Before this group of cold-faced soldiers touched Qin Hao and Mu Qianxue, suddenly, there was an angry shout from behind Qin Hao, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

Houdi Keke alone hates Suo Yang and refers to Fang Suo

"Dare to touch my boss and sister-in-law? Court death!"

Before the words fell, a figure suddenly jumped out, rushed to the front of several soldiers in the blink of an eye, raised his foot and kicked violently, the man had no time to react, he was kicked four or five meters away, lying on the ground Straight hum.

Earth and Enemies

The crowd let out a burst of exclamation, obviously they didn't expect that someone on Qin Hao's side would dare to do something, even the few soldiers who carried out the arrest didn't expect that, in their opinion, if it wasn't for carelessness, how could it be possible with their skills? Easily overturned.

However, they clearly overestimated themselves.

Qiu Lin didn't intend to stop there, and shot again without stopping at all. This time, they were ready, but they still didn't last ten seconds under Qiu Lin's hands.

"You guys dare to touch my boss and sister-in-law? A bunch of trash!" Qiu Lin spit out a mouthful of phlegm with a disdainful expression on his face. A soldier baptized in blood is really too tender.

Mu Qianxue's face changed drastically at this moment. She knew that Qiu Lin's move was to vent her anger on her and Qin Hao, but the other party was after all a member of Duanmu's family and had the official identity of the special investigation team.

As the saying goes, the people don't fight with the officials. Now Qin Hao and the others have injured these soldiers. To put it lightly, they are obstructing official duties, but the main point is to resist law enforcement and arrest. Even if the opponent draws a gun and kills them on the spot, it is not too much.

Qin Hao seemed to see Mu Qianxue's uneasiness and worry, reached out to hold her little hand tightly, and gave her a reassuring smile, meaning to make her feel at ease.

Sure enough, just as Mu Qianxue guessed, Qiu Lin's counterattack was like throwing a stone into a calm lake, causing an uproar.

"Resisting arrest? Raise the gun!"

Following Duanmu Hongliang's order, only the sound of bullets being loaded was heard. The muzzles of the 95-type rifles and 92-type pistols equipped by the troops were all aimed at Qiu Lin. As long as Duanmu Hongliang gave the order, they would The posture of shooting immediately.

Facing the muzzle of the gun, Qiu Lin's face showed no fear, not even a slight change. He still stared at the other party with contemptuous eyes, as if those guns that could take people's lives at any time were as useless as toys in his eyes. different,

If Qin Hao hadn't stopped him in time, he would have continued to attack.

Duanmu Hongliang walked up to Qin Hao with his hands behind his back: "Qin Hao, as far as Duanmu Xiong's cousin is concerned, I wish you could continue to fight. This would save me a lot of trouble, and I will shoot you on the spot. I'll go back to work. But, I'm suddenly curious, what kind of lump did you come out of, and you can be so lawless, I won't talk about beating stump Muxiong, and you dare to resist arrest today, really Don't know how to write dead?

I think, for a person like you, shooting you on the spot is too cheap, and I feel sorry for your ignorance. So, I decided to let you go, I want to take you back and train and train you well, at least let you understand why you fell into such a situation, ignorance is much more pitiful than death. Now, the choice is in your hands, if you want to implicate President Mu, then just do it. But I can warn you, there are only three things to do, and if you are against the country and the law, you are nothing more than mantises. "

With Qiu Lin's violent temper, how can he accept his boss being threatened by others? He knows the glory of his boss. The identity of the four emperors is not just a simple identity. It represents the four strongest emperors in the underground world, representing The pattern of the underground world is an honor recognized by the world's powerful.

But what is Duanmu Hongliang? He is just a son of a wealthy family in Huaguo, relying on his family, and squandering the rights given to him by the people of the country. If there is no Duanmu family, is he considered a ball? But it is such a bastard who dares to threaten Qin Hao, how can he, who has already integrated the word pride into his bones, bear it.

"You guys are looking for death!" Qiu Lin was really angry at this moment, his eyes were extremely sharp, and there was no trace of usual foolishness on his resolute face, only the cold chill and murderous aura, as if from hell The devil walking out of the bloody sea of ​​corpses is terrifying.

Sun Qiuqiu's Complex Technique and the Lonely Ghost

Qiu Lin's change made everyone click their tongues and feel fear in their hearts. Even Duanmu Hongliang felt a bad feeling in his heart, as if he was being targeted by a wild beast.

However, the children from the big family are different. They have a very high psychological quality, and they soon calmed down. They were a little bit annoyed and stared at Qiu Lin with unkind eyes: "What? You can't wait anymore? Want to continue to fight to the end? If Yes, I will fulfill you right away!"

As soon as Duanmu Hongliang finished speaking, all the guns were aimed at Qiu Lin. As long as he moved, he would be completely smashed into a sieve.

Mu Qianxue became anxious, and quickly tugged on Qin Hao's sleeve. She understood that Qiu Lin only listened to Qin Hao, and the only one who could stop him now was Qin Hao. If Qiu Lin dared to attack again, there was really no room for maneuver. Even if Qin Hao and the others were ridiculously strong enough, they could even fight out from here, but what about in the future?

Can they still stay in China? Are they going to be wanted criminals and flee from Huaguo for the rest of their lives? He left, what should I do? People, with concern, you will naturally feel bound when doing things.

Qin Hao has concerns, Mu Qianxue, Mu Qianjun, Yun Shan, Song Yao...

They are all his concerns, just like what Mu Qianxue said before, think about her and Mu Qianjun before making a decision, think about the consequences, and then make a decision, don't let yourself regret it.

"Qin Hao, do you know what the consequences will be if you continue like this? I always thought you were a smart person, and they thought you were ignorant. In fact, I know that you understand better than anyone else, so choose carefully. , don’t forget, there are two women behind you. No, it should be a large group of women.”

Lin Chaoyang, who was watching the play quietly, finally spoke at this moment. He wanted Qin Hao to be punished, but he didn't want him to die so soon. Even, if there is a chance, he can save him. Of course, the premise is that Qin Hao wants to work hard for him. This is for the sake of sympathy. Otherwise, why should he open this mouth with Duanmu's family?

Qin Hao reached out and grabbed Qiu Lin's shoulder, pulled him back, took a step forward, faced everyone, and lit a cigarette with a faint smile on his face: "Of course I know the consequences. Lin Chaoyang, you know me Why do you just stop clicking every time you find trouble?"

No place, no place, no place, no place to fight

"What do you mean?" Lin Chaoyang was a little dazed, and clicked? Looking at Duan Muxiong's tragic appearance, it seems that it does not fit this term.

"What he meant was that if it wasn't for knowing the consequences, you would have gone to see Lord Hades long ago!"

Hou Di Ke is not alone in Cha You Yang technology revenge

ps: Thanks for the praise of "little dolphin_23967124" children's shoes,

pps: Today I attended a good brother's wedding, drank some wine at noon, woke up after ten o'clock, and will write another chapter or two later. The updates owed this weekend have been counted by Chuxin. There are six updates in total. Starting tomorrow, Chuxin will add one chapter a day, that is, four updates a day. If there is no chapter, Chuxin will let everyone know, so please rest assured. This month's promised update will not be pigeonholed. Finally, I am asking for a wave of flowers, please. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Leng Dufan's most important study of enemies from afar

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