My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 762 Runaway

"Qin Hao, are you looking for death? Who are you calling a cat or a dog!" Mu Qing wanted to take credit for the master's insult, and said angrily. (w W W .)

The corners of Qin Hao's mouth curled up into a beautiful arc, his slender eyes aimed at Mu Qing, and he said with a smile: "Master Mu's family won't do it well, he insists on being a pug for Lin Aocang. Is it a cat or a dog?"


In terms of swearing, who can compare to a rogue Taoist like Qin Hao who doesn't know what face and quality are? Even if Mu Qing was defeated.

Lin Aocang was not angry at all, before that, Lin Chaoyang had greeted him, and recently he had less conflicts with Qin Hao, he dared not disobey.

No Enmity, No Alone

"Mu Qing, there's no need to be as knowledgeable as a small person, register information for him." Lin Aocang sneered and looked at Qin Hao, "Qin Hao, you can continue to be arrogant. You know how many people you have offended these days. With your kung fu, and Mu Qianxue who doesn't even take care of herself, it will be a matter of time before you pay the price. By the way, let me tell you another news. Mr. Duanmu has already heard the news of Duanmu's injury. It is estimated that people from the Duanmu family will come to your door in a few days, and I would like to see if you can still be so arrogant!"

"You don't need to worry about it. If you have nothing to do, you can worry about your wallet tonight." Qin Hao smiled, "Actually, I didn't plan to do anything before, but unfortunately, you made my little cutie Angry, so, you have to bleed, or I will be very upset."

"Zhu Yongquan, how much money you two have brought, bet on me to win all, and bet as much as you have! Xiaojun, you also bet on your pocket money, and brother-in-law will let you make a lot of money tonight."

Zhu Yongquan and Xiaoliuzi were so happy that they almost cleaned out their underpants, plus Mu Qianjun's little New Year's money and pocket money savings, the total was about 20 million.

"Brother Hao, here are the car keys. I bet all my wealth on you. If I lose, I have to go home and ask my parents for food." Zhu Yongquan gave Qin Hao the keys to his Lamborghini. Hao, but the battle is imminent, so I feel a little flustered.

Qin Hao waved his hand: "No, I'll just drive my own car, and I'll have to familiarize myself with your car."

Zhu Yongquan's face immediately collapsed, and he was about to cry: "Brother Hao, you are just an ordinary BMW M3, how can you run those supercars that have been modified and even added a nitrogen system? There is such a racing car in the S-class competition. The champion is here, brother, don’t be careless, use mine.”

"Don't talk nonsense! If you don't believe me, you can go up and run by yourself, or you can shut up!" Qin Hao gave Zhu Yongquan a direct look and threatened.

Zhu Yongquan knew his own skills, and it would be embarrassing to let him run. Now that the arrow is on the string, he can't allow him to go back on his word, so he has to shut up.

Mu Qing and Lin Aocang were also dumbfounded. The odds for Qin Hao, an unknown kid, were already high enough, but now that this guy makes such a move again, the odds are even higher, directly reaching one to ten.

"Is this kid crazy? Ordinary BMW M3 cars want to outperform the supercars of professional racing drivers? How is that possible!" Mu Qing had an expression of disbelief on his face, he only had one thought now, Qin Hao was going crazy, he was looking for death .

Lin Aocang was no less shocked than Mu Qing, but he also knew that Qin Hao's unexpected behavior made even his elder brothers admire him, so he whispered to Mu Qing: "Go and tell Pete,

In this game, you must give full play, especially be careful of Qin Hao. "

The preparation time was over soon, and the competition was about to begin. Qin Hao smiled and stretched out his hand to Mu Qianjun: "Beautiful lady, do you want to experience the thrill of hormone stimulation?"

"Okay, okay." Mu Qianjun nodded quickly in agreement, holding Qin Hao's hand.

The appearance of the two of them did not look like contestants who were going to participate in the competition, but more like a young couple on their honeymoon who had nothing to do to find excitement, which made people really speechless.

About 30 high-end supercars gathered together, the most eye-catching one is of course Qin Hao's BMW M3, this car was Qin Hao's leisure time with Mu Qianjun some time ago, Mu Qianxue specially chose a relatively low-key car from the garage The total value of his car is only a million yuan, which stands out among the tens of millions of supercars that have been modified in various ways.

The competition was about to start, and Zhu Yongquan and Xiao Liu could not help but raise their hearts in their throats. Not only was this competition related to their money, but more importantly, the lives of Qin Hao and Mu Qianjun.

The reason why Tianmen Mountain is called Tianmen Mountain is because it is towering and steep, and the mountain roads are all kinds of rugged and winding, like a green dragon prostrated on the ground. Such a dangerous road, but for some drivers who are not skilled enough, it is difficult to even drive normally, let alone run the entire distance at the speed of a racing car. If one is not careful, it will fall off the cliff and the car will be destroyed. fate.

Sun Diyuanke's sole ship ball Yu Lengjie me

It is also for this reason that Lin Aocang strictly forbids general young masters who are looking for excitement and are not skilled enough to participate in S-level events. He was willing to agree to Qin Hao's participation, but in fact, he also hoped that something would happen to Qin Hao and he would die. This way, he could relieve the hatred in his heart without fighting.

"Brother-in-law, the race is about to start." Mu Qianjun sat in the co-pilot nervously and swallowed.

Qin Hao touched her head with a smile: "Are you afraid? If you are afraid, hold brother-in-law's hand. By the way, you must fasten your seat belt."

"Yeah." Mu Qianjun didn't dare to take it too seriously at this time, and quickly fastened his seat belt, looking serious.

"Hold on to the handrails too." Qin Hao urged again.

Mu Qianjun nodded and grabbed the handrail, feeling even more nervous, and at the same time, somewhat looking forward to it.



The scene was full of the sound of roaring engines and motors. More than 30 high-end supercars roared together, just like the sound of war drums. The sound was so grand that it almost overwhelmed the cheers of the audience.


No hatred, no hatred

The gunshot of the starting gun suddenly rang out. Qin Hao had already kicked the gas pedal before Mu Qianjun could relax. Under his skillful driving operation, the BMW M3 ran forward like a swift cheetah, and even seized the initiative. Leave those supercars behind.


Mu Qianjun's heart beat violently, and the feeling of weightlessness spread all over his body, as if he had an orgasm, his face was flushed and he shouted excitedly.

For this little girl, the speed of Qin Hao's racing car was too scary and exciting, and she had no way to vent other than screaming.

Compared to Mu Qianjun's excitement, Zhu Yongquan, Lin Aocang and others who were watching the live broadcast on the big screen were all dumbfounded and looked at the screen almost in a daze.

A group of professional racing drivers are driving the top modified sports car, but the starting speed is not as fast as that of an ordinary BMW M3 sedan. What kind of international joke is this Nima really making?

"Has Qin Hao's car been modified? How can an ordinary BMW M3 run so fast? Zhu Yongquan, you are cheating!" Lin Aocang frowned and stared at the big screen, his face was full of shock, and said angrily.

Zhu Yongquan just responded with a sneer: "Lin Aocang, don't be ashamed. If you are inferior to others, you are inferior to others. Brother Hao's car was originally bought by his sister-in-law a long time ago. Do you think it will be modified? If you don't believe it, you can wait for it." Check after the game, if there is no problem, then we will be held accountable!"

Having said all this, Lin Aocang also understands that Zhu Yongquan should not be lying. If this is really Qin Hao's true strength, then there will really be a change in this game, and it is the change he personally sent.

Thinking about the terrible odds and the amount of money he would lose if he lost the race, Lin Aocang quickly issued orders to Mu Qing: "Notify Pete and the rest of the drivers to stop the BMW M3 for me, otherwise, I will kill them !"

PS: Today is the first day of the month, so I beg you for the basic flowers in your hands, please. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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