My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 332 What is a country

Bai Ruolin couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, she was extremely speechless.

At the very beginning, she really almost believed in Qin Hao's evil. After all, rumors about him in the army were widely circulated. The underground world has made such a big name again, and people can't help but be amazed.

Before, when Bai Ruolin came into contact with Qin Hao, she didn't know how excited she was. It had nothing to do with love, but she was somewhat similar to Mochizuki Chiyo, she was Qin Hao's little fan girl.

Unexpectedly, the deeper the contact, the more he discovered that Qin Hao is not what he imagined. Although he is still as powerful as the rumors, he is not as cold as he said, and even a little weird and guilty.

Just like now, after talking nonsense for a long time, Bai Ruolin felt that the idol image in her heart had collapsed because of a woman's upset.

After the hatred is far away, the hatred is secreted by the indifference

"Tell me, what are you looking for me for? I don't have that much time to chat with you." Qin Hao leaned on the railing of the roof, took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, lit it, and took a deep breath. Slowly spit out a faint blue smoke, and smoking a cigarette when you are upset seems to be a good way to resolve it.

When it comes to business matters, Bai Ruolin has a serious face, she puts away her personal feelings, and said: "Zero, I'm here to look for you on behalf of the higher-ups. You haven't returned to the team for five and a half years. The higher-ups said that if you don't return to the team in six years, you will be killed." will be dismissed from the military."

"Zero, it's been five and a half years. No one has called my code name for five and a half years. I almost forgot myself." Qin Hao muttered to himself, a little dazed.

Zero was Qin Hao's code name during his service, and it was also the code name of Qin Hao's team at that time, because he was the captain of the team. However, all the other members of the team are dead now, and he is the only commander left. This code name has become a memory, an unbearable, regretful, and painful memory.

"If you get fired, just get fired, I can't wait to get fired quickly." Qin Hao came back to his senses, and said with a sneer, "Bai Ruolin, do you think you guys are stupid? Are you trying to scare me? Do you think I look like a fool? Zero The team is gone, and the captain Zero has died along with the team members in that mission. Now you ask me to return to the team, where do I go? Is there still the Zero team? Is there any place for me to return? I still want to go Returning to the army? I know, you just want me to help deal with Yan Futi, so you want me to go back first, keep my military status, and become a soldier again, so you have to obey orders, don't you?"

Bai Ruolin didn't speak, she remained silent, because she also knew that what Qin Hao said was the truth, and that was the plan of the higher authorities.

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Even if what Qin Hao said was true, even if Qin Hao was the idol she once admired and the role model she wanted to be, she still couldn't accept Qin Hao's sneering attitude now.

Bai Ruolin took a deep breath, suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "Senior, don't you have any patriotic feelings? Don't you want to re-create the zero team? Are you willing to let the zero team disappear like this? Is it? Although the zero team is gone, the number and organization have been kept. Why? Isn’t it just to see you come back one day? Think about it, country, country, how can there be a home if there is no country? The country gives Given our extraordinary treatment, we should..."

"Hehe, are you still playing the emotional card? Moral kidnapping?" Before Bai Ruolin could finish speaking, Qin Hao interrupted her directly, frowning and said, "Bai Ruolin, let me ask you, why did the zero team disappear? "

Bai Ruolin opened her mouth, didn't speak, fell silent again, and after a while she murmured, "Because, because they all died."

"Then what did they sacrifice for?"

"For the country."

Sun Yuandi's Ke Kuang hates fighting and fighting skills

"Okay! It's good that you know!" Qin Hao straightened up, flicked the cigarette butt away in his hand, stepped forward and walked in front of Bai Ruolin, his eyes fixed on Bai Ruolin's eyes, making her afraid to look directly, and lowered her eyes head.

Qin Hao directly straightened her head, forced her to look at him, and said almost word for word: "I'll tell you right now, the zero team sacrificed for the country, and eleven lives were just because of the country's mission." Disappeared forever. They have elderly parents, newly married wives, and some even have sons and daughters, but they can no longer see them. For the sake of the country, eleven good families have been destroyed. These, do you know?!"

At this moment, his eyes were red, and the veins on his neck were bulging. He tried his best to suppress the raging blood and emotions about to collapse in his body, and his body trembled a little due to the exertion.

"But, they are all soldiers. The duty of a soldier is to defend the country. It is inevitable that there will be casualties on the battlefield. There is no way to do it. The country, we don't even want to. We can all understand your emotions. But you can't hate the whole country just because of a piece of rat shit, there are traitors, it's true that the higher authorities can't deal with you, but that's not their original intention." Bai Ruolin dodged Qin Hao's gaze, She still understood that what Qin Hao said was the truth, but she still couldn't agree with it, and couldn't help explaining in a low voice that she lacked confidence.

"I know." Qin Hao let go of Bai Ruolin's shoulders, took out his cigarette and lit it a little irritably, took a strong puff, and smoked the whole cigarette at once.

This was the first time Bai Ruolin saw someone who could finish a cigarette in one gulp, so she couldn't help being a little dazed.

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Feeling that the restless mood calmed down a little bit, Qin Hao threw away the cigarette butt and said again: "So, I don't hate the country, even if I still have complaints in my heart, I can control myself not to let it explode. Because I understand that these are brothers Our choice is also my own choice. When we put on the mercenary uniform without number and pick up the weapons without code, we know what our choice is and what the consequences will be. Defend the country , to kill the enemy bravely, in case of death, it is a worthy death.

It is precisely because of this belief that they all sacrificed, and the zero team was wiped out, leaving only me as a polished commander. I also narrowly escaped death and lived again. From then on, until now, it has been my new life, my second life. The first life, I have dedicated to the country, my brothers, a total of eleven lives, eleven happy families, also dedicated to the country, the zero team also gave to the country. We have already given what we can, and we don't owe the country anything! "

Bai Ruolin didn't speak anymore, not because she was thinking about what to say, but because she really didn't know what to say.

Qin Hao's words were different from the education she had received in the army and in the organization, even in ancient times, they were a bit rebellious, but somehow, Bai Ruolin felt that there was nothing wrong with Qin Hao's words, although She didn't think it was right either.

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She had never heard such sad and angry words, nor had she seen Qin Hao's sad and angry appearance, but she felt that those words made sense, which confused her.

She was even thinking, if she and her brother became like this, what would happen to the grandfather who served as a lieutenant general and the father of a major general at home, would he be like Qin Hao? still……

"You bring my words to the higher-ups, including the last sentence, and you must tell them! As for the zero team, it is gone, and I am no longer zero. I am now Qin Hao, a person who wants to become an ordinary person. ordinary people."

Qin Hao took a breath, raised his head and looked at the night sky, the sky was gray, without a single star, and he felt a little depressed.

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"Yes, senior." Bai Ruolin opened her mouth, wanting to comfort Qin Hao, but in the end she only said these three words.

"Senior, there is another sentence I want to bring to you. If you go back, the military department will hold a memorial service for all members of the zero team. At the same time, the zero team can also participate in the military parade next year."

After leaving these words, the somewhat confused Bai Ruolin left in a hurry, leaving only Qin Hao who was still leaning on the railing looking up at the night sky in a daze, motionless...

ps: There are only two updates today, and the original intention of the following plot needs to be considered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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