My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 579 Show them the light...


Qin Hao's character is inherently lazy, even though he meant to forgive Lin Aocang, he still doesn't like such occasions very much, wearing a mask and doing false politeness and conversations, in his capacity, it has long been unnecessary for him to cater to others like this, If it wasn't for Mu Qianxue who wanted to come here, with his temper, he wouldn't even look straight at him when the eight sedan chairs came to carry him.

Fortunately, such pleasantries did not last long. A figure in a short red dress appeared in front of Qin Hao's eyes. His shoulder-length short hair was carefully combed, tidy and majestic, pulled to both sides, revealing a delicate and pure look. The face was Lin Xinyi who had not seen for some time.

For Lin Xinyi to appear here, Qin Hao is not surprised. As Lin Dongqiang's daughter, brother, and mother are all business elites, and the Lin family is a famous family in Tianhai, it is normal for her to follow.

However, what Qin Hao was more curious about was that Lin Xinyi would be interested in this kind of wine party, which didn't seem to be her character.

"Xinyi, this way." Lin Aocang beckoned to his sister, signaling her to come over.

Apparently, Mu Qianxue was also very happy with Lin Xinyi's appearance. She actually hated this kind of hypocritical entertainment. When she could see her good friend here, she immediately greeted her with a smile.

Looking at the watch on his wrist, Lin Aocang smiled apologetically at Qin Hao: "Mr. Qin, Mr. Mu, I may have to excuse you for a while, please forgive me."

Then she looked at Lin Xinyi: "Xinyi, greet Mr. Mu and Mr. Qin for me, I still have some work to do for the dinner."

"Hmm..." Lin Xinyi replied lukewarmly. Qin Hao and Mu Qianxue knew that the relationship between her and her family didn't seem to be very harmonious, and they didn't think there was any problem.

Lin Aocang was obviously used to his younger sister's attitude long ago, he smiled and left with a few followers without saying anything.

"Xiaoxue, I'm sorry." After Lin Aocang left, Lin Xinyi suddenly looked serious, and apologized to Mu Qianxue very formally, which made Mu Qianxue stunned, as if Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out.

Qin Hao can roughly guess some things, but there are some things he can't say, so it's better not to talk too much.

Lin Xinyi pursed her lips tightly, bowed slightly, and said apologetically, "I actually knew about Uncle a long time ago. I couldn't show up for some reason during that time. You must have worked hard and felt sad, but I didn't accompany you." Be by your side and spend it with you. I know that saying these things now are excuses, so I don’t expect you to forgive me, I just want to tell you my apology. In the future, you don’t have to worry that I will pester you with you

I am not qualified to say that I like it, and I am not worthy to call myself a good friend! I thought about apologizing to you before, but I'm really ashamed to see you..."

Qin Hao knew the cause and effect. When Mu Qianxue had an accident, it was just after the trip to Yinshan Mountain. At that time, Lin Xinyi injured her leg, so she should be recuperating. Moreover, the Lin family probably wouldn't agree to Lin Xinyi's involvement in this muddy water. Lin Dongqiang had worked so hard to sell his daughter for a good price, and got engaged to the young master of the Xu family. Offending my uncle and aunt, isn't this the rhythm of giving up all previous efforts?

Mu Qianxue never expected that Lin Xinyi would apologize for this matter, and she never thought that her reaction and guilt would be so intense that she was about to break up with her. She quickly interrupted Lin Xinyi's apology and hugged her: "Silly girl, What are you thinking about? It was really hard for me during that time, but I can’t get through it now? We are friends, there is no doubt about it, although you didn’t come, but I know your heart is enough .Actually, I knew it even if you didn’t tell me that it was impossible for you to come because of your situation at that time. It would only embarrass you. I have already lost a family member, so you don’t want me to lose another friend, do you?”

"Xiaoxue..." Lin Xinyi murmured softly, her eyes were reddened, but she soon held back, probably knowing that it's not appropriate to be emotional in public.

Just when the two girls were talking to each other, a sound made everyone involuntarily cast their eyes on the auction stage. An old man with gray hair slowly walked up the high stage. According to Mu Qianxue, this person is the New Merchants Gang Yangtze River Delta Merchants Gang The founder of is a bigwig in the real estate industry. Beside him, apart from Lin Aocang, there was another person wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a decent white suit with a bright red rose printed on his chest. He behaved elegantly and looked quite handsome.

The most important thing is that this person's position is exactly in the middle of the old man and Lin Aocang.

Standing position depends on identity and status.

It may be polite and modest, but being able to stand between these two people is destined to be a good status.

The old man's speech was not too polite. He thanked the support and support of many bigwigs present, and then threw out a big news. In fact, the real promoter of this charity dinner was the young man beside him. Young people under thirty at most.

Now people are even more curious about the identity of this unfamiliar young man, and the old man once again dropped a blockbuster. The young man will join the Yangtze River Delta Business Gang and serve as the vice president. Obviously, as long as there is a brain Everyone can see that the old man is just praising this young man again, and moreover, he is still the kind of successor.

After everyone's appetite had been whetted, the old man finally announced the identity of the young man. Although it was only a few words, there was a lot of information.

Liu Dongchen, Chinese-American, his ancestors used to be a relatively prestigious line of Shanxi merchants. After the war in Huaguo, in order to avoid the war, the Liu family migrated to Europe. It is said that he returned home this time with a lot of money to invest.

Qin Hao didn't care about these messages, or in other words, he didn't bother to care who the other party was.

After the opening ceremony, there was the sign-in ceremony for the members of the business gang and the Pearl Club. After all, it was a charity dinner, and the publicity show was part of it.

Mu Qianxue doesn't care about using this method for publicity. In her words, no matter what her purpose is and whether it's pure or not, she still uses real money to do charity. Or hiding behind the Internet and accusing others of leading public opinion, the news media and the fact that Keyboard Man is coming, at least, she made a contribution.

Mu Qianxue went to participate in the sign-in ceremony. Only Qin Hao and Lin Xinyi were left in this corner. Since the last trip to Yinshan Mountain, the two had never met or contacted each other. The so-called friendship was almost just empty talk.

Qin Hao understands that the reason for this is that Mu Qianxue still has resentment towards herself, and because of the difference in ideas, the two have conflicts. At the same time, it is also because she may not have recovered from her pain and self-blame.

In fact, Qin Hao also felt that he was a little arrogant later on. After all, Lin Xinyi had not experienced so much like him. For her, so many soldiers lost their lives in order to protect her, the oil bottle. Anger and revenge had already swallowed up reason. That kind of extreme thinking is also normal, he should try to understand her a little bit, at least, he shouldn't quarrel with her.

It was precisely because of the experience that he understood what kind of pain and torture it was.

"Long time no see, how are you doing these days?" Qin Hao didn't know what to say, and after a long silence, he opened his mouth slowly.

"It's not bad, at least, I'm much better than those soldiers who died." Lin Xinyi twitched the corners of her mouth and forced a very forced smile. She didn't tell Qin Hao that since she was saved, she He has never had a good night's sleep, and every day he dreams of soldiers dying in front of him and being swallowed by walking corpses.


"Huh?" Qin Hao was caught off guard by the sudden apology.

Lin Xinyi didn't care about Qin Hao's doubts, and said to herself: "I should apologize to you. At that time, I was dazzled by anger and hatred and lost my mind. You are just an ordinary person, and I am fine too. Neither the country nor the country has the power and qualifications to let you do such dangerous things. Fighting means there will be casualties. We are soldiers, and we chose this path. That is the outcome we should consider before choosing .

You are different, you don't have those obligations. Those warriors are living beings, and so are you. Just because you are strong, it is unfair to you to do something that may cost you your life. What's more, you saved me and put yourself in danger for us. I'm too greedy and selfish. If something really happened to you, I really don't know how to face Xiaoxue, I guess she will hate me for the rest of my life. I owe you husband and wife too much..."

"It's not that serious, but it's best if you can figure it out. At that time, I was also a little emotional. Don't blame me. We should still be friends, right? This was what you proposed at the beginning, and you wouldn't want to Just tear it up unilaterally, right?" In the end, Qin Hao and Mu Qianxue are pretty much the same, but they both really care that this is one of the few, even Qin Hao's only friend, seeing that she can understand his actions, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief .

"Of course." Lin Xinyi pretended to be relaxed and said, "How can I blame you? Besides, you are not wrong at all. After this incident, I think it is good to have a friend who is as loyal as you , at least you can save your life at critical times."

"Heh..." Qin Hao smiled, and then said, "Why don't you wear a long evening dress for your legs?"

He had already noticed that there was a long and hideous scar on the injured part of Lin Xinyi's little leg, which looked like a centipede and was extremely ugly. It was not suitable for girls who love beauty.

What's more, Lin Xinyi happened to be wearing a short evening dress, and she didn't seem to want to cover it up at all. The scar below her knees was exposed to everyone's sight, and naturally some people could see the scar.

However, in terms of Qin Hao's medical skills, as long as Lin Xinyi's injuries were treated by modern advanced medicine, she should not have such hideous and ugly scars. Even if there were, they would not be so ugly, unless it was her own. Deliberately delay the best treatment time to stay.

But why?

"Why cover it up?" Lin Xinyi asked back, and then replied to Qin Hao: "This is a glorious medal, but it is not awarded to me, but to the soldiers who died. If they can't get it, let me show it to them." come out."

ps: 3,400 words are sent, and there will be updates. . . . . . . . .

pps: Thanks to "app_28869624", "app_31802801", "Asuka 12", "Little Dolphin_31106578", "Little Dolphin_32834006", "WeChat Little Dolphin_28085693", "?yu", "app_30061535", "Little Dolphin Love to read", "Xincai", "How helpless" and so on, the flowers of children's shoes, thank you "Little Dolphin_30729335" for the reward of 188, okay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 【 ..】

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