My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 851 Greedy Man

Ten years of love, Jiang Xuan did not know how many times she proposed marriage, Ren Han refused to compromise in the end, she couldn't just live with a man she didn't like for the rest of her life, but she couldn't break the relationship with Jiang Xuan against her parents' wishes , I can only procrastinate like this for ten years.

During the period, the two had quarreled, and it could even be said to be very frequent. Ren Han didn't know how many times he told Jiang Xuanming that he didn't have that kind of liking between men and women, he treated him more like a good friend, but every time he mentioned this, Jiang Xuan would always change the topic and pretend that he didn't hear , still showing her all kinds of courtesies as usual. The quarrel will only end with Jiang Xuan admitting defeat. In the eyes of outsiders, Ren Han is an unreasonable, spoiled and self-willed girl who doesn't know her blessings, while Jiang Xuan has a bad temper. Gentle, kind and loyal man.

After a long time, Ren Han also lost her heart. She didn't expect Jiang Xuan to give up and get rid of the other party, so she could only concentrate on her work. It happened that Cai Yiyan debuted, and she was tired of being with her all day long, wanting to distance herself from her. Jiang Xuan's distance drained the other party's enthusiasm, so it dragged on like this.

After all, she is always a woman. The biggest difference between a woman and a man is sensibility and rationality. Compared with the unfeeling of a man, a woman is more affectionate. Jiang Xuan is really good to Ren Han, he is a very good suitor, except for some straight male cancer machismo, he has done everything very well, otherwise, not everyone can stick to it for ten years Give up, even if Ren Hanming knows that the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, he can't do it so heartlessly.

It can only be said that love is wonderful. No matter how good some people are, how hard they work, and how hard they put their heart and soul out, they are doomed to be the fate of the second male lead in TV dramas and novels.

Qin Hao didn't know all these inside stories. He only knew that the guy in front of him was Ren Han's boyfriend. It seemed that there was something wrong with their relationship. As for what was going on behind the scenes, he was not a gossip person, and he didn't like to inquire about privacy. On the contrary, facing this guy who is too thick-skinned to enter the city wall, he is a little embarrassed. If this guy knows what happened to Ren Han, touched and kissed him, everything will be fine except that the last line of defense between men and women has not been broken. I have done it, I guess I want to kill myself.

Since Jiang Xuan appeared in the ward, Qin Hao, the so-called colleague and friend, was not too good to stay here all the time, mainly because he felt a little embarrassed, so he greeted Ren Han, ignored his resentful eyes, and left with any excuse up.

However, Qin Hao didn't expect Cai Yiyan to follow him out of the ward. After being scolded by him before, this girl did change, and she didn't cry all the time, but now those bright eyes staring at him seriously The eyes made him a little at a loss, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart, maybe this girl is seeking revenge from me for my words too hard before?

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Qin Hao couldn't help but be stared at by Cai Yiyan, so he could only ask with a smile.

Cai Yiyan shook his mobile phone: "I have already made a decision about inviting me to participate in the movie. I can participate, and I don't need to be paid, but I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" Qin Hao was a little puzzled. He had indeed sent a text message to Zhang Xiaoke when he had discussed with Zhang Xiaoke and decided to invite Cai Yiyan to participate in the performance to increase the topicality. Unexpectedly, there are still conditions.

Cai Yiyan took a deep breath, looked at Ren Han, who was not interested in dealing with Jiang Xuan, and said, "Sister Han likes you, don't you know?"

Qin Hao's expression changed slightly, and the girl who was always talkative suddenly spoke so sharply that it made him a little uncomfortable. He sighed and said, "I know, but I really don't know how to respond to her, I..."

"I'm not interested in this, I just want to know, do you like Sister Han?" Cai Yiyan continued to press.

Qin Hao scratched his head, and finally decided to tell the truth: "Ren Han is a good girl,

But I'm really not suitable for her, and you all know my situation. I have many women, and I'm really not a candidate worthy of her affection. Moreover, I just treat her as a friend, personally, I think it is better to treat me as a friend than as a lover, I don't want to harm her..."

If Ren Han heard his words, he would probably be scolding his mother, maybe pointing at Qin Hao's nose and scolding him for being shameless, why didn't he call her a big guy when he touched her and kissed her at the same time? Is it a friend? Are friends so affectionate?

It's not that Qin Hao himself doesn't know this, even he himself blushes a little at the moment.

Cai Yiyan doesn't care about these things, she cares more about Qin Hao's attitude on this matter: "Since you have made your attitude clear, I hope you can remember what you said today. Sister Han is not pursued by anyone, although she doesn't like it Jiang Xuan, but Jiang Xuan is indeed a very good suitor. The most important thing is that this man really likes Sister Han. He has persisted for ten years, and I have always watched him. If you don’t like Han Sister, I can’t give Sister Han a future, so please don’t bother them. I don’t want Sister Han’s impulsiveness to end up in pain. I want to see her happy. Qin Hao, can you understand me? mean?"

To be honest, hearing what Cai Yiyan said, Qin Hao felt very uncomfortable. Ren Han has always been a dispensable role to him. Most of them are friends, and there are few ambiguous relationships. I have experienced life and death, and I have had close contacts that should not be friends at all. So I really want to point out that Ren Han is indeed the most special woman among all the women Qin Hao has come into contact with. Even Qin Hao himself can't figure out what he thinks.

If he likes it, he still feels that he likes Ren Han's mature body more than his emotions, but if he doesn't like it at all, he doesn't care. Hearing what Cai Yiyan said, he feels very uncomfortable and doesn't want to let go. Reason told him that the current situation is indeed that he is not suitable for Ren Han, and being with Ren Han will only harm her, because he cannot give Ren Han the so-called love and family. However, leaving aside the rational level, he can't say that he has no feelings. After all, he is the object of his ambiguity. Thinking about Ren Han and Jiang Xuan getting married in the future, getting married and having children, he can't feel better for no reason.

After all, in a word, greedy man!

"When it comes to Cai Yiyan, in the eyes of others, there will always be a glamorous side, but very few people know that before my debut, after my debut, no one cared about me, and I was not famous. At that time, it was me and When sister Han was dependent on each other, no one believed me at that time, thinking that a so-called singer-songwriter who can only sing can make a way in today's star-studded entertainment circle, and even I wanted to give up.

However, Sister Han has always refused to give up. She has always believed in me. She can ask for an announcement for me, ask for a sponsor, ask for a producer, and she can let go of the golden agent for me who is unknown. Figure, let go of those kings and queens and concentrate on taking me alone. In my heart, she is like my own sister. Without her, I, Cai Yiyan, would not be where I am today. Therefore, if anyone dares to bully her, I, Cai Yiyan, will fight with him even if I don’t want to be a star! "

The author Mo Wang said: There are two more updates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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