My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 777: Three Incorrect Views

"You know me? I don't know who you are, Madam?" Qin Hao looked at the seductive young woman in a bright red cheongsam in front of him, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Yao~ Yan Meifu giggled; "If you don't even know Tianhai's behind-the-scenes overlord, Young Master Qin, I probably won't be able to open this Caesars Palace. Little girl Honghong, the general manager of Caesars Palace, it's a good thing Qin Shao can come It makes me very honored, and Caesars Palace will rely on you to make a living on Young Master Qin's territory in the future."

"Rely on me? Ma'am, you are probably joking. I, Qin Hao, am just a nobody who can't even enter the gate of Caesar's Palace like you. How can I have so much energy?" Qin Hao said lightly, with no expression on his face. .

As soon as these words came out, the two security guards who had blocked Qin Hao and Shu Ya from entering suddenly tightened their hearts, and fell into endless tension in an instant.

Although they still couldn't guess the identity of the young man and woman who was dressed in the worst and most ordinary clothes among all the guests in front of them, they were 100% sure that the other party's identity was very noble. You know, even if the mayor of Tianhai City and the Municipal Party Committee came to Caesars Palace, the general manager Sister Hong never came out to greet her in person, let alone such a compliment, with such a low profile, and even a little fear.

How could such a big man be provoked by such a small man who looks after the door and lives at the bottom of society? They knew very well that if Qin Hao wanted to take advantage of the problem, hold grudges, and bear their grudges, they would not say whether they could keep the job, or even their personal safety would not be guaranteed...

In other words, now can be said to be the most terrifying turning point in their lives. When they think about heaven and hell, their fate is all in the hands of the young man in front of them. Life and death are just a matter of a word from the other party.

Sister Hong's complexion changed slightly, but she returned to normal in an instant, and she said with a smile on her face, "What did Young Master Qin say? Isn't this Mai Tai Hong Hong? With your ability, Young Master Qin, even though the world is big, how could you not be able to go?" How could you pay attention to my Caesars Palace."

As she said that, Sister Hong's smile disappeared, her painting style changed suddenly, her complexion was gloomy, her eyes flickered coldly, and she looked at the two security guards murderously; "Young Master Qin, but these two reckless dog slaves disrespected you and annoyed you. You? If so, Caesars Palace will definitely give you a satisfactory answer and explanation!"

This is the rhythm of life!

The hearts of the two security guards sank, and they almost fell into the bottom of despair. Their expressions were terrified, and they looked at Qin Hao short of breath, their eyes full of pleading, waiting for the young man who controlled their lives to answer, for fear of hearing a positive response.

Qin Hao's eyes swept across the faces of the two security guards, taking a panoramic view of their pleadings, and finally fell on Sister Hong, sneering: "Slave? I'm sorry,

I just became friends with the two dog slaves in your mouth. According to what you mean, I should also be the dog slave in your mouth? "

This sentence was heard in the ears of the two of them like the sound of nature, their hearts relaxed, and a strong sense of gratitude emerged, friends, what are their identities, how can they be friends with such a big man?

They never thought there was anything wrong with what Hong Jie said. After working as a security guard in Caesars Palace for so long, and having met so many high-ranking officials and dignitaries, who really regarded them as human beings? Dog minion, dog minion, what is a dog minion who is not the one who watches the gate?

However, today, there is such a noble person who calls them friends. Perhaps this so-called friend is just an excuse to solve their troubles, but even so, they are deeply moved.

As for Qin Hao, he didn't take it seriously. There are grievances and debtors, and it is their responsibility to block the way with security guards, and they have a very good attitude from the beginning to the end. They also kindly reminded Qin Hao when he proposed to become a member. I will not embarrass or take revenge on others.

Life is not a novel. Qin Hao has also read novels on the Internet about being blocked at every turn, and then pretending to bully security guards. At that time, he felt that these three views were very problematic. What --\u003e\u003e

How about being arrogant, mocking the other party, and even pretending to slap him in the face, either causing people to lose their jobs or beating them up?

He has always felt that the stronger the ability and the higher the status, the less he should bully these low-level or ordinary people. Relying on bullying such people to gain a sense of comfort, and those in school who rely on bullying classmates to gain attention and What's the difference between a rogue student of vanity status?

I am a student, so I can correct my misconceptions, and I can explain it with my young age. You are an adult with strong ability and noble status, but you only know how to bully people who are weaker than you. You have to step on them if you want to Awesome character, isn't he? This only shows that you have low self-esteem and are extremely unhealthy mentally.

This rhetorical question caused Sister Hong to die of embarrassment, and quickly explained: "Young Master Qin, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that..."

"I'm not interested in what you mean. I'm in a hurry to bring my girlfriend to the party." Qin Hao interrupted Sister Hong's explanation, "Everyone knows that Caesars Palace only accepts members with membership cards. I can't enter without a membership card. I asked these two friends how to apply for membership, but I heard that in addition to paying an annual fee to apply for a card, you must have a member as a referrer. Ms. Honghong, the rules of your Caesars Palace are really bad A lot."

"I'll have someone prepare a membership card for you right away, and all fees will be waived," said Sister Hong, making a gesture of invitation to Qin Hao, "Please."

Qin Hao's words have come to this point, and Sister Hong naturally knows the meaning of her words very well. If she doesn't have this bit of morality, how can she manage this Caesar's Palace, and how can she have a good time among those dignitaries?

"I don't compare cards, I don't care about them, and I don't care." Qin Hao left such a sentence unceremoniously, and walked in with Shu Ya.

Since Sister Hong knew of her existence, she must also know that Tianhai had changed a long time ago, so why didn't she come to visit the pier and hand over her membership card? This is not Qin Hao bullying others, but the rules of the world. Sister Hong kept saying that she wanted to live on Qin Hao's territory, but she didn't even do a visit to the pier. It was Qin Hao who came to the door in person and offered to send the card. What does it mean? Who is the host, who is the guest, and who gets it who? To treat Qin Hao like a beggar or a fool?

As soon as they entered the door, two welcoming girls greeted them very politely. Before they could speak, they found that the general manager, Sister Hong, came from behind the two of them and waved them to get out of the way; I will receive it myself."

This remark stunned the two welcoming girls. As far as they knew, Sister Hong had never personally received any guest or member other than the big boss. She did not expect to receive the young couple who faced this young man and woman today. , Could it be that they are the second boss?

Sister Hong doesn't have the heart to care about what others think. She is all focused on pleasing Qin Hao. It's not that Caesars Palace or how afraid she is of Qin Hao. Qin Hao really can't handle it when it's busy. It was because she had to please Qin Hao and satisfy him.

Leading Qin Hao and the two to the banquet hall, Qin Hao pushed the door open and entered. As soon as he entered, he frowned involuntarily. He felt that the arrangement in front of him didn't look like a classmate reunion, but more like What is a business banquet, a charity gala.

Not to mention the high grades, the key point is that the old Shuya classmates in front of them are all men in suits and leather shoes, with bow ties, leather shoes, and famous watches. Their hair is combed shiny and shiny, and they look like successful people. The women are wearing luxurious and expensive evening dresses, with all kinds of jeweled and expensive jewelry, shining brightly.

Where is this class reunion? Whose class reunion is like this?

The author Mo Wangchu said: I went to see a doctor yesterday, and the diagnosis was sensitive skin infection, and there were many small problems inside the body, such as internal heat and the like. Moreover, just yesterday, Chuxin lost his love, and felt that all the bad things happened on the same day, sickness, lovelorn, hey! I slept for thirteen hours today, but I am still very sleepy and sleepy. I didn’t get up until 6:00 or 7:00. This is the first update. I will strive for the third update today. If I promise, I will do it. By the way, ask for flowers , Please flowers, please. ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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