It's about Lu Siying's future, Wang Qing didn't dare to make up nonsense, took a deep breath, collected her thoughts and said, "Yingying was born in a small village in Daliang Mountain, it's a very poor place, how poor is it? I haven’t been there so I can’t experience it for myself, but I’ve also heard from Yingying. They don’t have electricity because it’s too expensive to use. The people there don’t wear shoes all the year round because the mountain road wears out too much and it’s easy to wear out. I'm sorry. The children there have to work since they were young, and they can't read. They are basically illiterate, because they can't afford it. Reading is too extravagant to support them. The people there can never get out of the mountains and live there. , nothing but despair.”

"Then Lu Siying, she..."

Now Huaguo is indeed very powerful, and its economic strength has risen a lot, but in this vast territory, there are still many areas like Daliang Mountain where the poor can't afford food and clothing. Just like the hometown of Earthworms and the others, if Qin Hao hadn't brought them out of the mountains, their lives might be no different from the people in Daliang Mountain. Although this road is not necessarily a good way out, and maybe it will not end well in the end, at least they did not spend their lives waiting for death.

"Yingying is the only one who is unwilling to succumb to fate. In order to be able to walk out of the mountains, she is just over ten years old, carrying potatoes, corn and the like to the county town for two hours every day to sell them. She once slipped down the hillside with people and things due to bad weather, and almost lost her life. Just so scattered, she finally finished elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university. Apart from studying hard, she worked hard to earn money , she not only has to pay the tuition fees, but also pays some to her parents to subsidize the family, because she has lost a labor force in her studies.

But even so, after the college entrance examination, she was admitted to our school with the highest score in the county, but her parents still refused to let her come to Tianhai to study, even if she didn't ask her family for a penny, and even subsidized her family. For the people there, a woman should get married and have children at this age, and studying is a waste, especially Yingying is a girl, and she has already completed a lot of high school, so she doesn't need it at all. The money is better spent on food and drink. Ridiculous, right? "

Although Mu Qianjun and Lu Siying are also roommates, they are obviously not close. If it weren't for Qin Hao's incident, there would be no such relationship at all. How could they know each other's past? Hearing Wang Qing's words is also very touching Interest, completely substituted into the story, asked anxiously: "Then how did Yingying convince her parents?"

"Yingying looks weak, but she is actually very strong. She is a person who can do things beyond your imagination at critical moments. She knows that her parents were deeply poisoned by the thoughts of the feudal era and would not understand her thoughts at all. , so she had no intention of convincing them at all from the beginning. She worked silently, earning money as usual, saving money desperately, and finally on the last day of summer vacation, she brought all her savings, a piece of clothing She didn't take any of them, and brought the book she regarded as a treasure, and came to the school alone to report.

Fortunately, there is no limit to the road, and the income of part-time jobs in a big city like Tianhai is much higher than that in a small county. In addition to studying, she works to earn money. The money was all sent home. Her parents had never seen so much money in their entire life, they were shocked, and changed a lot about it, and she had already walked out of the mountains, even if they disagreed, there was nothing they could do to her, so they had to compromise in the end.

Producer Qin, do you know that Yingying is like this. In addition to her own tuition and living expenses, she also needs to subsidize her family and children in her hometown to go to school. She said that she came out of Daliang Mountain. She understands the pain of not being able to read and have no knowledge. She knows the longing for the outside of the mountain. It’s not that the children don’t want to go out of the mountain. It’s just that no one helps them, and they are finally hit by reality. collapse. Therefore, she would rather drink cold water and make steamed buns by herself than help those children. Because of her example, there is not so much resistance to children studying in her hometown.

It's just that she refused to pay any money, and couldn't afford it. Instead, all the burdens were placed on her head. What I said is the truth. If you don’t believe me, you can go to the dormitory to look through her belongings. There are letters written to her by the children in her hometown, photos and so on. "

These words of Wang Qing are all from the bottom of my heart, there is not a single lie, because they are deeply affectionate, and because they are the most authentic, they are the most touching. Mu Qianjun has been completely aroused with sympathy, and begged Qin Hao with red eyes. : "Brother-in-law, I won't quarrel with you anymore, I beg you, just give Sister Yingying a chance and help those children, okay?"

Faced with such a kind and innocent request from Mu Qianjun, Qin Hao really couldn't bear to refuse. He didn't say that he agreed to Huo's refusal, but touched her head and asked Wang Qing, "Lu Siying suddenly changed her mind and came to me, probably because These kids?"

Through all the above, if what Wang Qing said was true, it would be impossible for a person with such strong self-esteem as Lu Siying to beg him again for her own sake.

Wang Qing nodded: "The children received a letter two days ago. The weather in Daliang Mountain was not good. It rained continuously for a period of time, and the earth embryo house that was used as a school collapsed. Fortunately, the weather was really bad that day. Well, the elementary school had a day off, so no one was injured. But the school won’t be able to attend classes if the school collapses. If it needs a lot of money to rebuild the house or something, Yingying doesn’t want to make such a dilapidated house just to save money. The personal safety of the children cannot be guaranteed. But it’s tens of thousands of dollars, not to mention her, even if I want to help, I can’t help, so I thought that if I can take over the role of the heroine, I should be able to get so much money money."

Sure enough, Qin Hao sighed slightly. He never thought that such a frail girl like Lu Siying would carry the dreams of so many children on her weak shoulders, whether it was her desperate struggle to get out of the mountains, or to She didn't say anything about the abandonment of the children's dignity, but took it all on, and insisted on it for several years. How hard it was, only she knew the pain, and she couldn't understand it just by talking about it.

But even so, she still persevered. It seems that such a girl can no longer be described as kind and simple, great, she is a great person. Perhaps in the eyes of others, it takes only one step to complete the road, but she takes a hundred or two hundred steps to walk, and walks with so many children on her back.

Qin Hao already felt that he hadn't misjudged her. Lu Siying was still the same Lu Siying, a rustic girl who was unwilling to resign herself to fate and fought back hard, guarding the last pure land in her heart and working hard.

"As for what I said about Lu Siying just now, I solemnly take it back at this moment. Xiao Jun is right. I am too arbitrary. I don't understand that Lu Siying made a judgment based on what I saw in front of me. It is my problem. I don't care about this role. It will change again, it will only be given to Lu Siying to play, as I said, my role will only be given to suitable people, and now Lu Siying is even more suitable than the previous one!"

"Really? Producer Qin, are you really going to give the role to Yingying?" Wang Qing was extremely excited, suppressing the joy in her heart, and confirmed to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao nodded: "Of course, Lu Siying is worthy of this role, I believe she can play this role well. Besides, it's all about this, if I am so unkind, I guess my little~aunt My son is going to fight me desperately. When I was reasonable before, it seemed like a heinous crime. Can I still live if I don’t reason now? Girl, are you still disappointed in brother-in-law now? "

"No way, brother-in-law, you know how to bully me, but brother-in-law, I know you are the best. I love you, brother-in-law!" Mu Qianjun happily jumped onto Qin Hao's body, hanging on him like an octopus , stretched out his head and kissed Qin Hao heavily on the cheek.

The author Mo Wangchu said: Daliang Mountain is a real place. I saw the news report before, it was shocking and touched me a lot

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