My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 451 Last Words

On the plane, Jiangnan chatted with everyone and told them what happened in the past two days. When talking about the sacrificed soldiers, he had a sad expression and blamed himself very much. When talking about the traitors, he gritted his teeth with hatred and sighed endlessly at the same time.

The reason why he was able to arrive in time with support was mainly due to Jin Yiwei's powerful monitoring system, although he was a little belated.

The Jinyiwei organization was originally left over from ancient times. At that time, they were only responsible to the emperor. They were a special military and political intelligence gathering agency, in charge of prisons, and gave them the power to patrol and arrest anyone, including the emperor's relatives. and a closed interrogation. He also participated in the work of collecting military information and instigating rebellion against enemy generals.

In modern times, although Jinyiwei has been constrained a lot in terms of power, its functions have not changed. It can be said that Jinyiwei's influence has spread all over the country, and every government official, regardless of military or government, has a record with them. If you want to say that these officials are most afraid of the public, it is probably the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. In fact, this is not all. Compared with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Jinyiwei who hides in the dark is much more terrifying.

When he learned that the Hohhot Police District launched Dongfeng-31 missiles at the mission area without any request or permission, he immediately understood that something really happened this time. Only by making two-handed preparations can we arrive in time.

Of course, the coordinates that Duanmulei and others requested for support also helped a lot, otherwise he really wouldn't know the exact location of everyone.

Because Lin Xinyi, Qiu Yusong and others were all injured, and the wounds needed to be treated in time, the plane did not rush back to Tianhai, but landed in the Hohhot security zone.

After getting off the plane, the medical staff who had been waiting for a long time came up to take over. After the emergency treatment, Jiang Nan brought Qin Hao, Duan Mulei and the others to the door of a room.

Everyone pushed the door open and entered. This should be an interrogation room. Zhang Ye was sitting in it alone, but he was not sitting in the interrogation position, but was being interrogated. Military uniform, but unfortunately the epaulets are gone.

By now, everyone has naturally understood who gave the order for the missile, and who became the traitor at the same time, just as they had guessed, but it was a little unbelievable.

If a small person becomes a traitor, everyone can accept it, but who is Zhang Ye? The commander of the Hohhot garrison, the rank of major general, how many generals does Hua Guo have in total? It is inconceivable that such a character should commit an act of treason!

"Zhang Ye, you bastard, you actually acted like a traitor, are you still human?!" Duanmu Lei cursed angrily, his eyes were red.

Qiu Yusong and the others also looked at him in disbelief: "Zhang Ye? Why did you do this? We trusted you so unconditionally, yet you became a traitor. You are worthy of the soldiers who stood in front of you alive the day before Is it? They are all fresh lives, why do you want to kill them?"

Zhang Ye's expression was very calm, as if he had expected such an end a long time ago. Looking at the crowd, he said indifferently: "Because of life, because of desire, different positions, different angles. In my opinion, they can provide me and my My family has enough money. Compared with this dark, ignorant and backward country, I know what I need more and what kind of trade-offs I have to make. So, I did not deny it, I pleaded guilty, I know, my sin is unforgivable, but, I I don’t know how much better my family’s life abroad will be than before, and I’m very pleased.”

"I've figured it out. I've been involved and know too many things. If I don't kill many people, I will never sleep. If I don't kill me, there will be endless troubles. It's better for them if I die. I can drag them into the water with me. Go to hell, but then I have to pay for my family. They say that I am a beast, a devil, and killed my comrades-in-arms, but I am a father and a husband, so I am not so vicious to my family members. Many people wish I, Zhang Ye, will die immediately, and there are many people who want to replace me. I will,

But there are a few words to make clear before I go.

Everyone understands that if a cadre is not greedy or lustful nowadays, who would dare to trust you and reuse you? It doesn't matter how good your job is. There are at least hundreds of thousands of officials like this across the country, not to mention millions. I just followed the rules of the game and did some things that everyone in the circle did, but I did it more thoroughly and touched the bottom line above.

Thirty years ago, I was just an ordinary soldier who had just joined the army. Until I took the position of commander, I did not rely on corruption or betrayal of the country. To be honest, I, Zhang Ye, are ten thousand times stronger than those officials who take money and do nothing all day long.

Have you ever thought that I, Zhang Ye, am only a major general at best, but I can do whatever I want in Hohhot, and even evade the supervision of your Jin Yiwei, committing acts of treason, who gave me the right to do whatever I want? What did my superiors do? And who knew what I was doing but pretended not to?

Even if I don't want to do this, do I have any choice? If I don't do it, those people are going to send the money to my superiors and finally settle me down. Is it all my fault? What enmity do I have with those soldiers and you? Am I hurting them for no reason? They are victims, so isn't I, Zhang Ye, a victim?

The current officials are bad to the bone, and I am just one of them. It is this society, this system that made me like this. I say all this not to place all the blame on others. I'm still largely responsible.

If I hadn't thought about taking the initiative to climb up, maybe I would have been a company commander or battalion commander at most, and then changed jobs, doing other things, and living a different life, I would not be like this today. Coveting fame and fortune is the biggest mistake in my life. I have already explained to my wife before that after my death, my children will no longer have the surname Zhang, but change their surname to something else, and my children and grandchildren will never be in politics, soldiers, or officials, and stay away from fame and wealth. Peace and peace are blessings. "

Having said that, Zhang Ye kept his mouth shut. No matter how much everyone persuaded, scolded, or even threatened him, he remained calm and calm, and refused to confide a word.

There is an old saying that people who are about to die have good words. Qin Hao can tell that what Zhang Ye said was from the bottom of his heart. The truth from the heart is his final accusation against this social system!

As for who is standing behind Zhang Ye, it is not difficult for Qin Hao to guess. The only organization that can infiltrate the Chinese government in this way is the Holy Gate. Daniels said before that this organization is extremely powerful. ICPO has been investigating for so many years, but still can't find much clues. I only know that it is almost everywhere, whether it is politics, economy, or some dark forces that cannot be seen. etc. are involved all over the world.

At the same time, he also understood that the annihilation of the zero team back then was probably closely related to the superior Zhang Ye said. After all, the mercenary group that killed his brothers at that time was a small branch of the Holy Gate, and the betrayal they encountered was also the same as now. situation is very similar.

However, he didn't expect Zhang Ye to say any more useful news. Just like Zhang Ye himself said, if he said something that shouldn't be said and dragged those people into the water, his family members who had already been sent abroad would be lost forever.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao only felt it was ridiculous, these officials were even more hateful than gangsters, hateful, hateful! The underworld/society/society all talk about the morality of the world, and the family members are never hurt, but these guys don't have any bottom line.

Dickens once said: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."

There is the most hateful group of people here, and at the same time, there is the cutest group of people. This is true of the zero team, and so is the Jinyiwei.

Sun Di does not hate the lonely queen, Mo Leng Guyue

PS: This chapter means that this plot is completely over, the next chapter is to return to the city, and then Ritian will lose her virginity in a few days, so stay tuned. . . . . . . .

When he learned that the Hohhot Police District launched Dongfeng-31 missiles at the mission area without any request or permission, he immediately understood that this time Something really happened. Fortunately, he had already made two-handed preparations, so he could arrive in time.

PPS: Thanks to "?Liu?", "????*??﹏???? Liangcheng", "Where is the future!", "APP_26818225", "lonelypatient" and other flowers for children's shoes, please. . . . . .

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