My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 955 Playing in the zoo

Between the zoo and the playground, Qin Hao did not hesitate too much between the two, and directly chose the former. If you ask the reason, it is that he and Mu Qianxue once went to the playground, and the zoo was the first time. Not only was it Guoguo's first time, but it was also his first time.

But to be honest, as a wild child who grew up in the mountains and snatched food from wolves, tigers and leopards, zoos are not attractive to him at all. What is there to see for the so-called wild animals that have lost their wildness? Put them back in the mountains, probably more than half of them will starve to death!

Of course, this is only for Qin Hao. For people who live in the city and have never seen a live pig except for cats and dogs, the zoo is indeed the only place where they can have a close contact with animals other than the animal world. , especially a child like Guoguo, is naturally more curious about this novel place.

Holding Guoguo's little hand, Qin Hao didn't choose to drive, but to take the bus. For the little girl, she has taken the family car countless times, almost from childhood to adulthood. It was the first time in the car.

Guoguo was very excited and happy because she was going to the zoo with her father and took a bus that she had never taken before. She chatted non-stop along the way, like a little sparrow. Pointing there, he kept asking Qin Hao what this is and what that is.

The little guy is very cute. He has inherited Huaximeng Blowing~Bouncy and Delicate Little~face, revealing a little pink. It looks like a pink~tender pink~tender porcelain doll. It is simply a cute and cute little cute baby.

Therefore, the vast majority of people are tolerant towards Guoguo's noise, and several younger girls even came forward to talk to the little girl, their eyes were full of envy, each of them was full of love, I thought about it and thought that I must have a beautiful daughter in the future, just like Guoguo.

As the little girl's father, Qin Hao is naturally very proud. What parent doesn't like his child being praised? Maybe he hasn't fully adapted to the role of a baby daddy, but he definitely regards Guoguo as his own daughter from the bottom of his heart, otherwise he won't be so happy when the little girl is praised, as if he just picked up money.

However, there are also a small number of people who may not be in a very beautiful mood for some reason. When they meet a noisy little girl again, they will inevitably feel a little irritable. Qin Hao quickly greeted the little girl and told her that she should be polite in public , Don't make loud noises, so as not to affect other people.

The little girl is very caring and sensible, especially the surprised look of covering her mouth, which makes people feel distressed. As for the noise, of course it doesn't exist, and even her voice has been lowered a lot.

During the winter vacation, the zoo was obviously crowded. Parents finally brought their children on vacation to the zoo to learn more. It happened that Guoguo met her. As for why Guoguo still went to kindergarten, it was mainly because the kindergarten she went to was different from others. It was a private noble school. busy kids.

In order to see Guoguo tightly, and to let the small girl see all the scenes around her, Qin Hao directly lifted the little girl high and let her sit on his neck with her legs spread.

The little girl was very happy, holding Qin Hao's ears with both hands, and shouted excitedly, as if she was really riding a horse, and played a game of riding a horse with Qin Hao: "Drive! Ride a horse! Ride a big horse Drive! Papa, let's go, drive!"

Qin Hao naturally cooperated cheerfully,

Being used like this, not only did he not feel unhappy at all, on the contrary, he felt very happy, as if the more Guoguo used him, the happier he was, relying on his body skills to shuttle through the crowded crowd, Like a loach, it is nimble and fast and will not be touched in the slightest.

The little girl Guoguo only heard gusts of wind coming from her ears, and she quickly passed through the crowd, as if she was really riding on a horse. The excitement was almost indescribable, as if she was going crazy. Randomly kicking and kicking, waving a pair of arms more casually, even felt that he was about to fly.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of other people, the adults basically brought their children here, and they all looked at the father and daughter in a funny way, but the children were different, seeing enviously that they could ride a big horse and sit on a tall fruit tree. As a result, many of them also dragged their fathers to ride like a baby.

Now the adults are all crying. It would be fine if they were younger children, but when they meet a fat boy who is a little older or has a better living condition, being a father would make him want to die With all his heart, did he really regard him as Qin Hao and himself as a fruit? As for the small tonnage of my son, if I ride on my own neck, let alone run away, I might be crushed under the pressure! Immediately sternly refused, and then the child burst into tears, played with his temper, and became very noisy.

Qin Hao didn't care what happened to other people's houses, he took his daughter to shuttle around various viewing areas, while Guoguo threw the food specially purchased to feed animals to cages or rockeries, while preparing to report to Qin Hao like a counting number of the animals they saw.

"Monkey! Fart~ your ass is so red!"

"Orangutan! Just like Donkey Kong in the cartoon!"



"Giant panda!"

Although she has never been to a zoo before, Guoguo has seen the appearance of these animals from the descriptions of other children and the picture books sent by the kindergarten teacher. Now seeing these live animals, the little girl is very happy, because That way, she won't be the only child in kindergarten who hasn't been to the zoo, she's seen the animals just like the rest of the kids.

After tossing around and seeing a lot of animals, the time gradually came to noon, Guoguo's stomach started to growl on time, and Qin Hao was going to take Guoguo to eat.

But the little girl really liked these animals so much that she couldn't bear to leave. No matter what Ren Qinhao said, she would rather go hungry than buy food. Of course, Qin Hao didn't want Guoguo to be so hungry. He glanced at the stalls selling hamburgers and fried chicken not far away, and said to Guoguo: "Guoguo, Baba is going to buy you something to eat. Be obedient and be good." Watch the bear here, don't leave, you know?"

"Guoguo knows, Baba, Guoguo wants to eat chicken drumsticks and coke, big ones, and my mother usually won't let me eat them." The little girl said obediently.

Qin Hao understands what Hua Ximeng does. He is unwilling to let his children eat this kind of foreign junk fast food. Although it is good for the child's health, it also kills the possibility of the child trying new things. Naturally, Qin Hao will not do this. I won't eat too much, and it doesn't matter if I eat it once in a while.

However, worried about the little girl's safety, he still couldn't help telling a few more words: "Okay, Dad will buy you chicken legs and Coke, but Guoguo must be obedient, stay here and don't run around, otherwise you won't be able to do it in the future." I'll give Guoguo chicken legs and Coke, and I won't bring you to the zoo anymore, you know?"

"En! Guoguo knows, Guoguo stays here and won't leave." The little girl said in a childish voice.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Qin Hao put Guoguo off his neck and walked towards the stall in three steps.

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