My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 563: Act bravely?

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"You are malicious revenge!" Song Yao said angrily.

Knot Branch Far Cool Knot Ball by Solitude

At this moment, Wu Qingsong felt the pleasure of getting revenge. He smiled triumphantly, pointed to his bandaged arm, and said with some leaks because of the lack of two front teeth: "What's wrong with my revenge? Could it be that these things on my body Isn’t the injury enough? I’m going to put my words here today, I’m going to send you all to jail!”

Everyone knew that Wu Qingsong was deliberately taking revenge.

The ship is not far away, the only grandson hates to be connected by the love of the land

"Miss, I don't have that much time to spend with you. I will investigate whether Song Shi really committed a crime or was wronged. But, before that, as a suspect, he must go with us. Police station, if you are obstructing us like this, don’t blame us for being rude and detaining you for obstructing official duties! Please don’t embarrass me!” The police officer waved impatiently and threatened with a sullen face.

Song Yao originally wanted to continue to refute, but she didn't want Qin Hao, who had been silent all this time, to suddenly walk up to her, patted her shoulder lightly, and gave her a reassuring smile: "Let Song Shi go with them, don't Worry, with me here, nothing will happen to him..."

After taking a deep look at Qin Hao, Song Yao let go of her arms and told Song Shi: "Little brother, don't be afraid, sister will protect you. You go to the police station with the police first, and I will follow you!"

After all, Song Yao turned to the police officer and said: "Comrade police, my brother can go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation, but I must go with him. If you don't agree, even if you are desperate, I won't let you take him with you." let him go!"

Logically speaking, this is against the rules, but it is obvious that the police don't want to make too much trouble in the school this year. After all, Song Shi has been jumping off the building for a long time, and many media have also received rumors that they are rushing here , if the trouble becomes serious, it will not only affect the school, but also affect the image of the Tianhai police.

Agreeing to Song Yao's request, the three instruments were taken to the police car. As for the car that Qin Hao drove over, a police officer was arranged to drive to the police station.

In the car, everyone roughly learned the ins and outs of the whole thing from Song Shi's mouth.

As Song Yao said, because of his family relationship, Song Shi is indeed very introverted. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is bored. Apart from studying at school, he is basically silent and has no friends at all.

However, even if he is like this, he also has his own bloody, brave and kind side.

It was also a coincidence. It was supposed to be the end of school that day, and the students in the school had almost left. Song Shi, who usually goes home alone, happened to leave something in the gymnasium during physical education class, and came back to pick it up. Wu Qingsong et al.

Wu Qingsong and Song Shi are classmates, and they are usually loved by the head teacher Guo, not because of his good grades, or how well-behaved and obedient he is. Classmates, they often collect protection fees and beat classmates.

However, no one cares about it, and the teachers and schools don't know about it.

Examiner with no subjects

Nowadays, children are precocious, and the world of high school students is not much different from that of adults. Naturally, they also understand some people's sophistication, and they can roughly guess that Wu Qingsong's family background must be unusual, either rich or expensive, otherwise, an old witch like Teacher Guo How could it be so flattering and generous.

Besides, let's see who is the small group that follows Wu Qingsong? The son of the director of the police station, the son of the head of the district procuratorate, and so on...

For this kind of campus bully, Song Shi has always been able to hide. He is introverted and does not speak. In the class, apart from good academic performance, he has almost no sense of presence in the class. He is almost like a bookworm. How could Wu Qingsong noticed him?

However, this time the situation was very different, because Wu Qingsong and his small group were dragging and dragging a girl, the girl was small~ her face was pear blossoms with rain, she cried very hard, and she kept struggling. But how can she, a little girl, be able to withstand the strength of several strong boys?

He was dragged into the gym in a daze.

Song Shi didn't want to be nosy at first, and wanted to leave secretly with the idea that more things are worse than less things, but he didn't want Wu Qingsong to order people to close the gate of the gymnasium. He couldn't leave quietly, so he could only hide Wait and see what happens in the warehouse where the sporting goods are kept.

Seeing this, Song Shi was also taken aback.

Although he has heard that Wu Qingsong is not a good bird, he changes girlfriends every three days, because of his family background, he is surrounded by all kinds of women who are ostentatious. However, he never imagined that Wu Qingsong and the others would be so bold as to dare to rape a female classmate in school!

That girl, Song Shi, also knows her, she is the class flower of the class next door, and she is also a well-behaved, obedient and studious type. Dressed up, indiscreet girls.

A girl like this must not look down on a dude like Wu Qingsong. If Wu Qingsong wants to get her, he can only use this kind of violent means.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the girl struggling and crying and begging for mercy, and her painful expression, listening to Wu Qingsong and others' wild laughter and all kinds of messy molesting words, Song Shi felt that man and nature were at war, and felt extremely uncomfortable. up.

As an alumnus, a classmate, or a man, he couldn't just ignore it, and he couldn't just watch the girl being ruined by Wu Qingsong like this. However, he also understood that if he intervened rashly, not to mention whether he could save the girl, the consequences of this matter would not be something he could bear.

What is Wu Qingsong's identity? What family background? What is his identity? What family background? It was too easy for Wu Qingsong to punish him!

After a fierce inner struggle, most of the girl's clothes had been torn to pieces by Wu Qingsong. After all, Song Shi was still a young guy. He was usually withdrawn because of his low self-esteem, and at the same time he was afraid of making troubles that would burden the family. This incident made him feel a little passionate, and he couldn't hold it back for a while, and finally made a move.

He looked around carefully, his gaze stopped at the chalk next to the barbell, and he had a preliminary plan in mind.

Wu Qingsong and the others obviously didn't expect that there was someone hiding in the warehouse of the gymnasium at this time, and they were caught off guard by Song Shi who rushed out suddenly with a large handful of chalk powder in his hand, making his face ashamed and his eyes and face covered with powder , For a while, I didn't care about the girl at all.

Song Shi took advantage of this opportunity, dragged the girl out of the gymnasium, and sent her back home.

Enemy Division is not cool

Maybe the girl was scared and didn't tell her parents about it. Song Shi also felt that under the circumstances at that time, Wu Qingsong and others should not be able to see his specific appearance clearly, so this matter can pass like this.

Because, on the third day after that incident, Song Shi was exposed, and it was the saved girl who betrayed him!

PS: I just got home late, rushed out of the first update, took four flights in six days, and kept running around. I was really tired. I can only have one update today, and at least three updates tomorrow, and the subsequent updates will return to normal. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sun Buke Qiu Du's post-school moon early Sun Yuan

Sun Buke's Qiu Duhou Institute Moon Morning Sun Yuan PS: I arrived home late, rushed out of the first shift, took four flights in six days, and kept running around. I was really tired. I can only have one shift today, and at least three tomorrow Update, the next update will return to normal. . . . . . . . . . . . .

PPS: Thanks to "Fireworks 1314", "APP_31733146", "Society Dongge", "A黑_礼_服", "ㄗs: Bad Bad Bin", "Avatar of TV", "ASMR", "Hi Beauty ", wait for the flowers of the children's shoes, thanks to "Kang Ge 27", "Set you as the homepage q", "Baili v Xiongfeng", "APP_31148549" four children's shoes rewarded 100 chasing waves, thanks to "Little Dolphin _30729335 "The 888 Zhulang coins rewarded by children's shoes, okay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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