem to be completely devoid of intelligence, in terms of the present performance,

Her behavior is very immature, like a child.

Reminiscent of what he did just now, Su Yanran suddenly found out that this zombie had the opportunity to kill her but did not do so. Instead, it seemed to be deliberately playing tricks on her, like a cat catching a mouse. Sometimes it was not for the sake of satiety. How many pets did not eat or drink? More often, it is just to enjoy the sense of accomplishment and fun of catching prey and playing with each other.

Roaring, it thought that Su Yanran would be very afraid of him, but it found that not only was Su Yanran not afraid, there was a kind of fanaticism in his eyes, and he kept looking at it.

Those who are familiar with Su Yanran must understand that this woman has entered the state of a mad scientist again. At this moment, there is no fear or fear in her eyes, and nothing can touch her except research. Obviously, the zombie in front of her is behaving The behavior and child-like intelligence and emotions that came out aroused her great interest.

But the zombie children's shoes didn't know this, it subconsciously felt that Su Yanran's move was a kind of provocation to it, and immediately flew into a rage, opened its bloody mouth wide, revealing its sharp fangs, and wanted to bite Su Yanran's neck.

With such a close distance, and Su Yanran's brain reaction is now more than half a beat slow, this bite is definitely unavoidable.

"Naughty animal! Go away!!!"

At this critical moment, Qin Hao arrived in time. Seeing this scene, his eyes were tearing apart, and his heart trembled with fear. He seemed to have burst out of his potential when he was already galloping at full speed. He reached the same height as in the outside world, and almost rushed to Su Yanran's body in the blink of an eye, barely blocking the blow.

He swung his fist and hit the fangs of the zombie, which was about to bite. Qin Hao used all his strength in this punch, without holding back the slightest hand. With just one punch, the hard fangs of the zombie were crushed by the strength of the fist. It was violently shaken into powder, and at the same time flew upside down a hundred meters away, smashing several big trees in succession.

Not only that, this punch also tore the zombie's face apart, as if it had undergone plastic surgery to open the corners of the mouth, and stinky black blood flowed out, dripping on the grass.

This is because the zombie subconsciously backed away when it was attacked. If it was hit hard by Qin Hao's fist, it is estimated that the whole head would be smashed to pieces and killed immediately!

This punch made this newborn zombie understand what is called a dangerous world. Since she became a zombie and woke up, she killed several people almost without any power to fight back. She didn't expect to meet such a hard stubble from Qin Hao, and she also I don't know if it was frightened or what, it got up from the ground with a gurgling sound, turned around and ran away, without the vicious aura that killed everything just now.


What the hell! Do you still want to beat my chest with your small fist? Even if you are a female zombie, if you want to act like a baby, you have to be of the same kind, what are you talking about with me?

Qin Hao felt that his three views had been impacted, and subconsciously wanted to chase and kill him. Fortunately, Su Yanran stopped him in time, and explained the reason for this zombie. Qin Hao sighed after listening, Let it go.

In fact, so what if we don’t give up? Being stopped by Su Yanran like this, even if Qin Hao wants to chase now, it may be too late. There are so many zombies here, the number is far beyond imagination, and there is no way to kill them all. It is better to go inside and explore this area.

According to the laws of those places of inheritance abroad, this kind of ashram that is sealed in the folding space will not be opened for too long. As long as you find the eye and find the way out, it will be sealed again, unless it is opened next time. time, otherwise it is impossible to get in.

As for when it will be opened, only the devil knows! It may be a hundred years, it may be a thousand years, or it may be longer.

This is somewhat similar to the Burial Ground. After Qin Hao and Su Yanran came out from there, the latter had brought excellent and sophisticated equipment to the Eye of the South China Sea to search for the entrance of the Ruins. However, it was clearly the direction they entered at the beginning. Later I went but could not see any trace, and finally had to return without success.

It was concluded that they were able to enter the Boneyard at that time, entirely relying on the energy erupted from the world tree seed to accidentally open the seal of the Boneyard, which brought them in. , naturally can't get in.

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