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Qin Hao was very nervous at first, especially when Wu Cuifen mentioned him, his whole body tensed up, and he subconsciously stood upright without squinting, like a soldier being inspected by the chief.

Kneading the science and the enemy from afar

However, before he started to introduce himself, Wu Cuifen coughed again and again, and his unwell face became even more ugly, which made him swallow the words that had already reached his mouth.

Song Yao was even more nervous, she ran to Wu Cuifen's side to support her, and complained angrily: "Mom, didn't the doctor say that you should rest at home and not be tired? Why did you run out of bed? Didn’t I just send money to my family before? Is it not enough or what? Why do I have to cook by myself? What about the part-time workers I hired?”

Wu Cuifen smiled, calmed down a little, and said with some embarrassment: "Nizi, don't worry, I feel that my body is much better. It is good for my body to get out of bed and move around. Besides, how about you?" Easy to come back, of course I will cook some of your favorite dishes for you. Although the part-time workers are good at cooking, after all, I don’t know your taste, so I can’t do it better..."

This is a mother's love, a father's love is like a mountain, and a mother's love is like water. Although a mother's love is not as sheltered and airtight as a father's love, it is better than a long stream of water, which nourishes the child's heart.

Soft water is inexhaustible maternal love. The connotation of maternal love is the most profound and rich, sincere and delicate, just like a bottomless lake, which will never dry up.

A mother's love is fragmented, messy, and unkempt. It all depends on her nagging, but every sentence is deep love.

Just a few words, but Song Yao's eyes turned red. He was obviously very sick and never recovered. He was so weak that it was difficult for him to walk, but it was only because he learned that his daughter was going home to have a look. Makes a tasty meal.

"Mom, no matter what, you should sit down and rest for a while." Song Yao held back the tears from her eyes and pulled Wu Cuifen to sit down.

Wu Cuifen hurriedly shook her head: "How can this work? There are still vegetables cooking in the pot. There is not much left. I will rest after I finish. Don't worry, Mom's health is really much better..."


"No!" Song Yao refused firmly, without the slightest room for negotiation, "Mom, can you listen to me once? If you are really good, what will you call me? What will you call Shitou? Next year Shitou It’s about to take the college entrance examination, so if you think about yourself, you should also think about Shitou. Since there aren’t many left, leave the finishing work to me, and sit here to rest and wait for Shitou to come home, okay?”

Seeing that Song Yao was about to cry, Wu Cuifen couldn't hold on any longer. It should be a happy thing for her daughter to go home after all. She didn't want to make her daughter sad because of these trivial things, so she nodded in agreement.

Seeing that her mother agreed to rest, Song Yao felt relieved, untied her mother's apron, and walked towards the kitchen, but when she reached the kitchen door, she found Qin Hao standing in front of her mother like a stake, and couldn't help feeling dissatisfied , Anxiang usually looks very smart, why is he so unreasonable now, don't you know if you can get impression points by showing yourself in front of your mother?

"Qin Hao, what are you doing standing there stupidly? Why don't you hurry in and help."

The enemy's Dike cool queen hates Mogu's skill too ball

Qin Hao was very nervous at first, especially when Wu Cuifen mentioned him, his whole body tensed up, subconsciously stood upright, without squinting, as if accepting the chief The reviewing soldiers are average.

"Ah? Oh, I got it, I'm here..." Qin Hao has lost his standard now. The usually smooth-tongued he looks very honest at this time, and his reaction has become a lot slower.

Who would have thought that before Qin Hao could take a step, Wu Cuifen reached out to hold Qin Hao's hand, motioned him to find a stool to sit down, and then said loudly to Song Yao who was standing at the door of the kitchen, "Why are you so ignorant, girl? Outside the host, the hostess is inside. It is only natural for a woman to wash and cook for a man, and take care of daily life. How can you let a man into the kitchen?! Son-in-law Qin is here to talk with me, you hurry up and do the rest , Shitou will be out of school later. This is the first time son-in-law Qin, so don't make him wait too long!"

Enmity, Fang Chuancha and Yue Zhigugang

Wu Cuifen herself is a rural woman, she has no culture, and her state of mind is still in the same state as before. Feudalism is more serious. It is not surprising that there will be such thoughts that men are superior to women, three obediences and four virtues, and a gentleman stays away from the kitchen.

After being scolded by her mother in front of Qin Hao, Song Yao pouted aggrievedly, but there was nothing she could do, so she gave Qin Hao a dissatisfied look, as if to say, you are lucky to have escaped, Let's go back and settle the accounts slowly!

PS: Chuxin will go abroad for a week on the 11th. I am saving the manuscript for continuous updating at that time. I hope everyone will forgive me for updating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PPS: Thanks to "APP_31396853", "Little Dolphin_26130506", "15084692149", "Xiaoge BOSS", "Guan Jialiang" for the flowers of these children's shoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sun Buyuan's ghost hates you alone and hates you Yang

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