Back home, as soon as Qin Hao entered the door, he saw a table of sumptuous dishes on the dining table. In the living room, Lin Xinyi, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, eating fruit and watching TV. The pissing property of dipping in the spring water, coupled with this leisurely appearance, the dishes on this table are definitely not made by her.

"Why did you come to my house? Where is Xiaoxue?" Qin Hao took off his coat and threw it on the sofa with a displeased expression on his face. He had heard that since he and Mu Qianxue had a divorce, Lin Xinyi came to the house, The number of times he went to the company to find Mu Qianxue was very diligent, and several times he stayed in the villa and slept in the same bed with Mu Qianxue~. As for the source of the information, Qin Hao has no doubts. After all, these are all from Mu Qianjun's secret protection, and the accuracy is as high as 99.9%.

As a result, Qin Hao had to be vigilant against Lin Xinyi again. He hadn't forgotten that this woman had been plotting against his wife before, trying to break her off. Although it did stop for a while later, it was because Qin Hao and Mu Qianxue were in a good relationship at the time, and she was in the honeymoon period, so she had no way to intervene. After the divorce incident, who knows if this woman will see the opportunity and come back again?

What's more, the young couple have just gotten back together for a few days, and this is just like the passionate period of love, it's very boring, and no matter how much time they spend together, they will feel that it is not enough. However, Mu Qianxue is busy with work and has little time during the day, so she only has time to spend together after get off work at night. Such a warm dinner worth cherishing, but a rival in love appeared in the world of the two of them. Although the rival in love is a woman, Qin Hao Where will it be cool.

Lin Xinyi didn't even bother to look at Qin Hao, she just watched TV, ate some fruit, and replied unhurriedly; "What do you mean I came to your house? This is my good friend, Mu Qianxue's. The house, you are just a boarding house, don’t pretend to be the master here. If you want to find Xiaoxue, go to the kitchen, she is cooking for me.”

The expression on Qin Hao's face instantly became as exciting as it could be. With this attitude and temper, it's no wonder that she only likes women. Do men dare to want them? ! Alright, Ben~ I'm a good man who doesn't fight with women, and I don't care about you!

A set of mental victories made Qin Hao feel at ease. Instead of arguing with Lin Xinyi, he turned around and walked towards the kitchen. This sudden change made Lin Xinyi unable to accept it for a while. This guy, when did his temper change? so good?

In the kitchen, Mu Qianxue was busy, Qin Hao hurriedly licked~ with a flattering smile on his face and stepped forward; "Honey, you have worked hard all day, why don't you wait for me to come back to cook, go and rest, let me bring it on……"

"Come on, when you come back to cook, are you going to start the meal at ten o'clock at night? Besides, even if I can wait, I can't let Xinyi wait with me. Okay, don't pretend to be here, just This is the last dish left, and we can eat right away." Mu Qianxue was busy putting the last dish on the plate, and at the same time threw Qin Hao a big hygienic eye.

Qin Hao laughed dryly, stepped forward to pick up the leftover vegetable leaves, eggshells and other garbage, and said, "Then I'll clean it up for you, and speed up so we can have dinner earlier."

After tidying up and washing hands, Mu Qianxue was done, ready to serve the dishes on the table, Qin Hao hurriedly served the dishes and the rest of the dish together; "I'll come, I'll come, be careful of burning your hands careful it's hot..."

Out of the kitchen, at some point Lin Xinyi had already sat at the dining table, but the TV on the side was not turned off. Qin Hao put down the dishes and chopsticks, went to the sofa and picked up the remote control to turn off the TV; Don’t you know how to save energy? Don’t you feel sorry for the electricity bill?”

"Hold on! I want to watch TV,

Don't turn it off, you can't watch TV while eating! Lin Xinyi snapped back unceremoniously, "How much electricity can you use, don't be stingy, besides, the electricity bill has nothing to do with you!" "

Qin Hao was so angry that smoke was coming out of his nostrils, but he still didn't turn off the TV. He threw the remote control on the sofa and said angrily, "Watching TV after eating, what kind of bad habit, kid? Can’t digest, ignorance! It’s said that you have big breasts and no brains, but you have flat chests and no brains!”

"You... Xiaoxue, he bullied me!" Lin Xinyi glared, then turned to Mu Qianxue who had just finished setting the dishes and preparing to eat, and said coquettishly with a pitiful look.

A faint smile appeared on Mu Qianxue's cold face, and it disappeared in a flash. She walked to the sofa and picked up the coat that Qin Hao had left at the door, and hung it on the hanger in the living room; "What's the matter with you two today? What's the matter?" Fighting back and forth? People who are obviously half-assed and have indiscreet living habits, how can they have the courage to criticize each other? Eat, eat..."

After Mu Qianxue came out to smooth things over in the middle, the two didn't continue to quarrel, and the three of them went to the table to have dinner. Before they had a few bites, they heard a news broadcast on TV.

"According to the "Washington Post" report, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled with a 5:4 vote on the 26th that same-sex marriage is constitutional. So far, same-sex couples in 50 states of the United States will have the right to enter legal marriage, and 14 states The ban on same-sex marriage was subsequently revoked. The United States thus became the 21st country in the world to recognize same-sex marriage throughout its entire territory..."

Lin Xinyi suddenly stopped gobbling, eating like a man, glanced at the TV, swallowed the food in her mouth, and sighed: "Hey, the United States is such a good place, everyone can express their emotions freely, regardless of gender, Race, age, no discrimination, no inequality, this is real freedom, the freedom of humanity..."

"Freedom? The United States?" Qin Hao sneered, "You know what, if there is no discrimination and inequality in the United States, there will be no place for equality and justice in this world! A person who talks about democracy and justice all day long On the other side, racial discrimination is extremely serious, discrimination against Chinese, discrimination against blacks, even a hundred years cannot solve this problem, even the police, government departments, and laws cannot effectively manage and improve, or favoritism, you actually tell me freedom and justice?

Let me tell you, I hate people like you who worship foreigners and foreigners the most. American shit smells delicious. If you like the United States so much, why are you still in China and immigrated to the United States. Besides, this news is that same-sex marriage is legal, have you read the next one? The worst mass shooting in history, 50 dead and 200 injured in five minutes of shooting! See, this is the free country in your eyes, you can save your life and still be free! "

"No, I said how you look like an angry youth. I just said it casually, and I didn't say how the whole country of the United States is. I just said that when it comes to the legalization of same-sex marriage, the United States has achieved freedom. You reacted so violently. What are you doing?!" Lin Xinyi was also annoyed, she glared at Qin Hao and retorted, "What I said is the truth, in our country, homosexuals dare not announce it at all, otherwise they will receive all kinds of criticism, white eyes, and even disgusting insults But the United States can fundamentally support same-sex marriage in law, isn’t this a fact? Isn’t it a manifestation of freedom?”

"Come on!" Qin Hao also slapped his chopsticks on the table, "I maintain a neutral opinion on homosexuality, lily, and homosexuality. I don't support, I don't oppose, and I don't discriminate, because it has nothing to do with me! But, You Lin Xinyi plotted against my wife, if you want to mess with my wife, I will never agree, I just want to object, what do you do!"

"Love is free! Xiaoxue has her own independent thoughts, she is an independent individual, who she likes and who she accepts is her business. Now she is suitable for you to be together, what do you have to worry about not being satisfied? Is it Because you are too weak, afraid that one day I will not be able to snatch her away?" Lin Xinyi raised her neck and said loudly.

Qin Hao's eyes were on fire, and he jumped at the table; "Mother Tyrannosaurus, you want to fight a duel, don't you?"

"A duel is a duel, ah!"


There was another crisp sound of chopsticks hitting the table, and Mu Qianxue's cold voice pierced into the ears of the two who were at war with each other; "Don't you guys want to eat anymore! Anyone who dares to make trouble will get out!"

The author, Don't forget the original intention, said: The second one will be delivered, please ask for flowers, please ask for flowers, please. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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