My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 177 The gods descend to earth,...

But in less than 30 seconds, Qin Hao killed all the thugs who were still alive and kicking just now, leaving only a few people who stayed in the car to watch over the middle-aged women and little girls. When they saw something was wrong, He had already started the car directly and wanted to escape.

However, how could Qin Hao let them get what they wished? His character is like this, he either doesn't make a move, and since he is forced to make a move, it is impossible for him to be anticlimactic. Besides, since the little girl had a good relationship with him before, saving her is not too much of a business.

In the van, the remaining three thugs were also panicked, almost stepped on the gas pedal, and turned their heads from time to time, for fear that Qin Hao would catch up.

It has to be said that Qin Hao's ruthless methods and precise marksmanship made them feel terrified. People who are not afraid of death will also collapse due to the endless panic pressure when they encounter such a terrifying monster like Qin Hao.

Fortunately, Qin Hao was not seen in the rearview mirror, and the thug in the co-pilot finally felt relieved: "Fortunately, that guy didn't chase after me, I really don't understand what's going on in Huaguo, Can you encounter such a monster casually?"

"Jack, it's good to be alive. No wonder the seniors said that Huaguo is our forbidden land. Anyway, after finishing this vote, I don't want to come to this country again in my life. It's too scary..." The gangster who was driving Driving, said with lingering fear.

"Then what about these two goals? We have suffered heavy losses in this operation, and we have to run with two women, which will inevitably increase the degree of difficulty." The gangster who was guarding the middle-aged woman and the little girl in the back row also interjected.

Jack looked back at the trembling middle-aged woman who was holding the little girl tightly in her arms and hid in the corner of the carriage. Without any hesitation, he said coldly: "Fike, kill the big one, and kill the young one this time." The target of the action, touching her is touching our ney."

"Okay!" Fick got the order, with a cruel smile on his face, he took out his pistol and pointed it at the middle-aged woman.

Sun Qiuke's hatred and hatred will not be closed

Pointed at the muzzle of the black hole, the string that the middle-aged woman had been tightening had almost reached its limit, and it suddenly broke at this moment, and she was so frightened that she passed out.

However, at the moment when Fick's finger was about to pull the trigger, the van that was about to reach the exit suddenly encountered a violent impact. The rear half of the body bounced up, and the rear wheels were nearly one meter away from the ground. It hung in the air for a few seconds before falling heavily.

The knot is not far, the party hates the cold technology secret

"Fuck! Ai Rui, how do you drive!" The sudden impact was unexpected by Fick, and the pistol he was holding tightly almost went off due to the shaking and impact of the car.

He was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, and he couldn't help but yelled softly while covering his painful head.

But the strange thing is, apart from his yelling, there was no response in the car, and Airi and Jack in the front row didn't even say a word, but the heavy breathing of the two could be clearly heard in the silent car.

"Ai Rui, what are you doing? Why..." Fick looked up and complained dissatisfiedly, but before he finished speaking, he was completely dumbfounded.

The car didn't hit a wall or another car, but a person. Specifically, it should be the car that the person deliberately hit.

Qin Hao, who was supposed to be in the parking lot behind, unexpectedly appeared in front of their car at some point, like a god descending from the earth, with both hands firmly pressed on the hood of the car, causing the hood to collapse completely As a result, the car was forced to stop, and the glass was shattered by the shock.

Fick was stunned, big beads of sweat dripped down his forehead unconsciously, and pointed at Qin Hao in horror: "Hey, what's going on here? Fuck! How did he appear here?"

Ai Rui and Jack in the front row were equally shocked, their eyes were so wide that they almost popped their eyeballs out. Compared with Fick who didn't know what happened, the shock and horror in their hearts were stronger than the latter's. Ten times more, more than a hundred times.

The car was clearly driving well, but Qin Hao suddenly descended from the sky like a god descending from the sky, slapped the hood of the car with his eyes, bounced the car off the ground, and the engine was slapped off, but the other party did nothing wrong.

Revenge is not far away

A person crashes into a car, and the car is almost scrapped, but the person is intact. Is this really a person? This is a monster, right? Or, is this person made of his steel?

"Okay!" Fick got the order, with a cruel smile on his face, he took out his pistol and pointed it at the middle-aged woman.

"Hey, how are you all?" Qin Hao propped his hands on the hood of the car, showing a wicked smile. In the eyes of the three gangsters, this smile was as terrifying and ferocious as the god of death who came out of hell to harvest their lives.

"Leave in such a hurry? Don't talk more? You want to leave, but you haven't asked my opinion yet?"

"Kill him!" Airi couldn't take it any longer. The monster in front of him was really terrifying. The powerful coercion posed a great threat to his life, making him hardly even dare to breathe. At the moment before his heart collapsed, he decided that it would be better to fight to the death than to suffer such horrible torture.

Ai Rui drew out his gun as if shooting at Qin Hao. Unfortunately, the speed at which he drew the gun and the speed at which Qin Hao shot was completely different. Before the gun was raised, Qin Hao's hands had already climbed up to Ai Rui and Jack respectively. neck.


There was a crisp sound almost at the same time, which represented the end of the two lives. It was still the simple and brutal way of killing with their necks broken.

"Ah... don't come here, spare me, spare me..." Fick was really too scared. In his heart, being tortured by fear like this was much more unbearable than death.

Sun Bubu's love rival hates Gu Fanshu's rival

The corner of Qin Hao's mouth raised slightly, he moved his feet, and in the next second his body appeared in the car.

Glancing at the comatose middle-aged woman and the still sober little girl hugging each other tightly, Qin Hao stretched out his hand to gently cover the girl's eyes, and gave Fick the order of death: "You, go down and accompany your brother Come on! Die!"

Far away, Sun Chasuo, Yang Fang, Momo

This sentence has basically declared death. Fick has already reached the Jedi and is about to shoot Qin Hao directly. He is confident that at such a short distance, he can hit a vital point with one shot, such as the head or heart, even if he can't kill him. Qin Hao can also make him feel the threat of death.

It's a pity that he is still too slow. In Qin Hao's eyes, the action of drawing a gun and shooting it has been practiced countless times is almost like slowing down, and the steps are even more clear.


With this sound, Fick's head was also decisively twisted off by Qin Hao. At this point, more than a dozen gun-wielding bandits who intended to kidnap the little girl were all wiped out by Qin Hao.

"Wow..." When she realized that the danger was lost, the little girl suddenly cried loudly. For her age, it was really terrible for such a thing to happen.

Qin Hao stretched out his hand and touched the little girl's head comfortingly. At the same time, he checked the middle-aged woman's body and found that she just fainted, so she was relieved.


At this moment, Qin Hao, who has keen ears, has already heard the siren of the police car outside. He does not want to deal with the police all day long. Although he is not afraid, he is even less willing to cause trouble. , Ordinary life is about to say goodbye again.

He smiled and glanced at the little boy who had witnessed everything, and patted his little head: "Girl, the police uncle is coming soon, don't tell them that I saved you, otherwise, uncle won't be here in the future." I saved you, you know?"

"Hmm..." The little girl nodded heavily.

Qin Hao smiled with satisfaction, and at the same time stretched out his finger: "Come on, let's pull the hook."

"Hanging on the hook, it cannot be changed for a hundred years..."

Sun Ke is far away from the enemy and inspects Leng Gu's most

ps: In the last month of Chuxin's new book list of flowers, ask for flowers, beg for flowers. . . . . . ,. . .

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