My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 855: Night Talk

He was left speechless by this girl's logic, and he didn't want to understand that whether she looks good or not has half a dime to do with the good-looking or not of her sister who has no blood relationship.

Cauliflower: "Uncle, I have decided, I must not let that person succeed, so you have to help me, understand?"

Uncle: "OK, isn't it just online dating? Just leave it to Uncle Ben. If he dares to harass you again, Uncle will help you deal with him! But to be honest, I would really like to meet the guy you mentioned, who can make out Such nonsense must not be ordinary people."

Cauliflower: "It is true that he is not an ordinary person. To be honest, he is actually very good. As a friend, he is very loyal and has helped a lot, but he is really excellent. Seeing that my sister is so mature and stable. Fallen, I am afraid that one day it will be my turn..."

Qin Hao curled his lips in disdain, obviously a little upset, although he really didn't really take this online dating as such a thing and confuse it with real life, but it would be a bit unpleasant for an online dating partner to admire a man so much in front of him. Saying that I want to meet is the truth from the bottom of my heart. I heard from the girl that the man is very caring and has many women. He is a bit similar to me, and he cherishes each other. The most important thing is that the man's women all know each other's existence, and Qin Hao really wants to ask each other how to make the harem so harmonious, so that the backyard does not catch fire.

Cauliflower; "How about this, uncle, how about we leave a phone number for each other? Otherwise, it will be a problem to meet in the future. Who knows if you will not be online for another half a month, so how can you still date online? Even if you live in Rio in the future It's okay to come out and meet."

Qin Hao hesitated for a moment: "Okay, anyway, you don't care, what do I care about as a big man. But, are you really sure you want to continue? Uncle doesn't want to use the name of online dating to take advantage of others."

Cauliflower: "I don't want to admit defeat, the only one who can help me now is uncle."

As she said that, she sent her mobile phone number. She usually uses two mobile phones, which are divided into work and personal. The work one is usually kept with Ren Han, and she will only use it when she needs to use it. The private ones are carried with me 24 hours a day, and I often check Weibo, post updates and so on.

It's also due to the fact that she sent Qin Hao her own private number. If it was the one at work, the identities of the two would have to be exposed. The two exchanged numbers in such a daft way, but they still don't know the identity of the other party.

Now that the little girls have sent them over on their own initiative, Qin Hao will look petty if he keeps talking, so he saved the number in his phone, thought for a while and tried sending a text message: "I said, you little girl casually put your phone Are you not afraid of being harassed if you give your number to a stranger?"

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the reply came: "Is uncle a stranger? Strangers still call me dear? Besides, if uncle is a bad person who dares to harass me, I will block you, uncle, and see what you do !"

"Okay, you cow! I accept!"

"Haha... Uncle, I'm hungry and I'm going to eat, I'll get off first, 886."

"Well, goodbye dear."

Putting the phone back in his pocket, he glanced at his friend whose avatar had turned gray. Qin Hao was not in the mood to continue playing, seeing that it was getting late, he quit the game to find Duanmurui and Yunshan to have dinner together.


Lu Siying hadn't eaten anything for a whole day, and she was always fighting with heaven and man in her heart. Where did she have an appetite, she couldn't even sleep well, especially after Mu Qianjun returned to the dormitory, she almost didn't dare to face her , as if she had done something to offend her, Mu Qianjun was stunned. Although she didn't know what happened, she could feel that the atmosphere was wrong, and she could also feel Lu Siying's deliberate dodge.

As the only person in the know, Wang Qing naturally took all these into consideration. At first, she just thought that only Lu Siying could solve this matter, so she didn't intervene anymore. But as the day passed, she suffered another whole day. At night, Lu Siying still couldn't make a decision.

On the contrary, she couldn't eat well, sleep well, and her complexion became particularly ugly. Wang Qing couldn't bear it anymore, and pulled Lu Siying out of the dormitory in the middle of the night.

She bought a bunch of beer and some messy snacks, and dragged Lu Siying, who had no mood to sleep, to the lawn of the playground to lie down and watch the stars.

Unscrewing a can of beer, Wang Qing took a big sip, then handed it to Lu Siying's mouth: "Try it? Try it!"

Lu Siying has never drank alcohol, and she is not willing to spend money on it. For her, a can of beer that costs only a few yuan is already a luxury. But today, she was irritable and hesitant, but she really wanted to try the taste of drinking. Looking into Wang Qing's eyes, she hardly hesitated. As a result, she took a big gulp of beer. It's uncomfortable, and the taste doesn't seem very good, neither sweet nor sour, and a little bit bitter, but this stuff seems to be under a spell, and it seems to feel so comfortable after drinking it.

"Now let's talk about it. What are you thinking? Why are you avoiding Mu Qianjun?" Wang Qing didn't care what choice Lu Siying made. She was just worried that her friend would give her too much psychological burden and pressure because of this matter. It's rare, but everyone has different values. Letting it go doesn't mean it won't be there in the future. There's no need to torment yourself about it. However, everyone understands the truth, but not everyone is as simple as Lu Siying.

Maybe it was Jiu Zhuang who was cowardly, or maybe Lu Siying was really depressed, so she told the reason.

"Guilty? What are you guilty of?" After hearing the reason, Wang Qing was really speechless, and said angrily, "Not to mention that you haven't made a decision at all, and nothing happened to that guy. Even if something happened to you, That's not your fault, fair trade, everyone gets what they need, what's wrong with you? If you really say it's wrong, it's all that bastard, and it's that bastard who should really feel guilty! He's married and messing around outside Come on, he cheated, he was the one who threatened you from the beginning to the end, it's not your turn to take responsibility for this kind of thing!

Let me tell you this, do you think that even if you reject that bastard and pass up this opportunity, that bastard will change his mind and realize his mistake? He will only turn his target to another woman who needs opportunities like you, and throw the heroine out again as a bargaining chip, just like the small pond in our school. What the hell are you thinking about? "

Lu Siying gulped down the beer, only to finish a can of beer before giving up, looked at Wang Qing in a daze, crushed the soda can and threw it aside, as if she had made up her mind, and asked: "Then what should I do? Qingqing, I really need money, I am so hesitant, I really don’t know what to do, I feel like I’m going crazy, I finally got out of Daliang Mountain, I spent so much energy, I suffered so much, I didn't sell my body and dignity to come out, I..."

Wang Qing sighed, everyone's birth is predestined by heaven, as a good friend, she has witnessed how much hardship Lu Siying has endured along the way, and there are many things she can't see, she is really distressed and sympathetic she. But even so, she still has no way to help Lu Siying make a choice, after all, she is not her and cannot represent her.

"I have an idea, I don't know if you are willing to try it?"

Just when Wang Qing was speechless, a crisp and pleasant voice suddenly came from behind. The familiar voice made the two of them instantly stiffen and their faces turned pale.

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