My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 374: Bad Premonition...

Qin Hao walked resolutely, without turning his head, strode to the front yard, got on the car and started to leave. From the beginning to the end, his movements did not stop at all, as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water, which is enough to show his firm determination, gently Come, go gently, don't take a cloud.

Hua Ximeng cried very sadly, but after Qin Hao left, she finally realized the reality, what you want may not be yours, and what you don't want may not be yours.

Although the process was painful, it was not necessarily a relief. At this moment, Hua Ximeng felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

Thinking of these days, I have been troubled by love, worried about this, afraid of that, absent-minded in everything I do, and Qin Hao's figure is all in my mind, but seeing him feels very nervous and restrained, and it seems that I have changed my person cautiously. But what he got in the end was an extremely cold and cruel rejection.

Hua Ximeng laughed, the kind of laugh, she felt that all the worries and worries she had before were all unfounded, it was ridiculous, she was an old woman in her thirties, yet she would be so unconscious and immature, It's a shame to throw it home.

After laughing, Hua Ximeng suddenly felt extremely empty again, leaning on the sofa and lost in thought, her mind was full of all the past images with Qin Hao, playing like a slideshow, over and over again.

Until a panting figure appeared in front of her, Hua Ximeng didn't even look at who that person was, and directly hugged the other person's leg, as if she couldn't bear it without something to support her.

Tears slid down her cheeks again, she didn't know what she was doing, but she was so sad, hurt, and wanted to cry, she said she was going to laugh, she had already cried, she had already laughed Why are you still crying?

The cries became louder and harsher, echoing in the empty villa.

Qin Hao didn't drive very far, only about 20 meters away before he slammed on the brakes and stopped, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, looking at himself reflected in the glass with no expression on his face, wondering what he was thinking something.

He is very confused now. It's not that he doesn't know Hua Ximeng's feelings for him. As early as the last time when the contract was negotiated, Hua Ximeng had already shown a vague affection for him, but he kept pretending I don't know, I just don't want to go to this step and face the situation of choice.

After tactfully rejecting Hua Ximeng and leaving directly, Qin Hao didn't feel that the burden was gone, nor did he feel relieved at all. Instead, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, not to mention sad, but he just couldn't be happy.

Could it be that he really likes Hua Ximeng?

Enemy Keyuan's only grandson catches the ball coldly

Qin Hao shook his head in disbelief,

He really couldn't believe this sudden conclusion. He admitted that Hua Ximeng was very beautiful, and she was also excellent in all aspects as a woman. Opposites attract, and the nature of a man made it impossible for him to ignore these superficial aspects.

But how did you fall in love with it? There are not many meetings in my memory, and there are very few contacts. Where does this good feeling come from?

It seems that he is really a playful scumbag, extremely superficial, he wants to get beautiful things when he sees them, his mind is not strong!

What made him even more speechless was that there was always a lingering sense of guilt in his heart, as if he seemed to have done something indebted to Hua Ximeng, which really baffled him.

half an hour.

One hour.

The ship is not scientific and the ball is connected by the moon

two hours.

Three hours.

Qin Hao just sat there in a daze until a strange text message came from his mobile phone. After reading the text message, he frowned, and the corners of his lips slowly curled into a strange arc. He threw the mobile phone to the co-pilot, stepped on the gas pedal, Roar away.

It was two o'clock in the morning.

No subject, no subject, no subject

For normal people, two to four o'clock in the morning is the time for deep sleep. Under the influence of the subconscious, people are most likely to feel sleepy at this point, and it is also the time when their vigilance is the lowest.

The night is dark and deep, oppressive as if it will collapse at any time, there is no wind, everything is silent, there is no sound, the only thing you can hear is your own breathing.

Looking at the dark and deep sky outside the car window, Qin Hao inexplicably thought of a sentence: When the moon is dark and the wind is high, when killing people and setting fires.

After pushing the door and getting out of the car, Qin Hao habitually took out a cigarette and lit it, took a puff, and looked forward.

About 100 meters ahead, there is an old-fashioned three-story building. Because it is in the suburbs, there are no densely populated communities and apartments. It is estimated that no one will hear what happened.

If ordinary people live in such an environment, it is naturally very dangerous. There is no one around, there is no shop in front of the village, and there are not even neighbors next door. Can't pass it on.

However, for the person Qin Hao is looking for and what he has to do, this place is an excellent hiding place, and it is also an excellent place to settle personal grievances. No matter how you make trouble, just close the door and don't go too far. No one will bother.

According to the prompt in the text message, Qin Hao found the place smoothly, squinted his eyes and looked at the building structure in front of him, without wasting time doing too much understanding, he just kicked his legs, jumped, and dived into the darkness.

Regarding this group of jumping clowns, he doesn't even bother to act quietly and secretly, trampled to death a few ants, he still can't afford to be careful.

Masahiro Abe knelt quietly on the tatami mat, and as the time for the scheduled action got closer and closer, his heart became more and more restless. An anxious mood kept circling in his heart, which should have been used for meditation Sitting still has the opposite effect.

For some reason, he always had an ominous premonition, which forced him to take it seriously.

With hands in mudra, muttering words in mouth, slowly closing eyes.

Sun Didi's local school is too cold and noisy

This is the ancestral divination technique of the Abe family, which combines the principles of Yin, Yang and Five Elements of Huaguo. Like Kikyo Seal, it was created by Abe Seimei, the ancestor of the Abe family, and can predict good and bad.

Abe Masahiro's breathing became more and more rapid, his closed eyes trembled faster and faster, and finally opened suddenly, gasping for breath, as if he had experienced something very bad.

He is very anxious now, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation, because the ancestral divination technique has lost its effectiveness!

This is the yin and yang technique created by the ancestor Abe Seimei. He has learned it since he was a child, and he has used it many times until now. He has basically never made a mistake. He can see the general idea no matter what happens. But this time, there is a vast expanse of darkness ahead. , can't see anything, good or bad is unpredictable, but the uneasiness in my heart is getting worse and worse.

You must know that onmyojis practice Taoism, follow the five elements of heaven and earth, and are proficient in magic techniques. They are similar to Western magicians and wizards.

Because of the strong inner spirit, they are very sensitive to the good and bad future. To explain it in the words of ordinary people, it means that the sixth sense is very strong. Since they will suddenly feel uneasy, it means that what happens next is very bad.

However, just as he was hesitating whether to consider stopping the mission, there was a sudden knock on the door of the room.

ps: There are two more updates, thanks to "Little Dolphin_26579884", "Little Dolphin_25040106", "Little Dolphin_26723492" and other children's shoes flowers, okay. . . . . . . . . .

pps: I would like to say something here, for children’s shoes who have joined the VIP group, please consciously send a screenshot of the subscription, and cooperate with the administrator’s work. To be honest, Chuxin is willing to take flowers to give back to readers. Some people enter the group without posting anything, and just open their mouths to ask for red envelopes, as if Chuxin owed her. Ask him to send a screenshot to prove his subscription, but he still refuses, whether it is Chuxin's VIP group or sending red envelopes, yes In order to give back to the readers who really support the original intention, it is not to owe money to others, let alone give out red envelopes as a matter of course. To be honest, with so many books on the website, how many of them will take out part of the flower award to give readers red envelopes? Even if you don't express your original intention, it's normal. If you don't owe money at the beginning, don't be kidnapped by morality, and act like I am a boy who spreads money. By the way, the manuscript fee is usually issued after the 15th, so the red envelope reward activity is also on the 15th of each month, don't rush, thank you for your cooperation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ppps: At the beginning of February, the heart is for the flower list, and a chapter will be added for 15 flowers. If you have flowers, smash them hard. Because some children's shoes don't know how to send flowers on the mobile client, now I will teach you, click on the main interface of the book details, there is an option to send flowers, and you can send flowers to support your original intention. As for flowers, if you spend 500 Zhulang coins, the system will automatically send one flower, and a book can be given up to eight flowers per person. Asking for flowers, asking for a reward, okay? . . . . . . . . . .

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