My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 821 Watch too many Korean dramas

Except for Mu Qianxue and Lin Xinyi herself, no one knew what kind of explanation Lin Xinyi gave. They only knew that the two of them didn't look so pretty when they separated.

Lin Xinyi's mood is extremely chaotic at the moment, maybe even she herself is a little unclear about what she needs in her heart, is it obsession, love, or compromise?

When Mu Qianxue came home, Qin Hao had already finished all the finishing work, and was looking for her curiously. When he saw her enter the door, he couldn't help but asked in confusion, "Wife, where did you go just now? I've been looking for you just now. a little while."

"I went to see Xinyi off and talked to her." Mu Qianxue stood at the door and changed her shoes and walked slowly towards Qin Hao.

Qin Hao curled his lips, obviously dissatisfied with this light bulb and Lin Xinyi, who is also a rival in love, he went to the kitchen to prepare a glass of milk for Mu Qianxue before going to bed, licked his face and said, "Honey, don't worry, I will definitely listen to you According to your instructions, calm down and do things, and absolutely never fight with others casually, let alone cause trouble. So, can you have less contact with that woman Lin Xinyi in the future? Just don't let her come to the house! Men and women , Yang matches Yin, this is the cycle of heaven, the law of nature, her perverted ideas and eccentricities are not worth advocating, if everyone behaves like her, wouldn't it be a long time before the entire human race will be removed from the earth? gone extinct?"

"Well, Xinyi's idea is really difficult to accept." Mu Qianxue's expression was obviously not very interested, and her words seemed to be perfunctory. Suddenly, absent-minded and hesitant, she suddenly looked up at Qin Hao very seriously; "Qin Hao, do you feel that Xinyi seems a little weird? I always feel that she has something hidden in her heart."

"Strange? Isn't the female tyrannosaurus always weird? With her carefree, manly personality, if she can hide things in her heart, then something will happen!" Qin Hao said disapprovingly, obviously not Sensing the strangeness in Mu Qianxue's words, "Xiaoxue, don't just think about Lin Xinyi, how about we talk about other things? For example, I have been working so hard recently, can you see if the benefits you agreed before can be delivered in advance? Let's go down..."

Mu Qianxue's complexion changed suddenly, and when she talked about sensitive topics, she couldn't help but blush even though she was relatively cold-tempered. She quickly put the milk prepared by Qin Hao aside, and blamed angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? Me and you Seriously, what are you thinking? Just because you came home so much later than the promised time today, you will have to sleep on the floor later!"

"No way, wife, you've kept my appetite like this, and you don't even want to give me any sweets. Isn't that embarrassing me." Qin Hao made a bitter face, and winked at Mu Qianxue pitifully on purpose.

"What? Can't take it anymore? Then you can go to other women. Anyway, you have so many women, and I didn't tell you not to go. As long as you don't bring them home, you can go." Qianxue ignored it directly, and instead had a lukewarm and somewhat playful smile on her face, and said unhurriedly.

The people who went there were stupid, Qin Hao scolded himself silently in his heart, and quickly said, "No, it's been a long time since I made out with my wife, I miss you. My wife is right, the old me Guilty, I will definitely complete the task well, and as long as my wife fulfills your promise, I will be satisfied."

"I'm not someone who doesn't count my words. Now that I've said it, I will definitely do it." Mu Qianxue replied lightly, and then changed the topic to Lin Xinyi, "Actually, I always have a feeling that Xinyi will Coming to the house seems to be aimed at you, but I have no reason to convince this conjecture, do you really think I am worrying too much? Or..."

"You must be worrying too much.

Wife, don't even think about it, that woman is so aggressive towards you today, she wished she would have a duel with me. It's a woman, I can't even touch her! "As soon as Lin Xinyi was mentioned as a rival in love, Qin Hao was so distressed that he was dying of distress. Being a rival in love with a woman is really too terrifying for him.

"However, it's not completely wrong to say that it's aimed at me." Qin Hao thought for a while, and then said, "Look at her today, it's as if she is the master of this family. He tried every means to target me, against me everywhere, and he kept attacking me, it was clear that he had a grudge against me! If you say it, you will get angry!"

Mu Qianxue shook her head; "I didn't mean that."

"What does that mean?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

Mu Qianxue hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "I feel that Xinyi treats you differently from others. Although all her actions today seem to be related to me, I always feel that she is like It was deliberately to get your attention, to argue with you, to bicker, to attract your attention, she..."

"Honey, tell me the truth, have you watched Korean dramas again recently?" Before Mu Qianxue could finish speaking, Qin Hao quickly interrupted. At any rate, I have lived with Mu Qianxue for so long, and I know her living habits, hobbies, and hobbies. Although this strong woman is known as a talented business woman and goddess of the iceberg, she is actually a house girl in her bones.

Regardless of work, she still spends most of her time at home. As for what she does, she watches TV dramas, and they are the most abusive, heartwarming, tender, and bloodiest Korean dramas.

Qin Hao had often seen her and Mu Qianjun nestling on the sofa watching Korean dramas, and when they saw the depth of love, or particularly abusive places, they would hug each other and cry like tears, really called Qin Hao Hao Wuyu, Mu Qianjun, a young girl, loves to watch these beauties and handsome guys, love love~ I just love idol dramas, anyway, you, Mu Qianxue, are already twenty-six, why do you look like a little girl, why do you have a girly heart?

Of course, he would only slander secretly like this at most. If he dared to say it in front of Mu Qianxue, the grass on his grave would be three feet high.

Because of this, after hearing Mu Qianxue's so-called feelings, Qin Hao subconsciously thought of these, because he really couldn't think of any other reasons to explain it. Isn't this bullshit? Lin Xinyi's Baihe has nothing to attract his attention, what is it doing to attract his attention? Isn't this sick? This! Who will believe it!

Mu Qianxue understands Qin Hao's reaction, and she also knows that her statement is a bit far-fetched, maybe even she herself can't find a reason to convince herself to put forward the argument, but somehow, her sixth sense is so strong, It was an unprecedented feeling, as if telling her that she guessed right.

"I said my wife, don't think about it, let's go up and tidy up and go to bed? Do you think it's possible? Think it's a TV series or a novel? Even if it's a novel, what brainless author would write such a plot? You said that Lin Xinyi is a lily, Lala, how could she have anything to do with me? I am not a woman, or are you deliberately scolding me in disguise?" Qin Hao was completely speechless, Mu Qianxue's so-called sixth sense , women love to think about it so much, even Mu Qianxue can't escape it, but she can associate such nonsense together, Mu Qianxue's brain hole, it's better to replace the stupid ~ force the author and the mentally handicapped screenwriter to write novels alright.

Mu Qianxue also seemed to feel that she might be thinking too much. Although she still had some thoughts in her heart and hadn't given up completely, she didn't say anything, and the two of them ended their conversation at night.

The author Mo Wangchuxin said: There is still an update, Chuxin will write until ten o'clock in the morning, I can't guarantee it, but try to write as much as possible, ask for flowers, ask for flowers. beg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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