My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 825 Old Photos

The girl was frightened by the sudden appearance of such a big man like Qin Hao. The main reason was that she was dressed too coolly. Anyway, it was closed in winter in recent years. Even if there was heating in the dormitory, a suspender and a small inner Walking in the hallway is also not suitable.


The girl threw away the washbasin directly, and covered her chest with her hands, as if she felt that it was inappropriate, and then went to cover the bottom, a pair of white and beautiful~legs clamped tightly, turned around and ran towards the inside of the room, closing the door heavily.

The screams naturally caused a lot of commotion, and some good-natured girls opened the door to wait and see. When they saw such a real big man like Qin Hao standing in the corridor, the whole floor almost boiled. That kind of feeling is a bit like devils raiding the village, shutting doors quickly from house to house, running faster than rabbits one by one, as if Qin Hao is really a robber.

"What's wrong? Brother-in-law, don't you really mess around in school?" Mu Qianjun on the other end of the phone obviously heard a lot of movement through his mobile phone, and asked quickly. So to say, but the main meaning of it is mostly ridicule.

Qin Hao's entire face was completely darkened, his expression was very ugly, and he said angrily; "You girl, you have opened your mouth, so you can't say something nice? I'm off to work, so I hang up."

After saying that, Qin Hao hung up the phone and walked quickly towards Lu Siying's bedroom. As for the bedroom number plate, he naturally asked Mu Qianjun. Arriving at the destination dormitory 520, Qin Hao knocked lightly on the door, but there was no sound, and there was no response for a long time, so he knocked again, still the same. He didn't dare to make too much noise. After all, his identity was a bit special. If people misunderstood him, he would inevitably be surrounded and beaten like he was in the teaching building before.

However, it is absolutely impossible for him to just give up like this. He has worked so hard to enter the girls' dormitory with the possibility of ruining his reputation. Looked around like a thief, and found that the surrounding rooms were well closed, and there was no one in the corridor. His consciousness suddenly spread, and he saw that the dormitory in 520 was empty, only a girl was lying on the bed~ sleeping, isn’t it? The other person was Lu Siying.

After confirming that the target was in the dormitory, Qin Hao decided to take the risk. He just wanted to use his strength to shake the door lock open, but who knew that when he turned the handle, he found that the fucking door was not locked at all, and it opened with just one twist!

He entered the room softly, Qin Hao quietly closed the door, hesitated for a moment, locked the door, and then groped towards Lu Siying's bed. He didn't wake her up immediately, but looked around first. In terms of the environment, the university dormitory and the decoration of the home are very simple, except for the four beds, there are four desks next to the bed next to the cabinet.

Qin Hao's desk, it's not because of anything else, but because there are only a bunch of snacks on that desk, some have been opened and some have not been opened, and there are some brand-name cosmetics, bags, etc. After all, my sister Mu Qianxue She is a fashionista, so the girl will naturally have a lot of needs in this regard.

In Qin Hao's eyes, these things that look like sundries are very messy. The familiar style is almost the same as when the little girl was at home. It is easy to guess, not to mention that there is a picture on the table. Girl's big head sticker. Of course, she's a girl anyway, and although she's lazy and doesn't like to clean up, she's just messy and clean, not sloppy or dirty.

However, Qin Hao just took a quick glance and didn't continue to pay attention. Compared with the girl at home, he paid more attention to Lu Siying's desk. Don't underestimate the placement of a person's belongings. From these small details of life, you can actually see a lot about the owner's personality. When Qin Hao didn't know Lu Siying very well,

Look at the placement of the desk first, but it can show the character of the other party more intuitively and three-dimensionally.

For example, let's take the arrangement of Mu Qianjun's desk items. First of all, the girl is a snack, with a good family background, and at the same time, her personality is more outgoing, cheerful, and lazy. Moreover, she threw these things that are relatively precious to ordinary people on the table like this, which also shows that the girl is indeed not a thoughtful and scheming person.

Looking at the desk next to Lu Siying's bedside table, Qin Hao was stunned for a moment. This desk should be the cleanest and neatest among the four desks in the dormitory. The small bookshelves on the two floors are full of books. There are new ones. Some are old, but generally they are well preserved without any damage. It can be seen that books should be cherished in normal times.

At a glance, Qin Hao found that these books were basically related to performances, and placed underneath was a Tianhai University library card. The photos and names on it all showed that the owner was undoubtedly Lu Siying.

In the center of the table is a thick notebook, as well as a few ballpoint pens, pencils, and a pencil sharpener inserted in the pen holder.

Qin Hao pursed his lips, a hesitation flashed in his eyes, he was obviously curious about the contents of the notebook, but it didn't seem very good to open it without the owner's consent.

However, he himself sneaked in, so he still cares about such a small problem? Looking at Lu Siying, who was sleeping soundly under the blanket, Qin Hao took a deep breath, and slowly opened the pages of the notebook. What came into view was the beautiful font, which was very comfortable to read, but the content seemed to make him feel uncomfortable. Big disappointment.

It's not anything else, but because it's slightly different from Qin Hao's expectations. I thought the notebook would contain some diaries, life trivia, and the like, but when I opened it, I realized that these contents seemed to be Lu Siying's reading notes. All of the above are excerpts from a certain book, and then attached her own notes and feelings.

Disappointed, Qin Hao covered the notebook and continued to look at the desk, but found that apart from these books, pens, and notebooks, there was nothing feminine at all. Cosmetics, skin care products, manicures, lipsticks, nothing at all. No, the only thing that has something to do with life should be a cup on the top of the table plus a toothbrush and toothpaste that is basically completely crushed.

If there is anything on this table that can catch Qin Hao's attention, it should be a photo that has turned yellow, but is placed in a very cheap photo frame and placed directly in front of the chair. The background of the photo seems to be in front of a very dilapidated house that is piled up with mud and the roof is all made of wood planks, thatch, broken tiles, etc. Lu Siying, who has a bright smile on her face, is half squatting on the ground, surrounded by seven or eight people. The first ten-year-old children, about seven or eight, stood in a row, and she was in the middle.

Qin Hao's first impression of these children, or the whole picture, was that they were poor, dirty, and rotten. In the photo, these children are all gray-headed, dirty all over, and their clothes are tattered and dusty, as if they haven't been washed for many days. In contrast, although Lu Siying's clothes are old, they are a little washed It was whitish, but clean.

Moreover, these children have one thing in common, that is, it is unknown whether it is because of the weather or simply being poor. Except for Lu Siying, none of them have shoes on their feet, and all of them are barefoot. But even so, the children's faces still retain a very simple, pure, sunny, and cute smile. Even Qin Hao, who can kill people without blinking his eyes, sees these smiles, and he will have a feeling of being healed from the bottom of his heart. Feel.

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