Facing Chen Lina's invitation, Shu Ya was obviously hesitant. Qin Hao naturally knew the reason. He had gone to Shu Ya's school to inquire about some past events. It was only after knowing Shu Ya in those six years that Qin Hao understood why Shu Ya had such a personality.

"You will definitely go, right? Xiaoya, our old classmates haven't seen each other for many years. I don't even know your current situation. Anyway, you are also classmates for six years. You don't miss everyone at all, do you?" Chen Lina She opened the mouth again, with an enthusiastic look, as if she and Shu Ya had such a good relationship in the past.

Will Shuya miss them? Of course not, those six years of campus life were a kind of torture for Shu Ya, and it was also the six years that completely changed her as a person. Whenever she thinks about that period of life, she will feel that the color of the sky has turned gray.

However, facing such an enthusiastic Chen Lina, she didn't know how to reject her. Her personality was too weak and she was not good at rejecting others. She really couldn't open her mouth for the invitation.

"We will go." Just when Shu Ya was in hesitation and conflict, Qin Hao suddenly opened his mouth to make a decision for her.

Chen Lina was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile on her face: "Okay, since Mr. Qin has already spoken, Xiaoya will definitely not disagree with you seeing that you love each other so much. Let's just say it like this, everyone will see you at Caesars Palace the night after tomorrow. scattered."

After speaking, Chen Lina talked to Shu Ya again, basically she said it, and Shu Ya followed suit. After a while, seeing the time was almost up, Chen Lina laughed; I have something to do, so I'll leave first, you guys go shopping slowly. By the way, Xiaoya, don't forget the night after tomorrow, remember to bring your boyfriend with you..."

After seeing off Chen Lina and Luo Wei, Qin Hao continued to push the cart forward with a smile; "Let's go, we haven't finished shopping yet, otherwise you won't be able to eat what I made later."

However, what I didn't expect was that Shuya didn't respond to Qin Hao, but stood there without moving. Qin Hao didn't look very surprised, as if he had expected it, and walked back smiling: "What's the matter, angry?" La?"

"Why did you make the decision for me? I wanted to reject Chen Lina, why did you agree to her?!" Shu Ya's expression was very serious, and she could even be described as angry, staring at Qin Hao, just like Qin Hao It's like doing something sorry for him.

This seems to be the first time that Shuya treats Qin Hao with such an attitude. In Qin Hao's impression, a girl seems to be unable to lose her temper. Even though she has changed a lot now, her temper is still the best among all his women. Of the weak kind.

But today Shuya got angry with him,

It seems that the scars left in her heart by those six years have never been erased, and are still deeply buried in her heart.

Qin Hao pretended to be indifferent, as if he didn't know Shu Ya's past, and said calmly: "You didn't say you didn't want to, I thought you were just hesitant. I think you have been under a lot of work pressure recently, see It's good to see old classmates and relax, and I will accompany you, don't forget, they invited me too."

"But I really don't want to go!" Shu Ya shouted, and then she probably realized that she was too emotional, and she couldn't help calming down, "I'm sorry, old--\u003e\u003e

Gong, I'm a little too excited, I want to calm down first..."

"What are you afraid of? Why don't you want to go to the class reunion? Is there someone you don't want to see?" Qin Hao asked casually.

Shu Ya forced a smile, and stretched out her hand to pull Qin Hao: "No, husband, you think too much, I just don't get used to it for a while, in fact, I didn't know Chen Lina very well when we were in high school, so we haven't seen each other for so long It’s uncomfortable to be so enthusiastic. Don’t look at Chen Lina and Luo Wei’s appearance now. In fact, they were not like this before. Such a luxury, but now she is indeed much more beautiful. Luo Wei had a temper and personality similar to mine at the time, and his family environment was also very ordinary. He was an introverted fat man. Unexpectedly, she has changed a lot now, which really shocked me. If it wasn’t for Chen Lina recognized me, I really dare not recognize them. Husband, let's go shopping, it's getting late, I'm a little hungry..."

"It's because of Guo Ningxiang, isn't it?" Qin Hao said suddenly. As soon as the name appeared, Shu Ya's hand holding Qin Hao's arm stopped suddenly, his whole body began to tremble slightly, and his complexion was even worse. It was obvious that he was afraid of the name.

Seeing this scene, Qin Hao basically became more determined in his inner thoughts, and couldn't help but feel distressed. Although he had read the materials, some things could not be fully expressed in words. How tough and painful the years were, so that Shu Ya completely closed her heart.

"No, I..." Shu Ya opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

The little girl is not a person who is good at lying, Qin Hao saw that she was hiding it at a glance, his face darkened, and then he smiled and took Shu Ya's little hand and said: "Okay, no matter what the reason is, I will I have already promised them, and now I can't change it. Don't worry, I will be with you the day after tomorrow. Now, our main task is to buy the ingredients to be made later. If we don't hurry up, it will really be too late gone."


At the same time, in a Ferrari outside the shopping mall, Luo Wei complained very dissatisfied: "I said Nana, why did you stop me just now? That kid is just a reckless man, I was careless for a while." If you follow his way, so what if you have brute force, as long as I make a phone call, I can take him into a cell and lock him up for ten days and a half months! Do you really miss your old classmates? I remember when you were studying I don't have a good relationship with Shuya at that time, I know that you have hurt her several times by sneaking~touching, and I guess she herself has been kept in the dark."

"Old love? Hehe..." Chen Lina sneered while touching up her makeup in the mirror, "Don't worry, that couple made you and me look ugly today, I will remember this love. Looking at Shu Ya and her man's attire, I guess It's not very good. You can step on a lot of things like this casually. It's not interesting, and it's not enough to relieve hatred. It's even worse to spread it. If you want to make a fool of her, you have to go to the class reunion, the most important thing What's more, the initiator of this party is actually Guo Ningxiang. If I don't tell Guo Ningxiang about the invitation to Shuya, and wait for her to come uninvited, do you think Guo Ningxiang will let it go so easily given the grievances between the two in the past? The provocative Shu Ya? She, Shu Ya, really thinks that she is still the commoner school girl back then?"

The author never forgets his original intention and said: The third update is delivered, and there are two more updates, please flowers, please flowers, please. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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