My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 779 Human Nature

"A vagrant? You are right. According to the current situation, I am indeed a vagrant."

To the man's surprise, Qin Hao was not angry, but after thinking about it for a while, he smiled and decisively admitted that he was a vagrant, which made his mocking for a while feel like hitting cotton, so powerless.

Of course, men will not give up easily like this. Thinking back in school, he was the only boy who regarded the beautiful and quiet Shu Ya as his goddess in his heart? He even confessed his love to Shu Ya like many boys did, but what was the result? It was just rejected without mercy!

At that time, Shu Ya was not as timid, cowardly, and extremely introverted as Qin Hao met later. At that time, she had excellent academic performance, a happy family life, and listened to the teacher. He said that he stole the limelight in school, otherwise he wouldn't have been selected into the school's flower list, and he overwhelmed everyone with the attitude of number one, stepping on Guo Ningxiang's head.

Of course, this was all before the great changes in the family. Because of her self-confidence, she can express her thoughts without any scruples, even if the rejection is extremely cold and cruel to these boys who love and pursue.

Although it is indeed a very painful thing to be rejected when confessing, but for them, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, Shu Ya was too dazzling at that time, so shining that they were ashamed of themselves, and there was a feeling in their hearts that was too strong She concealed her inferiority complex and felt that she was not worthy of this dazzling and outstanding girl.

Moreover, for men, the so-called emotional setbacks are actually not a bad thing. At least, at the moment of being rejected, they seem to have grown up and matured at this moment. They understood one thing. Although they might not be able to explain it clearly at the time, looking back now, they know what they understood.

They understand that a successful loser has a very high chance of getting up again. For a person who has never failed, the probability of being successful all the time is very low.

Because their minds are not mature enough.

Generally, the experience of failure makes it easier for people to mature, especially the gap between success and failure. The people and things experienced in the middle will make it easier for people to see the facts and truth. Live in your own dreams.

Compared with women, men mature later. To put it nicely, it is called innocence, and to put it bluntly, it is childish.

They were so innocent and childish back then. She simply thought that as long as she treats Shu Ya well, as long as she dresses handsomely, as long as she buys breakfast for Shu Ya every day, as long as she cleans the class for Shu Ya, as long as she works hard so that her grades don’t fall behind,

Even catching up with Shu Ya, Shu Ya will definitely be moved by them.

At that time, they could do so many stupid things out of impulsiveness, they could boldly say I love you without any scruples, and they could make promises at will. But I don't know how cruel the reality is, how dark the society is, and what kind of energy money has. The so-called "I love you" can no longer be said with a pure heart, and the so-called "one-for-one" promise can no longer be easily Promise, because they understand what is responsibility, what is a man, how rare it is to be responsible for a person's life!

They have succeeded. At least, their lives are quite bright and satisfying now. This is all through their own hard work. In Shu Ya's --\u003e\u003e

After experiencing setbacks again and again, I finally achieved myself.

However, for them, the first time will never be forgotten, even if it is a bad and embarrassing memory, even if this first time is a setback, they are still very unforgettable, even fresh in their memory.

That experience was like a thorn in their minds and in their hearts. They really wanted to see what kind of person the high-ranking goddess who rejected them back then had become now. What kind of thing is the other half by her side!

They wish that Shu Ya's boyfriend or husband is not as good as a pig or a dog, is poor, can't even eat, and can't open the pot. They are very happy to see such a poor and pitiful scene. Only in this way can they satisfy all the dark sides in their hearts and make them happy. The inferiority complex buried deep in my heart was relieved.

Didn't you have unlimited scenery at the beginning? Aren't you a tall goddess? Didn't you reject me? Your man is not as good as me, I live a happy life, you are poor and pitiful, do you regret it?

What they wanted to see was Shu Ya's regretful and envious look! Only in this way will they feel that the thorn in their hearts has disappeared, and they will feel at ease.

Human nature is like this. The ancients once said, "Don't worry about scarcity but unevenness." A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind."

Because of self-dissatisfaction and a strong sense of inferiority, I always can't see others living better than myself. Many negative emotions such as so-called jealousy and resentment are generated from this.

Of course, don't think that men are the only ones who want to see jokes. Isn't it the same for those women who join in the fun but no one comes out to accuse them of speaking too much?

Back then, Shu Ya had a great reputation in school, but they, who were also girls, became foils next to Shu Ya, bleak and gloomy, and their hearts had already accumulated deep grievances. In their eyes, although Guo Ningxiang is also the second in the school beauty list, and she is also beautiful and elegant, but they think it should be taken for granted. Guo Ningxiang casted a good baby, the daughter of a rich and powerful family, whether she is beautiful or superior, it should be done, it is fate!

But Shu Ya is different. She is from an ordinary family just like them. What is the difference between her and them except that she has a good skin? How can Shu Ya be so beautiful? How can Shu Ya be favored by God and have a happy life again? It's the same starting point, why can Shu Ya run faster than them?

Women's jealousy is often much more terrifying than men's, so Shu Ya's family suffered great changes later, and her whole personality changed drastically. When the school encountered school violence led by Guo Ningxiang, almost none of these girls would step in to help, except Apart from not wanting to offend Guo Ningxiang, who dares to say that he also wants to take this opportunity to gloat?

It's the same now, almost everyone is gloating, acquiescing to the man's provocation and mocking Qin Hao, isn't it just to watch a good show and base their own happiness on the pain of others?

The author don't forget Chuxin said: The third update, in fact, Chuxin seldom wrote like this. Although this chapter is a novel, it is also reality, and it is what Chuxin wants to say. When I am older, I have seen more things, and I have more feelings. A lot more. Maybe this chapter seems to be a lot of nonsense in the eyes of many people, but I really put my heart into it, and then wrote it. I hope everyone can work hard to improve themselves, so that they can become excellent and worthy of that love. Your person, the person you love, let your own truth, goodness and beauty defeat the ugly side of human nature!

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