My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 951: New Cognition

Jiang Xuan came in a menacing manner, followed by a large group of friends, including some relatives and elders who had persuaded the two to get married early, drunk, and forced their way into the ward. In this situation, Cai Yiyan, who was shocked, hurriedly stood in front of Ren Han, fearing that the other party's gang would hurt Ren Han with his aggressive actions and words.

However, what Cai Yiyan didn't expect was that Ren Han was flustered when he saw the person coming, and he lost his voice: "Mom, why are you here?"

Both Qin Hao and Cai Yiyan were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that the woman in front of them who wanted to approach Ren Han turned out to be Ren Han's mother, especially Cai Yiyan, who couldn't help but feel that his sensitive behavior seemed very ridiculous and disrespectful, so he hurriedly asked open position.

However, Ren Han is not so good and too poisonous, she glared at Jiang Xuan very annoyed, reprimanded in a cold voice: "How can you do this? Why do you want to mobilize teachers and mobilize people so much that something like this happened?" , I didn't cry or make a fuss, I just broke up with you peacefully, why did you make it known to everyone and brought my mother here? Jiang Xuan, I really didn't expect that you would be such a little girl people!"

She was really angry. She kept the matter of the injury hidden before and didn't tell her family. One was that she didn't want her parents to worry, and the other was that she was afraid that her parents would stop her from continuing to work because of this incident.

The entertainment industry, celebrities, and managers all sound like high-ranking existences, but in fact, for a family of ordinary teachers like Ren Han, the entertainment industry is not a glorious term, even if it is not a debut career. Celebrities are just managers, and they are not allowed in the eyes of their family members.

In the past ten years, because of this job and Jiang Xuan's feelings, Ren Han and her family have had a hard time fighting. Tianhou, now the artist Cai Yiyan under him has an influence covering the whole of Asia, and there is even a faint tendency to develop towards Europe and the United States. But even so, she is still not favored by her family, otherwise, she would not have struggled together for five or six years. Cai Yiyan has never been to the house of a good sister, Ren Han, and does not know her parents. It is not that Ren Han does not want to , but worried that Cai Yiyan would be wronged.

After all, in the family's old-fashioned and stubborn thinking, Cai Yiyan, the so-called star, entertainer, and opera son are no different. As the saying goes, a bitch is ruthless, and an opera is meaningless, which is not a good image. Only under the impact of the new era, artists have shifted from the definition of drama to stars, idols, and are admired by those spiritually empty scrutiny bands, but in essence, their existence is still to please the public. Occupation only, low status.

Jiang Xuan knew the inside story, and she really didn't expect that the former would stab her parents and elders because of this breakup incident. In the past, she still thought that Jiang Xuan was like an older brother. Although she couldn't like her like a lover, the relationship was not too rigid. Even if she knew that he had cheated, she still attributed a large part of the responsibility to herself. . After all, after ten years of long-distance running, there is no practical progress. For a man who cannot stand loneliness, cheating is inevitable.

But now, Ren Han's impression of Jiang Xuan is only disgust. In her eyes, the latter is obviously a despicable villain!

"Hanhan, what nonsense are you talking about!" The woman standing next to Jiang Xuan blamed with an unhappy expression, and at the same time a look of distress flashed in her eyes, "Xiaoxuan did nothing wrong, are you still going to keep going?" Can you keep me, a mother, in the dark? I have already heard about your injury, and I have seen your doctor in charge. There is a great possibility that there will be sequelae. If you really want to have something wrong, Can you still lie to me forever?"

As she said that, the woman began to ramble again: "A long time ago, your father and I were concerned that you disagreed with what entertainment industry you would go,

When you are a manager, that circle is full of conflicts of interests, extremely dirty, even a girl who cleans herself up and gets out of the mud will be polluted if she enters that kind of circle. set foot in the place. But you just don't listen, because you still behaved well before, nothing happened, and because Xiaoxuan is around you all day, your father and I can rest assured, now you see, you actually did it well Any job can hurt you, how can you tell me and your dad to rest assured that you will continue to stay in that circle? "

"So you asked me to marry this shameless villain? Even if your daughter will not be happy in the future, even if the other party is a scumbag, you don't mind?" Because he was wrapped in gauze and bandages, no one could see Ren Han's expression at the moment , but her eyes mixed with anger, dissatisfaction, and sadness said everything.

Ren Han's words were very direct, to the point of being ugly, even though Jiang Xuan tried his best to show how well-mannered he is in front of everyone, he still couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. The woman was obviously aware of Jiang Xuan's embarrassment, and quickly reprimanded her daughter: "What are you talking about, Hanhan, Xiaoxuan usually sees what you do as elders, even if you are my daughter, we I also have to say something fair for Xiaoxuan, you have considered Xiaoxuan's feelings when you say this, these years people have been following your ass, even I, a parent, feel distressed when I see it.

According to me, don't be so stubborn anymore, Xiaoxuan wants to have good looks and family background, what is not good enough for you? If you had married him earlier, you would not have to wait to work, why would you suffer this injury and suffer this crime today? I know that Xiaoxuan made a mistake, but you can't blame him entirely. If you didn't procrastinate for so long, why would he make a mistake? As for you, don't be too resolute, quit your job quickly, and pay more attention to Xiaoxuan. I believe Xiaoxuan will definitely realize his mistake and return to his family. "

"Mom, don't blame Hanhan. I was wrong about this time. I didn't resist the temptation. That's why I made an unforgivable mistake. I should apologize to Hanhan. If I don't ask Hanhan, I can immediately Forgive me, but I hope she can give me another chance to reform, I can assure you, I will use my actions in the next time to prove that I love her sincerely, and there is nothing wrong with her choosing me."

Jiang Xuan said affectionately, with a sincere face and sincere words and attitudes, if Qin Hao hadn't already been familiar with this guy's nature, maybe he would really be confused by this guy, thinking that he is a good man with deep affection, It was only a momentary carelessness that made a mistake.

Having been with Jiang Xuan for ten years, Ren Han didn't realize this guy's disguise until today. In the past, whenever Jiang Xuan acted like a perfect man and cared for her, she would always be a little bit guilt.

But now, all she saw was hypocrisy, disgusting!

She was glad that she had finally reached the bottom line and did not choose to marry Jiang Xuan hastily. Otherwise, what happiness and love would there be in married life with a man who had to put on a false mask even to face his lover?

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