My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 277: Hua Ximeng's Thoughts...

cough cough...

Hua Ximeng choked, coughed, glanced at Qin Hao, and said helplessly, "Mr. Qin, you misunderstood, I am not a widow, I am not married at all."

Qin Hao opened his mouth, with a surprised expression on his face. After a while, he seemed to think of something, and his expression was full of apology again: "I'm sorry, it reminded you of something sad again. Did the man have an accident when Fengzi got married? Or that The man is a scumbag, ran away? It shouldn't be the second type, with your family background, no man would be willing to run away, and he wouldn't dare to run away..."

Seeing Qin Hao's wild guesses like talking to himself, Hua Ximeng went crazy and almost vomited blood out of breath, originally thought that he should be polite to his benefactor, but now he couldn't care less, and said angrily: "I have never had a man! Mr. Qin, stop guessing, and Guoguo is my biological daughter!"

Qin Hao was completely confused. He didn't have sex with a man, but he had a biological daughter. When did human beings become hermaphroditic animals?

People from the city, how can they play!

After such a commotion, the atmosphere became even more embarrassing. Fortunately, the little girl took the initiative to intervene at this time: "Mom, Mom, Guoguo is hungry, let's go have dinner with Superman's father."

"Okay... wait, Guoguo, you called him Superman's father just now? Could it be that he was the one from last time?" Hua Ximeng seemed to have suddenly realized something, and asked in surprise.

Guoguo nodded heavily: "Yeah, last time those villains who grabbed me and Grandma Jiang with guns were beaten away by Superman's father. Guoguo likes Superman's father the most."

After receiving this news, Hua Ximeng turned her head to look at Qin Hao with complicated eyes: "Mr. Qin, when we were in the underground parking lot of the hospital a few days ago..."

Qin Hao naturally knew what Hua Ximeng wanted to ask, and nodded, "Yes, it was me. It was also a coincidence that day. I happened to go to the hospital to talk about pen business. When I left, I happened to meet, so I solved it smoothly. So, that day Only when you ask me to come to see a doctor for this little girl will I say that I have a destiny with her."

"Mr. Qin, how do you ask me to repay you like this? Guoguo is my lifeblood, I can't live without her, but you have helped her twice when her life was in danger." Hua Ximeng's words Zhongman expressed gratitude, but in fact, there was also a trace of conflicting emotion.

No one knows that ever since Qin Hao healed Guoguo who was in a coma that day, tenderly treated Hua Ximeng's arm wound, and comforted her, there was an extra person in Hua Ximeng's heart, and the figure that often appeared in his mind It also switches between the masked man and Qin Hao.

Sun Dike's cool enemy school made early feather finger


When she learned that Qin Hao had saved her daughter once in the underground parking lot of the hospital, her heart became more complicated.

Compared with treating patients and saving lives, the thrill of the underground parking lot was much more terrifying. When she arrived, she saw corpses, blood, bullet casings and guns scattered all over the floor. The car, the pillars, the walls, the elevator doors, are full of scars, bullet holes and bullet marks that speak volumes about the intense gunfight that took place not so long ago.

Jie Yuan Ke Qiu Gui Shuo Institute of Ruthless Ghosts

In such a situation, if one is not careful, one will be injured or even die. However, Qin Hao still protects Guoguo and her most important person. How can she not be moved by this.

Don't think that Hua Ximeng is emotionally superficial and changes too fast. For a young single mother without a man to rely on, the child is her everything, the flesh that falls from her body, and all her emotional sustenance is on the child.

And what about the masked man? It's just a dream of Hua Ximeng. She has no name, no face, and she doesn't even know what clothes she is wearing. The only thing she can remember is the vague figure in her impression and saving their lives from terrorists. scene.

The hero saves the beauty, although it is old-fashioned, it is very practical. At least, this is the case for Hua Ximeng. However, a dream is a dream after all, she doesn't know anything, she has no clue, and the masked man tends to be an illusory thought in her heart.

And what about Qin Hao? This is real people! He saved Guoguo twice in a row, and even risked his life once. Based on this alone, he was no better than the masked man.

Furthermore, Qin Hao's appearance is not bad, his identity is mysterious, his ability is not low, and he treats his daughter and himself very tenderly. Such a man is very attractive to a single woman who is approaching the age of wolf and tiger and has been lonely for a long time. fatal attraction.

What's more, Hua Ximeng also has a daughter. She has long passed the age of dreaming. The reason why she has not found a man is because she can't find a suitable one, and also because of this slightly autistic daughter.

No matter from which aspect, the real Qin Hao is more suitable than the somewhat illusory masked man dreaming, but unfortunately, he already has a wife.

When Qin Hao healed Guoguo's illness, Hua Ximeng asked someone to present Qin Hao's information in front of her, so she naturally knew about the relationship between Qin Hao and Mu Qianxue.

At that time, her affection for Qin Hao was not as strong as it is now, so she didn't think too much about it.

But it's different now. Qin Hao has done so much, but never mentioned a word, and never asked for a reward. How does Hua Ximeng think about this?

Just like a sentence, there is no love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason, because of these reasons, there will be the result of Hua Ximeng's liking for Qin Hao.

Qin Hao didn't notice Hua Ximeng's resentful tone, he waved his hands and smiled: "It's a trivial matter, I didn't know this little girl when I rescued Guoguo before, and I didn't even think about remuneration at all, it's just because of fate .Besides, so many people died, and these troubles were suppressed by you, President Hua."

"Call me Ximeng. In terms of your kindness to our mother and daughter, the three words President Hua are like slapping me in the face." Hua Ximeng sighed quietly, "Those troubles were caused by Guoguo. I have an obligation to solve it. Your kindness to our mother and daughter is another story, how can I feel at ease if I don't repay it?"

Unrequited love and unrequited love

Qin Hao thought about it, and thought it was the same, who is Hua Ximeng? The granddaughter of Hua's parents has a prominent background and owns a family business as big as Ximeng Group, which involves heavy industry, energy, people's livelihood and other fields. It is conceivable that there are countless men who have thoughts about her.

He is also a man, he has kindness to Hua Ximeng's mother and daughter, but he is unwilling to repay, so it is easy for Hua Ximeng to have some other thoughts and misunderstandings. It can be said that most of the thoughts in Hua Ximeng's mind were caused by Qin Hao himself, and he didn't even think about how damaging it would be to treat a woman so well.

The enemy is far away, the enemy is far away, the only one is Sun Qiu, Mo Yang is the most troubled

Therefore, accepting the reward honestly is the safest solution.

It's just that he didn't do these things to ask for rewards or to make a deal. He just wanted to. If he wanted to be paid, he turned his original intention into a deal. This is not what he wants to see .

With such hesitation, Qin Hao lost the best opportunity to resolve the misunderstanding.

"Mom, Dad, Guoguo is almost hungry, Guoguo wants to eat together..." The little girl's words suppressed what Qin Hao wanted to explain.

Looking at the lovely daughter in Qin Hao's arms, Hua Ximeng's face was full of love: "Okay, let's go have dinner together. Xiaohao, no matter what you think, you are our mother and daughter after all. Benefactor, if Guoguo likes you so much, you should have agreed to treat me to dinner, right?"

Looking at the expectant eyes of the mother and daughter, Qin Hao did not hesitate this time, but nodded with a smile: "I listen to you, Sister Meng."

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