My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 815 Conceal

Wang Huachi was originally a member of the older generation, and coupled with his identity as an old pedant, he was naturally a little hardened in terms of thinking, and he paid special attention to things like etiquette and seniority, otherwise he wouldn't be holding on to Qin Hao at such an old age. A young man who could be his grandson-in-law called him Shishu.

For Qin Hao's laughing and joking look, Wang Huachi actually couldn't see it. In his heart, as an uncle, as an elder, Qin Hao should have the appearance of an elder and be more serious. However, in terms of medical skills, he admired this little uncle from the bottom of his heart.

"Uncle Master..." Seeing Qin Hao, Wang Huachi's face showed a look of joy.

"It's Mr. Qin..." Qin Hao glanced around, and interrupted Wang Huachi before he could finish speaking. Calling myself uncle will inevitably attract the curious eyes of others.

Wang Huachi paused for a while, nodded and said, "Mr. Qin, you are here. The hospital just took over a difficult patient a while ago. With my medical skills, I really can't find any treatment plan. Shanshan said that I can come to you." Try it, do you see?"

Qin Hao frowned slightly. To be honest, he was not very happy. After all, he is not a doctor, so it is impossible to call him for treatment whenever he encounters a patient who cannot be cured. Moreover, life, old age, sickness and death are the causal cycle of heaven and the law. He is not God, not the savior, and not the white lotus , it is impossible to save everyone, so not only is it not saving people, but harming people.

What's more, Qin Hao has never thought of himself as a good person. Such so-called acts of kindness are meaningless to him. His experiences doom him to be selfish. To use a very simple analogy, when he is in love with his own woman Compared with the lives of a hundred or a thousand people, he would choose his own woman without hesitation, even if he would make people feel cold-blooded and cruel.

However, when Wang Huachi mentioned Yunshan, Yunshan could be moved, and he hoped that he would save the patients. This made him a little curious, and he did not rush to express his opinion. Inside a ward.

As Wang Huachi said, Yun Shan seemed to really care about the patient's condition. As an attending doctor in a large hospital, it is basically impossible to sit at the bedside and take care of the patient herself. After all, the patient The ratio of staff to doctors and nurses is too different.

Just as Wang Huachi was about to speak, Qin Hao suddenly reached out his hand to signal him not to speak, and approached Yunshan almost without making a sound.

I saw a black and thin little girl lying on the hospital bed. She was about fifteen or sixteen years old. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she was terminally ill and almost hopeless. Even though he didn't touch the other party, and didn't use his spiritual sense to scan, Qin Hao could still clearly feel the weakness of the little girl's breath of life, and how her organs, including her vitality, were exhausted under the torment of the illness. The sad thing is that she is really too thin, almost no different from the refugees Qin Hao saw in Africa, except for the skin and bones, without any flesh.

The girl's eyes are squinted. It's not that she wants to sleep, but that she really doesn't have the energy to open her eyes, let alone talk or move her body. Qin Hao wondered if she was dead.

Yun Shan was wiping the girl's arms with a hot towel at the moment, and there were a few dusty clothes on the table beside her, probably from a long journey.

Several pieces of clothes are not ordinary winter clothes, but clothes with extremely minority style colors,

After a little identification, Qin Hao concluded that it should be the costume of the Miao nationality, and the little girl should be a Miao nationality.

Seemingly aware of a stranger suddenly appearing in the ward, the little girl's half-closed eyes moved up slightly, and looked in the direction of Qin Hao in a daze. The patients in other beds were also like this. Noticing something was wrong, looking back, he found Qin Hao standing behind him, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face.

"Sister Shan, who is this?" Qin Hao asked proactively.

Yun Shan suddenly threw the towel in her hand into the hot water basin on the ground, stepped aside and pulled Qin Hao to the side of the hospital bed, and said with a slightly sad expression: "Xiao Hao, don't talk so much, help me quickly Look at the situation of this little sister, time waits for no one!"

Qin Hao pretended to be a doctor again in such a muddleheaded way. He didn't want to refuse Yun Shan's request. Although his heart was full of doubts, he still nodded and stretched out his hand to hold Yun Shan's part that hadn't been completely wiped clean. wrist, and at the same time, the consciousness also covered the past.

As time passed, his brows became more and more furrowed. After about half a minute, he let go of the girl's wrist.

Yun Shan hurriedly asked anxiously from the side; "Xiao Hao, how is she? Is there any way to cure her? Can you save her?"

Qin Hao slightly raised his eyes and glanced at the hospital bed~ the expression on the bed didn't fluctuate, or he didn't have the energy and strength to make any expression at all, even the little girl who was talking turned to Yun Shan and said, "Sister Shan, don't worry, she I already have a rough diagnosis of the symptoms, let's go out and talk about it first."

The three came to Yun Shan's office. Qin Hao closed the door with a slightly serious expression; "Sister Shan, what is the relationship between that patient and you? Why do you attach so much importance to her?"

Yun Shan lightly bit her lower lip, hesitated a little, and said in a low voice: "She is so pitiful, I want to save her."

Qin Hao narrowed his eyes slightly. To be honest, he didn't believe Yun Shan's extremely far-fetched rhetoric from the bottom of his heart. Almost every hospital in the world has patients dying every day. As a doctor, whether it is Yun Shan or Wang Huachi, they are already used to the death of patients. In terms of pity, they are as pitiful as the little girl on the hospital bed~ even I don't know how many people are younger. If they all wanted to save them because they felt pitiful, Qin Hao would probably be too exhausted to do so.

You know, sympathy and kindness are good, but these can't save people. Qin Hao didn't think that Yun Shan asked Wang Huachi to ask him to help because of pity and sympathy. What made Qin Hao feel even more wrong was that, Why didn't Yun Shan open her mouth? Compared with Wang Huachi, the relationship between Yunshan and him should be easier to talk about.

Obviously, Yun Shan was trying to hide something.

This is what makes Qin Hao feel the most chilling, and it is also the most unbearable point. Yun Shan, who can even sacrifice her life for herself, what makes her want to hide herself? She should be very clear that as long as she asks, he can't refuse.

Could it be that what she concealed was because she knew that if Qin Hao knew the truth of the concealment, he would most likely refuse to treat him.

The author Mo Wangchuxin said: There are two shifts today, and there is another shift at 12:00, please ask for flowers, please ask for flowers, please. . . . . . . . . . . . .

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