My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 409 Unworthy!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's expression was very ugly. Although Qin Hao was telling the truth, he couldn't accept being so domineering in front of everyone. He had been in a high position for a long time, and he was of a noble background. He immediately snorted and asked back: "Indeed, we are indeed Don’t dare, even if you do this, it may not have any impact on you. But what about those people around you? Have you ever thought about what impact it will have on them? Whether it’s the Lin family, the Xu family, or If the Duanmu family, who have formed a blood feud with you, want to attack those around you, how can you protect them? Can you still have two bodies?"

The enemy is not cool, the enemy hates the moon science ball

When mentioning the people around him, Qin Hao's smile immediately cooled down, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "I advise you to get rid of such thoughts as soon as possible, and you can also relay my next words to the above or those few Family. It is true that I, Qin Hao, cannot protect everyone around me at the same time, but I can kill all of you, and I will kill all of you. If you don’t understand, just refer to Zhang Junxiong and his son. If you I hope that half of the top ten families will be slaughtered by me, then you can let them do it, and see who died in the end!"

"Hey, hey, off topic, off topic, we are all busy people, and we got together today to talk about cooperation. Why is it getting more and more outrageous? As long as we are here, how can such a situation happen? Happening?" Seeing that the atmosphere was getting worse and worse, and the conversation between Qin Hao and Jiang Nan was getting more and more murderous, Ye Donghe knew something was wrong, so he hurried out to smooth things over.

"Qin Xiaoyou, it's still the same sentence. If you have something to say, don't get angry. There is an old saying in Huaguo that there is no benevolence and righteousness in business. No matter whether the purpose of this trip can be achieved or whether the cooperation can form a consensus, the friendship between us cannot. Bad. You were also a member of the military, and the higher-ups also miss the past, knowing that you once shed your blood for the country, even if you can't cooperate, the higher-ups will not pose a threat to you, you have to understand this."

Qin Hao put away his murderous aura, smiled, and glanced at Jiangnan who was livid and gloomy: "Lao Ye, don't worry, you know my temper, I'm easy to talk, as long as I don't overdo it, I will turn a blind eye Turn a blind eye, just take some people repeatedly using me to plot against me. Although I am very upset, do I pursue it? Is there any targeted revenge? Since I stayed in Huaguo and Tianhai, I want to Living my retired life here, it is understandable that there will be some conflicts. Even husband and wife will always have differences of opinion and conflicts. As long as you don’t overdo it, don’t cross my bottom line, you can live with it, and you can do it and cherish it. .”

"Yes, yes, what my friend said is..." Ye Donghe nodded again and again, but kept complaining in his heart, you have a good temper? How do you talk? If you disagree, you will kill him. Jin Yiwei dare not even speak back when you scold him bloody. Duan Mulei has to smile and say thank you after being beaten up by you. Are you kidding me?

"If you don't agree to cooperate, then we will have to seek help from Samsara. Do you think it's okay?" Although his heart was full of anger, Jiang Nan never forgot his mission and said suddenly.

The corners of Qin Hao's mouth curled up slightly: "Of course,

As I said, I am just an ordinary person now. Since I returned to Huaguo three years ago, I have been in a semi-retired state, and I am not in charge of reincarnation now. Therefore, they are willing to cooperate with you, that is their business, as a brother, as a comrade-in-arms, I support their choice. Everyone has to pay the price for their own choices, and they are the same. If you can please move, go ahead, I will not interfere. Moreover, it’s just a mere Jambudvipa. If reincarnation can’t even solve this problem, it would be a waste of all my years of hard work. "

These words are actually words of the scene, he knows who his brothers are.

As the saying goes, troublemakers come out of poor mountains and evil waters, and they all ran from the place where the birds don't shit on Panlong Mountain. Which one is the honest master? With their treacherous personalities and the fact that Concubine Luo Mi was in charge, it was definitely impossible to agree to Jiangnan's request.

Besides, if he really agreed, why would Jiangnan think of contacting him? How can a mere Jambudvipa compare to the Kingdom of Reincarnation?

Enemies, enemies, ghosts, queens, hatred is kept too secret by coldness

Jiang Nan was so choked that he couldn't speak. At first he thought that a peerless powerhouse like Qin Hao must have a strong desire to control and would not agree to reincarnation being involved, but he never expected that Qin Hao is precisely a person who is against power. The man who didn't have much attachment, established the reincarnation organization at the beginning, just to form a force that could gain a firm foothold in the underground world and avenge the comrades of the zero team.

Just as Jiang Nan was meditating, Qin Hao had already walked to the door of the office and put his hand on the doorknob. As long as he opened the door and went out, it meant that the negotiation had officially broken down.

However, at this moment, Jiangnan's voice suddenly sounded again: "Are you sure you really want to refuse? Even if Lin Xinyi's whereabouts are still unknown at this moment, is she still determined?"

Qin Hao's handle turned halfway and suddenly froze there. The atmosphere in the office was silent. Jiangnan and Ye Donghe held their breaths, waiting for Qin Hao's reply. He knew that this was already their trump card. If this trick still doesn't work, everything will be over.

Duan Mulei looked confused, he didn't understand what was going on at all, how did Lin Xinyi get involved with this matter again? Could it be?

He suddenly thought of a bad idea. Combined with Jiangnan's previous plan and behavior style, it is likely to be like that.

"I finally understand that although you have such good conditions and occupy three places, you are increasingly not ranked in the international arena. It seems that this is not unreasonable. I don't want to think about how to improve my own strength. Playing tricks, playing tricks, once or twice is fine, but in the face of absolute strength, everything is a paper tiger! You guys are depraved! You don’t deserve to be called soldiers!"

Qin Hao didn't look back, said these words in a cold tone, then opened the door, and left straight away.

"What kind of attitude is this? Do you really think you are so great? In front of the country, what is he? If it weren't for the higher-ups not wanting to touch him for the time being, why should he be arrogant!" Being insulted by a junior like this, Jiang Nan almost vomited blood, angrily said angrily.

Different from him, Ye Donghe and Duanmulei were not angry at the moment, instead they blushed, blamed themselves, and were mostly ashamed.

One is a battle-tested veteran with numerous military exploits, and the other is a new generation of freshmen fighting on the front line and throwing their heads and blood. No matter who they are, as soldiers, they can't refute Qin Hao's humiliation just now.

Using a woman to threaten Qin Hao into submitting, and for this reason, he did not hesitate to put the other party in danger. Just this, he can't match the image of a soldier who is upright and upright, defending his family and the country!

In a distant place, the back of the ball is noisy

ps: Thanks to "Little Dolphin_27821317", "Sakura Meow", "Absolutely de Xiaoqiang", "***$$$***", "A Beautiful Time", "app_28403479", "Only love Mi Shengsha" , "Zhixiufu", "Li Xiansen", "/qq:5b9ee765b185bca41a4909604e", "Desolate グカ", etc. There are many flowers from children's shoes who have not written their names, so what. . . . . . . . . .

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