My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 730 Shu Ya's Diary

"School, I once wanted to quit school and didn't want to go there, but if I didn't go, I would feel very uneasy. I thought that if I couldn't go to school for a long time, I would definitely want to go again. It's a strange idea." Shu Ya said with a smile, but in Qin Hao's eyes, that smile was so weak, so distressing.

"Did you know? For ordinary students, the most favorite thing in school is the rest time, but I am different. What I hate the most is rest. My dream at that time was to be able to finish my studies quickly. From school I want to be a teacher who can listen to what the children are saying, what they are hiding, and what they are lying.”

"Before, I didn't understand why they targeted me. I didn't know what I did wrong, and I didn't understand where I offended them. Could it be that a child without parents must even breathe a mistake? Is it?" At this point, Shu Ya got up from Qin Hao's arms, walked to the closet, opened the door, and took out a thick notebook from the corner.

This is an old notebook without any printing, dark clouds all over the body, and full of depressing tones. The yellowed pages show its age. Some things are too painful for me to say with my mouth, only words can Express it all.

Open a page at random, which reads;

Today, Sister Weiwei finally added a chicken leg to the bento. Counting it, it seems that she hasn't eaten meat for half a month. The insurance left by my parents was taken away by those relatives, and sister Weiwei's parents didn't have much left. Although Sister Weiwei has been hiding it from me, I know that she has been working outside after school recently, and this meat meal may be her wages for a few hours.

It's lunch break time, I'm already hungry, I picked up the lunch box and rushed to the cafeteria to warm up the meal for us, the uncle is a good man, he knows my family's situation, and he doesn't ask me for money every time he heats up the meal . After the meal was warmed up, I ran into the classroom very happily. I remember that feeling, my body was light and light, as if I could fly with a little effort. However, at this moment, I was seen by Guo Ningxiang and several of her followers. Zhang Xiaoyan stretched her legs deftly, and I tripped over before I could brake in time, and the lunch box flew out.

In fact, I wanted to protect it, but I couldn’t reach it with my hands. Almost half a box of rice was spilled out, and the dishes that Sister Weiwei got up in the morning were all spilled on the floor. The chicken legs were gone, and they turned into ants. food. I knocked my hand on the ground, and it was bruised in a large area, and the severe part was still purple, and the skin on my knee was worn out, and it was bleeding, it hurt so much!

Guo Ningxiang and the others, including the students passing by, were all laughing and stepped on my lunch box on purpose, I really hate it! I am very useless myself, dare not resist, dare not fight! I also hate why they target me and bully me. Do children without the protection of their parents have to suffer all kinds of bullying and torture? !

that moment,

I was so helpless lying on the ground, I didn't even want to get up from the ground, thinking that it would be great if I could just die like this. In this way, not only will I not be bullied anymore, but no one will scold me for having no tutor, having no parents to raise me, being a broom star, and being able to see my parents, how nice. I really wish someone could give me a hand, if only to pull me up, I would be very, very grateful to him. Unfortunately, who would care about me, a lonely child?

turn another page;

I still don't have a good time today.

I was too afraid of the end of get out of class time, because there was a teacher in the class during the class, no one dared to do anything to me, but when the get out of class bell rang, a few boys who didn't like to study came to me to bully me. They took my books and notebooks as flying saucers and threw them from one end of the classroom to the other. I went to pick them up and put them on the table, and they threw them back and forth. Throw books and notebooks into the bucket.

Can the books in the bucket still be read? And in this winter, I think the books that have been soaked in water should freeze. I am alone and helpless, besides letting them play around, is there any other way out?


Today I will be a heartless fool, they will not steal my things if they are having fun.

Shu Ya stretched out her hand again and casually flipped through a stack of papers, and there was another new article:

It’s the third day of school, and today it’s our team’s turn to be on duty. During cleaning, Guo Ningxiang asked me to fetch water from the water room. I splashed it on me and my clothes were wet~. Then Guo Ningxiang poured all the canned herring that Guo Ningxiang got from somewhere on me, laughing and telling her classmates that I stink.

God, can you help me, why do they keep targeting me?

If I don't go to school, no one will bully me, and if I stay at home, the world will be peaceful.

But I can't do this. Sister Weiwei works hard to earn money in her spare time, and she can't sleep well every day. Just to save enough for the tuition of two people, I can't waste Sister Weiwei's hard-earned money. I have to go to school.

next page;

Today the class teacher asked me to go to her office and asked me why I don't always wear school uniforms recently, why? Isn't it because the clothes are always scribbled, splashed and torn by them, so I can't go to class with clothes full of ink or smell?

The head teacher asked me if I was being bullied. I hesitated. Before she asked me, I didn't dare to say, but this time, I really couldn't take it anymore, so I told the teacher all these things. The teacher told me, let me rest assured, she will find a way to help me solve it, and teach those bad classmates who bullied me. I believe it. I think she is a teacher and an adult, so she shouldn't lie to a little girl like me.

After school, I was blocked by Guo Ningxiang and the others in the grove of the school. I was beaten. They slapped me, tore my clothes, and threatened to find someone to rape~ rape~ me, I was really scared, I was beaten At that time, I wanted to die again. I felt that living like this was so boring, and I felt that living such a life was meaningless.

Later, the teacher in charge didn't look for me again, and every time I saw her, she turned a blind eye to me, and the incident was over, and I was bullied even more. I've heard people say that Guo Ningxiang and her family seem to be very powerful, and they are not something ordinary people can afford, so the teacher will shrink back.

Seeing this, Shuya burst into tears, she stretched out her hand again, and wanted to turn the page, but Qin Hao suddenly grabbed her wrist.

Looking up slightly, Qin Hao looked extremely angry, looked at her with distress and pity in his eyes, and shook his head; "Don't turn over again, it's enough, enough, enough..."

This is just a few days in her six years of life. It is conceivable that in those six years, except for the winter and summer holidays, such campus bullying and insults happened to Shu Ya every day, and some were even excessive and serious.

Think about it, such a thing is unbearable for an adult, let alone a weak and unreliable girl. With such a life experience, how can Shu Ya not feel inferior or timid? Her refusal to contact people is just a means of self-protection that she is used to.

Qin Hao knew that Shuya had been bullied on campus, and also knew that her six-year experience was painful and gloomy, but he knew what kind of life it was only after seeing and hearing it with his own eyes.

He firmly held Shu Ya's little hand, his eyes were slightly red, and what was contained inside were not tears, but raging killing intent; "Wife, you have been wronged. My heart is almost in a ball now, I saw the devil around you, but there is no angel to guard you. I can't help you change the past, but, please rest assured, from now on, there will be no more devils around you. Because the biggest devil has been You surrender!"

The author never forgets his original intention and said: The second update is here, and there are two more updates, please flowers, please flowers, please. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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