"I heard that Longteng, which you took over before, has been developing fairly well recently. I had plans and intentions to enter the entertainment industry when the investment department took over Longteng. Unfortunately, due to various factors on the board of directors, Longteng was also terminated. It has been transferred to you. I am going to restart that plan. However, for now, since you already have a brokerage company in your hands, there is no need for me to create another one. We can carry out deeper cooperation and mutual benefit. "Speaking, Mu Qianxue turned the computer screen to Qin Hao, "Look at these."

Qin Hao just glanced at it, and was dazzled by the dense lines and tables on the screen, and quickly asked: "What is this? Fortunately, I don't have trypophobia, otherwise I would probably faint. From the top Lou has been busy with this?"

"This is the movie box office I counted, as well as the growth index, decline index, periodicity, etc. of each day during the release period..." Mu Qianxue took another sip of milk and said calmly.

"Movie box office? You want to invest in making a movie? That's fine. Longteng is currently filming its first movie. If you want a share of the pie, you can invest some money in and share it with you." Qin Hao said with a smile, thinking He couldn't help being a little proud. After all, Longteng was able to develop so quickly in a few months. Apart from Cai Yiyan's joining and a large sum of money, Shu Ya also contributed a lot.

At the beginning, Mu Qianxue thought that Qin Hao had too much money to buy Longteng and toss it to Shu Ya. From the bottom of her heart, she didn't think that Longteng could stabilize the situation and turn around. Now that Shuya has made achievements, even the movie They all started to start, which is really worthy of Qin Hao's pride in front of Mu Qianxue.

However, Qin Hao's pride persisted for less than three seconds before he was extinguished by Mu Qianxue's cold eyes.

"Longteng's situation has just improved. The previous negative image in the industry has indeed improved after a series of news such as Cai Yiyan's joining, but it is still too early to achieve fame and let the audience and fans know about Longteng. In my opinion, At present, what Longteng needs most is to establish an image, build a reputation, and let the industry know its strong capital operation ability, so as to attract more stars to join, and at the same time attract investors.

Therefore, making a movie is the best way to express the operation of capital. According to my inference, if Shu Ya is in such a hurry to release a film in the Lunar New Year file, it will definitely not be a big commercial production. According to the market situation of the film industry in recent years, it should be a youth commercial film that sells feelings. Feelings, there are some regular fans, and the box office is estimated to be able to save money at most, and there is no profit. But Long Teng can take this opportunity to make some hype. After all, it's the Lunar New Year holiday. With so many big productions, he can still keep his capital, so the goal has been achieved. "

Although Mu Qianxue had no expression on her face and her voice was not loud, her tone of voice was very steady, clearly revealing great confidence.

Qin Hao is even fart~ his ass jumped three feet high as if on fire, looked at Mu Qianxue with a very inconceivable look, and said with a strange expression: "Honey, could it be that you arranged something in Longteng?" Commercial espionage? Or did the investment department bury a secret game in it? You shouldn’t have installed a monitor in Shuya’s office, right? Why did you guess all her thoughts? It’s so amazing! Strange!"

"Boring. Do you think you are very humorous?" Mu Qianxue frowned slightly and said coldly.

Qin Hao hesitated for a second, shrank his neck and sat back on the stool obediently, and smiled awkwardly; "I think it's okay. But how did you guess it, wife, it's amazing."

He was really surprised by Mu Qianxue. You must know that he had heard Shu Ya introduce the true intention of the movie and its future development prospects, and it was almost exactly what Mu Qianxue guessed.

If it weren't for being sure that Mu Qianxue would not do those unnecessary things, he would really have wondered if she was there when Shu Ya spoke.

Mu Qianxue's expression was very calm, and she said lightly: "This is not a difficult task at all, as long as the data collection is sufficient, and according to the current situation of Longteng and the overall environment of the film industry, a few plans are drawn up, and it is easy to guess. See Shu Ya's idea. So, you can bluff others when it comes to investing. Why should I spend money to grab the limelight for a movie that doesn't make money at all? You Longteng don't lack funds. If you complete it independently, Naturally, all the topics are on you Long Teng and Shu Ya, if I interfere, the Mu family's colossus will definitely weaken the effect of the hype."

"Then what are you working so hard to do with so many statistics, tables, and data? You know, I'm just a rough person, and I don't know anything about commercial things." Qin Hao asked suspiciously.

A smile finally appeared on Mu Qianxue's face. The mysterious smile was fleeting, and she pointed to the row of numbers at the top of the table: "Look at this movie, it's a movie that breaks history and can be called miraculous."

""Wolf Warrior 2"? Is the box office very high?" Qin Hao is not a person who loves watching movies, so he doesn't know any news about it at all. "From the name, it should be a hot-blooded action movie. Remember When I was in the army, I also heard about a special force called Wolf Warriors. It seemed that its strength was not bad, and it made its mark in the martial arts competitions of the entire military region. However, they all regarded us as idols and ultimate goals .”

Recalling what happened in the army back then, Qin Hao's eyes exuded tenderness and nostalgia, and at the same time struggled, all of which were captured by the sensitive Mu Qianxue.

"This is indeed an action movie about soldiers, but what I pay attention to is not the subject matter, but the box office." Mu Qianxue didn't ask Qin Hao's military career too much, and said straight to the point, "It created a new movie within five days of its release. 1 billion box office, the single-day highest box office record of 300 million to 400 million box office, almost two months since its release, the box office has reached 5.6 billion, breaking the previous box office record of 3.4 billion created by "Mermaid" But did you know? Its investment amount is only about 150 million to 200 million."

"400 million?! 400 million a day, isn't this a return of capital in one day and nearly double the profit? Damn! Is it so profitable to make a movie?!" Qin Hao was also shocked, 400 million a day, this kind of Even he can't match the speed of making money!

Mu Qianxue continued: "Although "Wolf Warrior 2" is about to be released, it is basically hopeless to break through 6 billion, but the box office is already amazing enough. Movie investment is indeed a good direction, as long as it can guarantee the current period is good, With excellent production and excellent content, you can exchange a limited amount of money for theoretically unlimited profits and box office, so that you can truly fight for the big with the big!"

After reading those data, Qin Hao also deeply agreed with this, and said in support: "I also think that investing in movies is indeed feasible, so, you mean that you want to cooperate with Longteng, and then ~ invest in movie production? We will send people, work hard, And a small part of the funds, you pay the money in exchange for profits?"

"Yes, and no, if you only invest in one or two films, the profit is too light, whether it is "Wolf Warrior 2" or "The Mermaid", this is an exception, not every film can achieve such results. A profit of 100 to 200 million may be considered pretty good by ordinary entertainment companies, but for Mu Shi, it is not worth my effort to plan it." Mu Qianxue shook her head, and said calmly but domineeringly, "The territory you have drawn is too small!"

The author, Don't forget the original intention, said: Second watch, ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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