My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 957: Daughter Slave

Qin Hao's appearance was only in a blink of an eye, and people only felt that a young man appeared in Xiongshan in a blink of an eye, protecting the girl who was about to encounter Xiong Xiazi's poisonous hands behind him, and that Xiong Xiazi was really killed. Get scared off.

It has to be said that compared to humans, animals are very sensitive in certain unknown six senses. As soon as Qin Hao appeared, Xiong Xiazi seemed to realize that this human being in front of him was worse than those fully armed with anesthesia guns. Being so annoying, he immediately stopped attacking, stepped back, opened a certain distance, and examined Qin Hao.

To deal with this kind of beast, Qin Hao's experience of climbing and rolling in the mountains since he was a child is countless, so he doesn't care about it. , and this magnetic field is what animals are most sensitive to.

Xiong Xiazi felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy at first, but then he seemed to feel something extremely terrifying. The fierce and tyrannical appearance just now disappeared without a trace, and he stretched his limbs to the ground with a look of extreme fear. , his whole body was paralyzed on the ground, his eyes were full of fear and pitiful begging, and he made a whimpering sound. He didn't look like a bear at all, but a pug, as if he was asking Qin Hao begged for mercy.

"Papa!" Seeing Qin Hao, Guoguo seemed to see the backbone, and rushed forward to hug Qin Hao's thigh, and cried pitifully, with that mournful look, it was obvious that she was still a little scared.

Qin Hao picked up the little girl, and couldn't help but knocked on her little head in annoyance: "I still know Dad, I thought you had forgotten Dad. How did you promise Dad before? It was agreed to be there. Waiting for Dad not to leave, why did you come here? Guoguo is not good, Dad doesn't like Guoguo..."

"No, Guoguo is not misbehaving, it's Mr. Xiong who is misbehaving..." The little girl argued hard, her mouth shrunk, and she cried, "Guoguo wants to feed Mr. Xiong, but Mr. Xiong bullies Guoguo. Mr. Bear is bad, Mr. Bear is not good..."

As soon as the little girl cried, Qin Hao's head grew dizzy immediately. He originally wanted to teach the little girl a lesson so that she wouldn't be able to say anything indiscriminately, so he had no choice but to coax him: "'s Mr. Xiong who is not good, then Dad Teach Mr. Bear a lesson and let Guoguo vent his anger, okay?"

Sure enough, he still couldn't reprimand the little girl, and he couldn't change the little girl's incomprehensible logic. This kind of work still has to be handed over to Aunt Jiang or Hua Ximeng. He just needs to love his daughter and be a good face. Black faces let them do it.

The blind man presumably understood a little bit of human nature, and seemed to understand such a little meaning, so frightened that he whimpered even more pitifully, his eyes blinked and blinked, and tears flowed out, which is really surprising. Also, thanks to the fact that this is a bear and not a human being, otherwise, when I met this father and daughter, I would have complained in my heart. It was obviously you who brought it to my door and you gave it to me. I haven't eaten it yet, and I was slapped in vain. Why do you still hate me? Don't treat the bear as a human being!

Fortunately, the little girl is still very kind by nature, she took the initiative to put her arms around Qin Hao's neck and said, "Baba, the teacher said, we must treat animals kindly. Although Mr. Gouxiong is bad, Guoguo will not bully it."

The bear was almost moved and dripping with gratitude, like a pug, it leaned towards Qin Hao's feet, and rubbed Qin Hao's trousers to show his friendliness.

Qin Hao was also happy immediately, he didn't intend to care about anything with the beast at all, and he said that at first just to coax the little girl, so he smiled and said: "You are quite spiritual, don't worry, I won't kill you, get out of here quickly, and don't hurt others easily in the future."

Xiong Blind heard it,

Without saying a word, he turned around and ran away with a squeak, and burrowed into the cave of the rockery, leaving only a huge black butt~butt outside, his timid appearance was really funny.

The people around naturally also had a panoramic view of all these, and they all seemed to be dumbfounded, watching the father and daughter talking and laughing happily in Xiongshan revealed strange things everywhere. At the beginning, the little girl slapped a bear blind man who weighed two adults to the ground. It was unimaginable enough. The man could still communicate with animals, and scared the bear blind man like a mouse without doing anything. No matter how you look at it, it is really abnormal when you see the cat.

Qin Hao is also aware of this, he doesn't want to be stared at by that kind of colored eyes, especially related to Guoguo, the little girl is only four years old, just the age of innocence, if these people spread nonsense, it will attract Social media attention, which can cause great disruption to normal life.

Thinking of this, he stopped hesitating, tapped his toes, and flew directly to the ground with Guoguo in his arms. Before the crowd could surround him, he snapped his fingers suddenly, and the magic power was transmitted to everyone's ears along with the sound. The people immediately stopped moving as if they had been cast with a holding spell, and recovered in the next second, but they stopped paying attention to Qin Hao and his daughter, as if what happened just now had never happened at all.

Obviously, Qin Hao used a little trick to delete the memory by interfering with people's brain waves with mental power. That is to say, Qin Hao erased all the memories of the witnesses present about the period just now.

As for the camera and other equipment, it is even simpler. He has already destroyed everything, and nothing has been photographed at all.

"Papa is a great hero, Papa is a superman!" The little girl was excited again, she didn't have many adjectives to express, she could only use the big hero and superman seen in cartoons to describe Qin Hao's greatness, in fact, for children In fact, every child once considered his father a hero.

The little girl who made a mistake and almost got into trouble was obviously much better after that, and naturally nothing happened anymore. The fried chicken burger I bought before was thrown on the ground, obviously not edible, so Qin Hao decided to take the little girl to eat KFC.

While the little girl was eating, Qin Hao stretched out his hand to inspect Guoguo's body, and found that she was in good health, and there seemed to be nothing weird about her, but if it was normal, she just slapped Xiong Xiazi down How to explain the power on the ground?

Is it purely genetic? Or physical talent? Or was it just an accident?

Qin Hao couldn't figure it out, and didn't think much about it, because he didn't know who the little girl's father was, so it was really hard to judge some things.

After lunch with the little girl, and strolling around the zoo for two or three hours, Qin Hao took Guoguo home.

The little girl was already very tired after playing for a day, and she was really scared after falling into the Bear Mountain. Guoguo seemed very tired. Before Qin Hao finished telling a story, the little girl was already quiet on the bed~ fell asleep.

Qin Hao carefully put a small pillow on her and covered her with a quilt, then quietly closed the door and exited the room.

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