My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 421 Blood Debt

The close-fitting weapons, tattered rags, bones and blood all over the floor, all of which show that a fierce battle has taken place here. Since the personal belongings of Jin Yiwei are here, they can no longer be distinguished. The identity of the dead body is self-evident.

The faces of the people changed suddenly, and a depressing atmosphere of grief and indignation enveloped the entire team. Such a horrible scene really made them twitch violently in their hearts, and at the same time, they felt sad and indignant. Just yesterday, these colleagues were still real people, talking and laughing happily with them, and fighting side by side, but now, they have become a pile of bones, eaten by monster walking corpses, and not even a whole corpse was preserved.

Even Qin Hao couldn't help sighing, although he always looked indifferent and bored, and even said that he deserved death, but seeing this scene, his heart was still shocked. If time could be turned back, he really wanted to ask Ji Hongguang and others, is it really worth it? Do you regret it? If you could do it all over again, would you still do it like this? For the so-called country, for the so-called nation, for those who are in power, he sacrificed his young life in this way, just like Zero at the beginning, he couldn't help but recall the group of comrades who also showed their lives for the country.

Over the years, he has been asking himself this question, and he has also tried to guess what kind of answer they will give from the identity and perspective of his comrades-in-arms, but until now, he has not come to a conclusion.

"Alas, Immeasurable Heavenly Lord." Qiu Yusong sighed and raised his voice slightly: "Comrades, the news is basically confirmed. Ji Hongguang and the others have already sacrificed. We lost our comrades who fought side by side, and our colleagues who got along day and night. I am sad It is unavoidable. But, is this the time for us to be sad? The dead have passed away, this is an unchangeable fact, instead of lamenting and wasting here, it is better to turn this grief into strength and find out the gangsters of Jambudvipa , want them to pay with their blood, and avenge their comrades!"

When Ji Hongguang and others were killed, the rescue mission had already been declared a failure, so finding Yan Futi and destroying him became the priority of everyone. In order to revive the morale of the team, Qiu Yusong had to encourage everyone.

Obviously, Qiu Yusong's words had a very good effect. Everyone was mobilized one after another, showing anger and hatred, shouting: "Revenge and revenge! Blood for blood!"


Just when the crowd was excited, on a peak behind the Valley of Absolute Shadow, the Judge stood with his hands behind his back, looking down at the direction of leaving the valley.

"Your Majesty, those people from the Homeland Security Bureau have entered the valley, and all of them have entered the scope of our Nine Yin Demon Formation, and found the corpses of their colleagues. Now they are clamoring for revenge, and let us pay with blood." Black and White Impermanence stood respectfully behind the judge, not daring to show his breath, and reported.

"Hehe!" The judge sneered, with a fierce look in his eyes: "These guys came much faster than expected,

That being the case, let's call them back and forth! Is Shifang Yinshuai out of position? "

"The commander-in-chief has already taken his position, occupying the ten eyes of the big formation. As long as you give an order, the big formation of Nine Yin evil spirits can be activated immediately."

"Okay!" The judge's face was full of disdain, and he let out a cold laugh: "Notify Shifang Yinshuai that the fish has been hooked. Stand by and be ready to fish at any time!"

"Yes!" Black and White Wuchang responded again, but did not leave immediately, but looked at each other, as if hesitating to speak.

The judge frowned slightly: "What? Do you have anything else to say?"

"Your Majesty, I heard that the Emperor is also in the opponent's team. We, brother and sister, have fought against the Emperor before. The strength of the opponent is really unfathomable. We are worried..."

"What are you worried about? What kind of Emperor, but a brat with a name in vain! Ten directions are handsome, thousands of walking corpses, plus there is a large formation of Jiuyin evil spirits to help, and I am on the sidelines to supervise the formation. If even this group of mobs If we can't solve it, what face do you and I have to go to see Lord Ghost King? The big battle is imminent, let others destroy our prestige and disturb our army's morale, are you looking for death?" The judge's face was gloomy and terrible, and he stared at the two brothers and sisters of black and white impermanence indifferently. .

Black and white Wuchang was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he quickly plopped down on his knees: "My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life!"

"Huh!" The judge snorted coldly, "Forget it, now is the time for employing people. Although the two of you are just cowardly waste, you can still come in handy anyway. Let's write down this account for the time being. The end of the war will be worth it! Use your brains before you speak in the future, there is a big formation of Jiuyin evil spirits, don’t say this is such a small number of people, even if there are twice as many people, I will still kill them! No matter what you two say, you are also a quagmire A well-known master in the world, to be so frightened by a kid, loses his position, it is simply hateful, get out of here!"

"Thank you, sir, for your life..." Black and White Wuchang thanked him repeatedly, and hurriedly got up from the ground, scrambling and leaving.

ps: The classmate came here today, so I can only write so much. There should be no problems with the next update tomorrow. This time it is true, although I am used to being scolded by you, hehe. . . . . . .

pps: Thanks for "Passing by from your world", "Night \u0026 Too Cool!", "Little Dolphin_25698120", "Little Dolphin_28201918", "zuing", "Junxin Little Storm", "app_26732408" and many more The flowers of the children's shoes without the name written on them, thanks to "h", "WeChat Little Dolphin_28653736", "app-28523267" for the rewards of the children's shoes. . . . . . . . . .

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