My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 473 Father's love is like a mountain, mother's...

As soon as she heard that her parents had woken up, Xiao Yuanyuan immediately became excited and ran to the ward quickly, and Qin Hao hurried to follow. 1357924?6810ggggggggggd

Pushing open the door, Xiao Guang and his wife really woke up, but they were a little weak, and their complexions looked a little pale. Seeing Xiao Yuanyuan's figure, the two showed gratified smiles, obviously relieved.

Ever since they were attacked and fell into a coma, this daughter was the most worrying thing for them. They were afraid that the group of scumbags would attack her. It was very weak, and it took a lot of effort to move, so I couldn't help but smile.

Especially Liu Yanhong, when she saw her daughter, she wanted to struggle to get up from her sick bed. Xiao Yuanyuan was so frightened that she ran over to hold her down, and said repeatedly: "Mom, don't move around, be careful if you touch the wound, hurry up!" lie down..."

Xiao Yuanyuan didn't see how Qin Hao operated it with her own eyes, she only thought that the doctor performed the surgery on her parents just like the doctor in the imagined movie, for fear that Liu Yanhong's tampering would hurt the wound.

In fact, what she didn't know was that Qin Hao's operation was a real miracle. Not only did Liu Yanhong and his wife feel no pain, but the wound was almost healed, and tender flesh grew. Blood with healing power is like a panacea.

"I'm fine, Yuanyuan, it's good that you're fine. I didn't see you just now, but I'm so worried about my mother. I'm afraid that something will happen to you. It's all your father's fault. He has such a stubborn temper and insists on fighting to the end with him. Now it's okay I almost lost my two old lives. Yuanyuan, listen to your mother, I will go to Lotte Real Estate to sign the contract later. Our family is just ordinary people, how can we fight against these powerful people? Big man, your parents are getting old, the worst thing is to die, but we can't drag you down, you just listen to your mother in this matter, don't bother with your old dad."

Liu Yanhong grabbed Xiao Yuanyuan's hand and said eagerly that she was really scared. She had heard before that Wang Er Mazi was so arrogant and domineering in the county town, but she didn't expect it to be this level. Steel pipes, iron rods and other weapons beat the couple. At that time, she almost thought she was dead. It's enough for me and my husband to suffer this kind of crime once, and no matter what, I can't let my daughter be threatened like this.

Of course Xiao Guang disagreed with Liu Yanhong's idea. Although he loved his daughter, he would never agree with his wife's submission to evil forces. As a veteran who had participated in the Vietnam War, even if he died, he would die standing up. May be born on knees!

"You are a woman's opinion, your hair is long but your knowledge is short! What do you know? If you put down your dignity and submit to the other party just because these people are powerful, it will only encourage the other party's arrogance! Know why they can be so domineering in Ping'an County Are they unscrupulous? It is because no one dares to resist them that they will become more and more rampant. Taizu once said that revolution requires blood and sacrifice. I am willing to be the cornerstone of the revolution to defeat these evil forces, even if it is death I don't care either!"

"Xiao Guang! If you want to die, I don't care about you, and I can't control you, but, are you going to implicate our daughter and suffer together for the sake of your shitty dignity? How old is she? Haven't you seen the methods of those people? What if What happened to our daughter, what if you die ten thousand times? Cough cough cough..." Liu Yanhong was extremely excited, a morbid crimson appeared on her face, and she coughed repeatedly.

Xiao Yuanyuan was in a hurry, and quickly comforted her mother: "Mom, don't be angry, don't say a few words, don't get excited. Dad, don't quarrel with Mom. You just had such a serious illness and your body is still very weak. , don't get too excited!"

Xiao Guang was silent, staring blankly at the mother and daughter in front of him. He had to admit that his wife was right, because his stubbornness had implicated his family members. His wife was injured, and he walked through the gate of hell with him, and his daughter lived in fear, afraid of this and that. In the past, although the family was not very rich,

But at least it was stable and peaceful. Now, life was a complete mess.

Seeing that Liu Yanhong was coughing so badly that he was almost out of breath, Qin Hao quickly stepped forward to hold the former's hand, and then a wave of pure energy was transmitted from his body. After all, there are a lot of people here, it is not suitable to feed blood, but true qi is different, ordinary people can't notice it, but it is the best medicine at this stage, and it has no side effects. recover within a short period of time.

Because Qin Hao's energy was too masculine and domineering, and Liu Yanhong's body was too weak, he didn't dare to use too much, so he could only slowly inject energy into their bodies bit by bit, to repair Liu Yanhong's damaged internal organs.

"Who are you? What are you doing? Why don't you let me go quickly?!" Seeing a strange young man holding his wife's hand suddenly, Xiao Guang's face darkened and he asked angrily.

Xiao Yuanyuan quickly explained: "Dad, you misunderstood. Brother Qin is my brother's comrade-in-arms. He is very skilled in medicine. You and your mother were rescued by Brother Qin. Besides, those bad guys who bullied our family have already been dealt with by Brother Qin. He has avenged you, and we don't have to worry about the contract anymore."

Of course, she won't be so stupid as to tell the whole process of Qin Hao's murder. She wants Qin Hao to have a good impression in the hearts of her parents, so she will naturally cover up the murderous side.

"Really? He is Ah Feng's comrade-in-arms? You didn't lie to me?" Xiao Guang glanced at Qin Hao with doubts on his face.

Xiao Yuanyuan nodded: "Of course, otherwise, why did Brother Qin spare no effort to help us? If it wasn't for Brother Qin's help, I really don't know how to deal with the hospital and those bad guys. I almost thought I would never see you again It's... woo woo woo..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yuanyuan's eyes turned red again, and tears filled her eyes.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of his daughter crying, Xiao Guang was very distressed, and said apologetically: "My dear girl, don't cry, it's all because of my father's fault, I shouldn't be so reckless, it's my father's fault that I hurt you, don't cry, Seeing you cry, Dad feels bad..."

Here the father and daughter are sad, while Qin Hao has healed Liu Yanhong's wound, and with a faint smile on his face, he said: "Okay, uncle, aunt's injury is almost healed, your Your body needs to be a little stronger, and with your current physical condition, you can already be discharged from the hospital, as long as you can rest in peace in the next few days, there will be no more problems."

Seeing his wife's complexion improved a lot, Xiao Guang also basically believed in Qin Hao's true identity, and his attitude obviously improved a lot: "Xiao Qin, I heard from Yuanyuan that you are A Feng's comrade-in-arms in the army, right? Thanks to your help this time, my wife and I were able to survive, you are our family's benefactor."

Qin Hao looked terrified and waved his hands again and again: "Uncle, don't say that. Brother Feng is my good brother. He has helped me a lot. I have never been able to repay him. Being able to help the elder is what I should do."

"What's the matter, one yard is one yard, thank you for what you should thank..." Xiao Guang's stubborn temper came up again, and he shook his head in disagreement.

Liu Yanhong, who had already recovered, almost got angry again: "Qin Guang, do you know how to ask questions? Xiao Qin has already said that, why are you still insisting? Why don't you just ask your son if you have the time? In the current situation, it’s almost seven o’clock, and apart from sending money every month, and a letter every six months, my son never came back once, if you don’t think about it, I still think about it!”

Said, Liu Hongyan looked at Qin Hao anxiously: "Little Qin, how is my Afeng in the army? Has he made a lot of military achievements? Seeing that he has been busy for almost seven years and hasn't come home, it must be him now Is your position important?"

Qin Hao fell silent all of a sudden. Facing Liu Hongyan's gaze in Qi Yi's eyes, he subconsciously wanted to make up a reason to deceive and confuse him. However, thinking of Xiao Yuanyuan's misunderstanding of Xiao Feng before, Qin Hao felt that he should face the reality directly. up.

"Auntie, Brother Feng, Brother Feng... sacrificed..." Qin Hao's voice was choked with sobs, and his expression was lonely and painful.

Xiao Guang and Liu Yanhong were stunned suddenly, especially Liu Yanhong, with round eyes, staring at Qin Hao, with an expression of disbelief on his face: "Xiao Qin, you can't just talk nonsense, how could Ah Feng sacrifice? You can’t make some jokes, you know? Come on, tell Auntie the truth, is Ah Feng doing well now?”

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I didn't fulfill my responsibilities. Brother Feng and the others all sacrificed and survived for me, leaving us forever..." Qin Hao wiped his tears, every word was cut like a knife, counting Poke on Qin Hao's heart.

"Impossible, you are lying to me! Are you lying to me?" Liu Yanhong suddenly sat up, trembling with excitement, her expression was extremely angry, her eyes were red.

Seeing her mother in extreme pain, Xiao Yuanyuan cried again. Although she felt sorry for her mother's current appearance, there were still some things that needed to be faced. They could escape for six or seven years, but they couldn't escape for a lifetime. One day, they Everyone will know the news.

"Mom, brother really sacrificed. It's true. Although it's sad, we have to accept the reality..."

Qin Hao pursed his lips tightly, and said firmly: "Auntie, please be sorry, your body has not recovered yet, don't be too sad, it is not good for your health. Brother Feng is a hero, a martyr, he died for the country, everyone I should be proud of him. Moreover, in my eyes, Brother Feng is just like my elder brother, and his parents are my parents. If you two don’t dislike me, I am willing to be the godson of the second elder and perform his duties on behalf of Brother Feng. , honor the two of you until you return to the mountain for a hundred years."

However, Liu Yanhong's head was already groggy at this moment, her ears seemed to be cut off, and she couldn't hear any sound. In the next second, she only felt light-headed, her eyes were dark, and then her body tilted, and she fainted past.



After two days, the emotions of Liu Yanhong and Xiao Guang's couple calmed down a little bit, and Qin Hao could not stay in Ping'an County, Da'an Village. Of course, he also mentioned repeatedly that he wanted to take the two elders to Tianhai Enjoy. However, the second elder refused with an extremely firm attitude.

In their words, they have lived here all their lives, and they are used to the life here, to being around the neighbors next door, to working every day, and getting a good harvest. Let alone big cities, they are not used to living in even the Golden Luan Palace. What's more, the city is full of community houses, or villas, and each household is an independent individual. Some even live for several years, and they don't know whether the opposite door is a man or a woman, an individual or a family. son.

But in the countryside, this is completely different. Every household often visits and helps each other next door, which is much better than the indifferent big cities.

"Dad, Mom, your health is almost healed. Don't do heavy work these days and get more rest. I will still send you money on time. Don't waste money. Spend hard. Your son has nothing else to do. I don’t have the ability, but I have a lot of money, and I can’t use it, so don’t feel reluctant. After a while, I will bring your daughter-in-law to visit you. If you lose weight by then, maybe they will return Thought I was abusing the elderly."

Unable to hold back the elders, Qin Hao had to go back alone. When he was parting, Qin Hao asked him a thousand times, because he was afraid that the elders would refuse to spend the money, so he insisted on working in the fields by himself. Especially the elderly are no longer young, and their bodies are not as good as before.

After thinking about it, Qin Hao felt that it was still not safe enough, so Qin Hao turned his head and told Xiao Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, listen to my brother, you must take good care of your parents, and don't let them be too tired. If they are not obedient, you can call me. I will rush over from Tianhai immediately."

"Okay, don't worry, brother, I will take good care of my parents." Xiao Yuanyuan nodded heavily, vowing.

However, at this moment, Xiao Guang suddenly said, "Yuanyuan, you can go with your brother too."

Xiao Yuanyuan was taken aback for a moment: "Dad, Mom, you are..."

"Yuanyuan, don't think too much. In fact, your father and I have known your hobbies and dreams for a long time, and we have always understood that the life of the previous eighteen years was not what you wanted." Liu Yanhong smiled and pulled Picking up her daughter's hand, she said with pity: "In the past two days, your father and I have thought a lot and talked a lot. We have been turning a blind eye to your dream before. It is not against your interest in singing. It's just that your father thinks Well, the entertainment industry is too complicated, not suitable for a girl like you, he is afraid that you will get lost in it, that you will be bullied and suffer a lot.

However, now that your brother is gone, you dropped out of school halfway through your studies to help support the family all these years. It is your mother and father who are sorry for you. It just so happens that Ah Hao is so capable outside, we let you go out and chase your dream of singing, and you can rest assured, at least Ah Hao can protect you and help you, you are not alone. For the first 18 years, you have been living for your brother, for your parents, and for the rest of your life, just live for yourself. Just go after your dreams, do what you want to do, and live what you want life, to fight for everything you want! Just like Afeng, we hope that one day, you can also make us proud of you! "

What the parents said made Xiao Yuanyuan cry bitterly and choked up: "But if I leave, what will you do, parents, no one stays by your side, I..."

"Who are you worrying about, girl? Your parents are not old enough to see or walk. Without you by your side, we can still live well! Go, go, don't keep going Wandering around in front of me annoys me, be careful if you annoy me, I won't let you go out!" Xiao Guang looked impatient, turned around and entered the room with a wave of his big hand.

Liu Yanhong, on the other hand, asked Qin Hao to take care of Xiao Yuanyuan outside, and sent the two of them to the station in front of the village. Even though they were urged to go back by the two children, they still turned around every step of the way, reluctantly looking at the two of them. figure.

The distance of only 20 to 30 meters, even Qin Hao and Xiao Yuanyuan got on the tattered minibus. Liu Yanhong hadn't finished walking until the shadow of the minibus ran farther and farther until it disappeared completely from sight. In the middle of it, she sighed, put away the trace of reluctance and attachment, turned around and prepared to go home.

But when she turned around, she found that her husband, Xiao Guang, who had already entered the house and did not see him off, had appeared behind her at some point. In front of that is the vast sky, the sky where young eagles soar!

PS: The 4,800-word chapter is here. In the next chapter, Ritian went home to help his wife. There will be an update in the evening. Please ask for some flowers. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PPS: Thanks to "Little Dolphin_28263263", "Little Dolphin_27135821", "Aoxiang", "Little Dolphin_26434777", "APP_25454683", "镪鲄鲄鐷" and so on for the flowers of children's shoes, thanks to "APP- 28848880", "Carving Loneliness", "Darkness \u0026 Dreaming Back", "Hubei Sunshine", "APP_25454683" five children's shoes rewarded 100 Zhulang coins, thanks to "▓薱伱↘Jueshen" children's shoes rewarded three 188 Chasing coins, okay? . . . . . . . . . . . Relax yourself when you are nervous, comfort yourself when you are troubled, and don’t forget to bless yourself when you are happy! There is no pop-up window on Geili Literature Network, our address

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