My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 926 Compare yourself with yourself

Life always goes on.

After returning home from the capital, although it seemed that everything was back on track again, Qin Hao knew that the golden silkworm Gu in Mu Qianxue's body had not been removed, and it might not affect her body and living conditions for the time being. After all, It's not a long-term solution, it's like living with a time bomb in his body, it's absolutely intolerable for him who values ​​Mu Qianxue more than his life.

However, sometimes there are things that cannot be forced. In order not to worry Mu Qianxue, Qin Hao did not tell her about the golden silkworm Gu in his body, but greeted Qiu Lin and Erwa in private, and asked them to inquire about the collection. Information about the Miao people in southern Xinjiang raising Gu.

From the ancient feudal era to the ignorant old Dahua a hundred years ago, especially in remote areas, education was not as developed as it is now, and many people were uneducated. Those who mastered knowledge at that time were generally religious disseminators. At that time, Huaguo was full of religions, including Buddhism and Islam, which were introduced into the country, and native Taoism, Shamanism and the like.

Shamanism is one of the primitive religions of the ethnic minorities. It originated from the ancient sacrificial culture, took root in the folk, and has a deep foundation. It is a traditional Chinese culture like Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism.

The religious beliefs of the Miao people in southern Xinjiang are mainly nature worship and ancestor worship, and ancestor worship has a lot to do with witchcraft.

According to legend, the Miao people can be traced back to the legendary era of Yanhuang five or six thousand years ago. At that time, the Jiuli tribal alliance headed by Chi You appeared in the lower reaches of the Yellow River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and another two major tribal groups headed by Yandi Shennong and Huangdi Xuanyuan formed on the Gansu-Shaanxi Loess Plateau.

Afterwards, Yan and Huang fought together against Chi You, defeated him and killed him. After the defeat of the Jiuli Group, most of them migrated to the south, and began the migration history of the Miao people. The legend of Chiyou is still widely circulated among the Miao people, and they always believe in Chiyou's ancestor.

According to legend, Chi You himself is a great god of witchcraft, and his status in witchcraft is like the Buddha and Bodhisattva of Buddhism, the three Qings and four emperors of Taoism.

The so-called witchcraft of the Miao people comes from the witchcraft method of repelling insects and summoning animals, which is similar to Buddhism and Taoism.

Among the ethnic minorities in Huaguo, the Miao people have always belonged to one of the more numerous ones, which is quite common. But when we really searched, we found that almost all Miao people had no knowledge of the legendary Miao people in southern Xinjiang, and the art of witchcraft was regarded as feudal superstition, and no one believed it.

Qin Hao was also very distressed because of this, but fortunately later he got some useful information from the older Miao people, and only then did he know why there was such a big difference.

Miao people are actually divided into two types: raw Miao and cooked Miao. Miao Miao are common Miao people in society. This kind of Miao people have been assimilated by Han people and belong to the mixed type. I can't even speak the local dialect of the Miao people, and they are almost the same as the Han people. Naturally, I don't know much about the customs and witchcraft culture of the Miao people.

Shengmiao is different. Shengmiao refers to the Miao people who are isolated from the world. They retain the most primitive and ancient inheritance of the Miao nationality, and of course include the witchcraft of witchcraft. But this kind of Miao people live in deep mountains and old forests, many of which are undeveloped mountain forest areas. It is really difficult to find them.

Obviously, Qin Hao already understood that the Golden Silkworm Gu must have flowed from the seedlings. If he wanted to solve the hidden dangers in Mu Qianxue's body, he had to find the seedling's residence with the oldest heritage of the witchcraft.

This is precisely the most rare place. If these hermitages are so easy to find, they are not called hermitages, they are isolated from the world!

While making people look for a place to grow seedlings,

On the one hand, he lived as normal as usual, in order not to worry Mu Qianxue. After staying at home with his wife for two days, he really couldn't beat Mu Qianxue's emphasis on work, and after a few days of Qin Hao's careful care and various With the addition of the blood tonic that was golden in his body, Mu Qianxue recovered fairly well, so she had to be sent to the company.

Although in fact, they don't care about Mu's assets at all, even though Mu's has begun to transform from an industrial giant to an aircraft carrier that expands and develops in multiple fields such as technology, medicine, Internet business, film and television entertainment, etc., there are already countless In the eyes of Qin Hao, who has a lot of money, he is still nothing.

The reason why he didn't organize or interfere was because it was Mu Qianxue's dream to develop the Mu Group.

He could understand that as Mu Qianxue, who was not the true blood of the Mu family, but was adopted, after experiencing a series of huge changes in the Mu family, she felt guilty that there was only Mu Qianjun, the only blood left in the entire Mu family. Perhaps in the eyes of other spectators, the reason why the Mu family has become like this is the problem of the Mu family itself, but Mu Qianxue doesn't think so. She always felt that if it wasn't for herself, there wouldn't be so many conflicts in the Mu family. Perhaps Muruidong wouldn't turn against Muruixi and Xu Fanghua, and Meng Qiulan might not be wholeheartedly with Mu Qing to drive him away. Maybe It will not be used by Xu Fanghua, and finally died unexpectedly.

She even felt that she was a disaster star. Not only did she fail to repay Muruidong's kindness in nurturing over the years, but she also failed to repay her grandfather's love. In the wind ~ waves.

That's why she values ​​Mu Shi so much. Mu Shi is her grandfather, her father Muruidong, her former biological mother, and their painstaking efforts. Only by carrying forward Mu Shi, and then handing over to Xiao Jun, the Mu family In the hands of the direct blood, so that she can feel at ease.

Don't look at her as if she never said anything on the surface, but she never let go of her guilt in her heart, not to mention Muruidong who treats her extremely well, even treats her extremely badly and tries to harm her everywhere, and in the end it is self-inflicted Meng Qiulan, Mu Qing and the others felt guilty.

What people are most afraid of is that they refuse to let go of themselves. In fact, Muruidong treats her so well. Even if the relationship between father and daughter has been cold for twenty years, Mu Qianxue has never given him a good face, but he still uses other ways The way expresses fatherly love, based on this alone, how could Muruidong blame her?

But Mu Qianxue can't get along with herself, she can't get over the hurdle in her heart, the more she is like this, the more stubborn she will be, and she will even torture herself.

It's not that Qin Hao doesn't know this, it's just that he really doesn't know how to comfort Mu Qianxue, he's an orphan without father and mother, and family love is very far away to him, so it's normal not to feel Mu Qianxue's feelings. What's more, how could a woman as smart and independent as Mu Qianxue really not understand? She just didn't want to understand that he was deliberately pretending to be confused, and was deliberately competing with himself.

The author Mo Wangchuxin said: The transitional chapter is the most difficult to write. It may not be interesting to look at it, but it is even more difficult to write. There will be a few chapters of transitional and branch lines, and then enter the main line. . . . . . .

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