My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 462: Those who are good at creating miracles...


In the next second, Qin Hao rushed to the doctor who was yelling at them loudly, and punched the man unceremoniously, directly hitting the man's stomach, blasting him out, and hitting the wall heavily Go up, spit out a mouthful of blood with a muffled grunt.

"What are you doing? It is a crime for a patient's family to beat a doctor, and they will go to jail..." Another doctor looked extremely panicked, backed away again and again, and threatened Qin Hao.

Qin Hao didn't know how to ignore him, and kicked him away, until his mouth and nose bleed, and even the iron frame beside him was bent.

"Uncle and aunt are in critical condition, internal organs are ruptured and there is blood in the abdominal cavity. If the time is too long, the lungs have been affected. The support tube and other organs are functioning normally. If you wait any longer, you may suffocate to death. Surgery must be performed in time!" Qin Hao rushed Arriving in front of the hospital bed of Xiao Guang and Liu Yanhong, they pressed their palms on their chests for a little luck. They opened their mouths suddenly and spit out a large mouthful of dark red blood with a pungent and foul smell. Although it is still very shallow, at least it can barely maintain it.

Chu Linger also became nervous: "Then what should I do? The only two doctors on duty in the ICU have already been beaten to the ground by you. Who will perform the surgery?"

"I'll do it!" Qin Hao's expression was resolute, not to mention that there is no doctor now, even if there was a doctor, he would not let those bastards in white touch Xiao Guang and his wife, they are not worthy!

Hearing what Qin Hao said, everyone couldn't help being a little dazed, and Chu Linger also looked at him with doubts and worries on his face: "Can you come to be the chief surgeon? This is not a joke. It is impossible for you not to know what a failed operation means. They are all Xiao Feng's parents, if there is any trouble, you..."

"Impossible! The word failure does not exist in my dictionary. It is precisely because they are the parents of the instructors that I cannot watch them die like this. As long as there is a chance of life, I must save them. Otherwise, I will It’s really shameless to see the instructor! If you don’t save him, it’s tantamount to murder!” Qin Hao interrupted Chu Ling’er directly, with great confidence.

Although Xiao Yuanyuan and Xiao Shan were also worried about whether Qin Hao would be able to take on this heavy responsibility, but seeing their parents, brother and sister-in-law in pain, they did not dare to procrastinate any longer. They could only choose to trust Qin Hao. At least, Qin Hao would not be like The doctors in the hospital did the same to them.

"Okay, since you insist, I'll go and prepare the operating room for you," Chu Linger said, turning to look outside the door, "Where was that nurse just now? Where did she go?"

At some point, the nurse who was thrown aside by Qin Hao had disappeared, and she didn't know where she went.

"It's too late, Chu Ling'er, drag those two guys out, help me guard the door, and operate here." Qin Hao frowned slightly. He had never seen any harsh environment on the battlefield before. There was no hospital to go to for the trauma and he couldn't be treated in time, so he took care of it. It was also during that time that he came into contact with Western medicine, which he was not very familiar with before.

As for surgery, there have been records of surgery in Chinese medicine since ancient times. The most famous one is Hua Tuo who invented Mafeisan, which is an anesthetic. Back then, Hua Tuo scraped Guan Yu's bones to cure poison, and performed a craniotomy on Cao Cao. These are classic cases left by Chinese medicine.

Sun Yuanchou

Surgery here? Everyone was stunned. They probably didn't even have a scalpel here. They had never eaten pork and had seen pigs running. Although they didn't know medical skills, they still knew the most basic common sense. They didn't even have the most basic surgical equipment. How to operate?

However, until now, they have no choice but to trust Qin Hao and let Qin Hao judge.

After everyone dragged the two doctors out like dead dogs, only Qin Hao and Xiao Guang were left in the ICU. Qin Hao took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

To be honest, it would be nonsense not to be nervous. Even though Qin Hao thought that this operation was not the most difficult operation he had ever done, he was still a little nervous because it was the instructor's parents who he needed to be treated.

He was already very sorry for the instructor and his family. If the operation really failed and the instructor's parents were not rescued, he didn't know what face he would have to live in the world.

Half a minute later, Qin Hao suddenly opened his eyes, a flash of golden light flashed in his eyes, and a dark golden halo appeared on Qin Hao's palm.

Raised his hand and stroked the void above Xiao Guang's chest. If Chu Linger and the others were here, they would be stunned and dumbfounded, because, with the movement of Qin Hao's palm, the skin on Xiao Guang's chest seemed to be pierced by something sharp. As if the blade was slashing quickly, the boss tore a big hole.

Moreover, the most amazing thing is that the blood did not flow out with the wound, even though the wound had been parted, exposing the internal organs.

Sun Yuan is unscrupulous

All the organs and blood are covered with a golden halo, like a protective film, the blood that should flow out still flows in the blood vessels according to normal operation, even though some blood vessels have been cut open by Qin Hao .

Qin Hao took another deep breath and began to draw out the accumulated blood in Xiao Guang's body. Xiao Guang and the others had been beaten for internal bleeding before, and they should be treated with surgery in time, but because Xiao Yuanyuan couldn't make up the surgery fee, the group of doctors delayed the operation in a daze, and used drugs to hang their lives. Excessive bleeding in the internal organs will form accumulation of blood in the body, which will affect the normal operation of human organs. Therefore, before checking the injured and ruptured organs, Qin Hao had to drain the accumulated blood.

Nao Sun Xue took over the science and technology

Slowly, Qin Hao's golden awn glowed in his hand, a strong golden energy wrapped the dark red almost black blood in Xiao Guang's body, and slowly pulled it out from the cut wound.

Such delicate operations cost Qin Hao a lot, and beads of sweat quickly covered his forehead. Because he was worried about causing damage to Xiao Guang's internal organs, Qin Hao didn't dare to rush for success, and only peeled off a part of the blood at a time. I went back and forth about three or four times, and finally drained all the accumulated blood.

After the blood accumulation was settled, the next step was to find Xiao Guang's ruptured organs, and then repair them. However, Qin Hao did not do it like an ordinary surgeon, but suddenly stretched out his hand and drew a bloodstain on the palm of his right hand. , a drop of blood with streaks of gold dripped from his palm and landed in Xiao Guang's body.

After receiving that drop of blood mixed with golden thread from Qin Hao, Xiao Guang's body became extremely golden, and the injured and ruptured wounds began to heal slowly.

And in the next second, the palm of Qin Hao's slit just now scabbed at a speed visible to the naked eye, repaired itself, and soon grew pink tender flesh.

Qin Hao frowned, sighed, and muttered to himself: "This blood is good because it is good, but it can't be done as you like, and it's troublesome if it gets better too quickly. I have to cut it again later."

When Qin Hao was operating on Xiao Guang and his wife in the ICU, Xiao Yuanyuan and the others waiting outside the door were extremely anxious, living like years, especially Xiao Yuanyuan, who was extremely nervous, grabbed Chu Linger's hand, and asked anxiously: "Sister Linger, do you think Big Brother Qin can really save Mom and Dad? I need the help of many people and various instruments to perform surgery on TV. Can a person like Brother Qin really do it?"

"Don't worry, Brother Qin is a man who is good at creating miracles. He can definitely do things that others can't do!" Facing Xiao Yuanyuan's question, Chu Ling'er was actually unable to give a definite answer, but, once Thinking of the experience of getting acquainted with Qin Hao in the past few days, she had a feeling for no reason that Qin Hao could definitely do it.

Xiao Shan also comforted at the side: "Yuanyuan, don't worry too much. It's useless for us to be anxious now. Mr. Qin is undergoing surgery inside, and we can't help much. The only thing we can do is to wait for the result quietly outside."

"Just continue to deceive yourself! Xiao Shan, I think you are really delusional, and you actually believed the nonsense of a kid with unknown origin who claimed to be Xiao Feng's comrade-in-arms. Don't think about it, you have heard nothing. Is it possible to have surgery if necessary? I can guarantee that Xiao Guang and his wife are dead!" Without Qin Hao, the evil star sitting outside, Chen Cuifen immediately became unscrupulous, sneering and sarcastic .

PS: Thanks to "APP_29792327", "Little Dolphin_22413673", "Ben, Young Master", "Xu Changzhi", "Fool Helps You Never Give Up" and other children's shoes for flowers, and thanks to "Zhong Yaofen" for the 100 Zhulang coins rewarded by children's shoes ,mwah. . . . . . . . . . . . .

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