My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 175 Going to Your House

Just when Yang Yongxin insisted on going his own way and instigated the security guards to arrest Qin Hao, there was a loud shout outside the office door, and then a group of doctors in white coats hurried in. The leader was Qin Hao's nephew Wang Huachi.

Post-Ke Chou Ke Cool Enemy Learning by Yang Yue Ku

The Affiliated Hospital of Tianhai University School of Medicine is the hospital where Wang Huachi is the dean, and it is exactly the same. After Qin Hao heard about this hospital, he was so confident that he would definitely win it. Work needs, this little nephew should cooperate well.

When the dean came in person, Yang Yong had a bad feeling in his confidence, and he panicked immediately, secretly hating who knows who was ignorant, and even alarmed the dean, if the dean sees those evidences, then he will die deal.

Thinking of this, Yang Yongxin decided to seize the opportunity and he had to speak in front of Qin Hao. He hurried up to greet him: "Dean, why are you here? This guy is a lunatic. In order to sign a contract with our hospital, he also went to the hospital early in the morning." He forced his way in without an appointment, without knocking on the door, and even raped me without agreeing to sign the bill..."

Before Yang Yongxin finished speaking, Wang Huachi walked past him, which made him very embarrassed, not to say no, but to continue talking.

Just when he was hesitating about how to deal with it, Wang Huachi had already walked in front of Qin Hao, and respectfully saluted the latter: "Mr. Qin, are you all right? What happened? What do I need to do?"

At this moment, Yang Yongxin only felt that his head was blown apart as if he had been hit by five thunders, and he was completely empty.

Knot far not far

He couldn't believe that the president of Tianda Affiliated Hospital, the leader in Tianhai's medical field, the old professor of Tianhai University School of Medicine, and an old man who occupies half of the Chinese medicine field knew Qin Hao. Not only that, looking at the old man's appearance, it seems that he is very respectful to him, just like a son meeting his father.

Qin Hao directly threw the mobile phone in his hand in front of Wang Huachi: "I heard that there are a lot of shady scenes in the hospital before. They ask for money on the operating table, and doctors can get commissions for prescribing expensive medicines for patients. I didn't expect to find out today. Compared to the logistics department of your hospital, that’s nothing. If I can also be a director of your logistics department, a cadre or something, I guess I can earn enough money to buy a villa in two years. , opened the harem."

The knot is not far away, the cool queen hates Moyang, I am too careful

Wang Huachi picked up the phone and began to look through it slowly. His face became darker and darker, and finally turned livid. He suddenly looked at the security guards beside him: "Arrest Yang Yongxin and call the police immediately!"

Not far away, the cool queen hates Moyang, my eunuch. Seeing the miserable appearance of my brother-in-law,

Wang Ming couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart. He wanted to save him, but he didn't dare to reach out. Now that Yang Yongxin was covered in fishy smell, he couldn't hide in time, so how dare he touch it? If he was involved in a joint relationship, maybe even he would be finished.

Yang Yongxin was immediately paralyzed, kneeling on the ground, he finally understood what Qin Hao meant when he said to give him a chance, but unfortunately, he realized it at this time, it was already too late.

"President Wang, Mr. Qin, please forgive me, please let me go, please..." Yang Yongxin hugged Wang Huachi's calf and desperately begged for mercy. He knew in his heart that once he and the evidence were handed over to the police , his life is doomed.

It's a pity that what he was facing was an old pedant with stubborn thinking like Wang Huachi, and he would not show mercy to him at all, not to mention that he offended the latter's master uncle, whether public or private, Wang Huachi could not let him go. over him.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, help me, brother-in-law, help me..." Yang Yongxin saw that his begging was fruitless, and he hurriedly crawled to his brother-in-law who was the senior vice president, crying for help.

Seeing the miserable appearance of his brother-in-law, Wang Ming couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart. He wanted to save him, but he didn't dare to reach out. Now Yang Yongxin was covered in fishy smell, and he couldn't hide in time, so how dare he touch it? If he was involved in a joint relationship, maybe even he would be finished.

Wang Ming's indifference caused Yang Yongxin to feel very chilled. In his desperation, he even had the idea that he would have to hold back even if he died.

After getting rid of the big obstacle of Yang Yongxin, the matter of signing the order is much easier. The Mu's Group itself enjoys a high reputation in Tianhai and even the whole country. It is also an old star enterprise with strong strength and product quality. It has always been at the forefront , It can be said that it is extremely in line with the regulations of the hospital.

In addition, Qin Hao is now working in Mu's, and he also came to run business in person. As the saying goes, fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields. On the premise of not violating the law and morals, Wang Huachi, a nephew, of course, did not hesitate to transfer all the hospital's quota. It was all given to Qin Hao.

A big bill of 300 million yuan, Shu Ya didn't recover until the two walked out of the hospital building. Ordinary pharmaceutical companies have a commission of 3% to 5%. Since Mu Qianxue came to power, Mu's benefits have increased greatly, and the commission has also reached 10%. A list of 300 million means that he will get A commission of three million was far beyond everyone's imagination.

Knot far away Fang Ship Institute Leng Qiuyue Feng

The commission of three million yuan is usually so much for a group's commission and business volume in a month, and it is often not even reached, but now Qin Hao can handle it easily, no matter how Shu Ya thinks, she thinks it is too incredible.

Although I was very surprised about Qin Hao's origin, for example, why the dean seemed to be afraid of Qin Hao and respected him, and how did Qin Hao find out so much information about Yang Yongxin's dereliction of duty and bribery, but with Shu With Ya's character, she couldn't ask these questions at all.

Qin Hao didn't bother to explain, but just handed over the contract to Shu Ya: "Leave the contract with you first, don't tell anyone but us, let Fatty Huang be proud for a while, I'm looking forward to it. When Fatty thinks that the chances of winning are at stake, what kind of expression will the other party have when we take out this contract?"

As she said that, she also let out a smirk, and even Shu Ya couldn't help but look forward to and fantasize about Fatty Huang's expression.

"By the way, since we have signed such a large list, you don't have to worry about the performance and the disbandment of the group. In the next few days, read more information. I will take you out to see if it's okay, and get in touch with new people. , I thought about it all night last night, maybe I was too impatient before, so the method is a bit inappropriate. Next, I will consider taking it slowly as appropriate, and you try to adapt as much as possible."

"En." Shu Ya said softly, "Qin Hao, thank you."

After finishing speaking, she quickly lowered her head, her little face was flushed, and she almost dropped her head into the seat.

The sudden thanks, especially when he heard it from Shu Ya, Qin Hao was really taken aback, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Immediately afterwards, he showed a knowing smile again, and Qin Hao was quite happy to hear words other than sorry from Shu Ya's mouth. At least, this indicated that the girl's heart began to relax, and her autistic situation also improved. .

Sun Yuanqiu is not cool, Enemy Chamo troubles me the earliest

"You don't need to thank me. After all, I'm also your man. How can you be so polite with your own man? If you really want to thank me, then you can invite me to dinner tonight. Isn't this condition too much?"

Shu Ya nodded: "Okay, okay. It's just..."


The girl blushed a little: "Just don't go to places that are too expensive."

Sun is not far away, cool, Sun hates Mo, learns from Gufan alone

"Okay, I understand, your dead salary is really not much. How about this, let's go to your door for dinner at night, or, if you can cook, you can invite me to your house to eat, which will save money."

"I can cook." Shu Ya said subconsciously, but then she was sensitive and suddenly realized: "You, are you going to my house?"

Qin Hao smiled helplessly: "What are you thinking about, girl? Not to mention that I am your man, even if I don't have that kind of relationship, if I want to bully you, I can do it now, or last night. It's not me who brags, but you. With the dull gourd's personality, I guess I bullied you three or four times and you wouldn't dare to say anything."

Shu Ya was poked in the center of her mind by Qin Hao, her little face turned red immediately, her little head was lowered even more, and she wished she could find a crack in the ground to get in.

ps: In the last month of Chuxin's new book list of flowers, ask for flowers, beg for flowers. . . . . . ,. . .

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