My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 960 Disagreement 1

Mo Hua didn't stop him, he never expected Qin Hao to have such a big reaction because of those words, and for a while he regretted his hasty actions. Mu Qianxue pulled Qin Hao away, and it was still a favor for him, otherwise, once Qin Hao really turned his back, he really didn't have the slightest idea whether he would be able to walk out of the restaurant safe and sound today.

Even though he only had a sip of red wine, Mu Qianxue arranged for Qin Hao to sit in the co-pilot, and Mu Qianxue came to drive. Along the way, because very bad memories were evoked, Qin Hao's mood was also very bad. Except for occasionally subconsciously sneaking a glance at Mu Qianxue, he remained silent the whole time, and looked out the window with his head sideways. In line with his usual image, on the contrary, he looked a bit like a child who hadn't gotten rid of his jealousy and temper, as if he was still angry with Mu Qianxue.

Naturally, Mu Qianxue also noticed Qin Hao's strangeness, she would play petty temper with this man, she was almost used to it after seeing this man more than once, when she stopped at the intersection and waited for the green light, she finally took the initiative to break the silent atmosphere in the car , asked blankly: "What are you worried about?"

"Worry? What do I have to worry about? You think too much." Qin Hao leaned against the car window, pretending to be disdainful, and asked him to admit to his face that he chased him out of the house because of jealousy. How could it be possible? Don't even admit it!

Will Mu Qianxue believe it? of course not! Of course, she would not listen to Qin Hao's obviously duplicity.

However, she did not continue to ask, the green light turned on, and the car started again. At this moment, she suddenly said again: "Are you afraid of him? Or are you afraid of me?"

Mo Hua obviously approached him intentionally, and Mu Qianxue would not be ignorant. She said that she was a senior, and the two of them had no intersection when they were studying in country M before. It's impossible to get close. Now that he suddenly returned to China, he had to negotiate with himself many times by virtue of his status as a senior and the cooperation between the two parties. Just now, he was obviously hostile to Qin Hao. He seemed to speak peacefully, but he responded everywhere. She is not blind, how could she not see it?

"Afraid of him? How is that possible! Are you joking!" Qin Hao was very angry, and his mood, which was not in a good mood, became even worse. Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, he jumped so high that his head almost touched When we reached the roof of the car, "Mu Qianxue, listen to me, let me tell you, that kid Mo Hua, if you hadn't dragged me away just now, I would have shaved his ears when I got up, and I didn't even look at myself Son, a gentle scum also chatters with me, I didn’t beat him because I did it to save face, you know! If you’re afraid of you, it’s even more nonsense, you are my wife, what am I afraid of you for? It’s completely nonsense! "

"Okay, that's right, I'm just jealous, what should I do, I've been busy since the afternoon, I made a big table of dishes waiting for you to go home for dinner, you went on a date with another man, I'm just not happy, How about it!" Qin Hao said angrily.

Mu Qianxue still had that cold expression, she didn't answer, she glanced at Qin Hao indifferently, then looked forward, driving the car with full concentration.

Qin Hao felt uncomfortable immediately. He felt that his justification just hit the cotton with a fist and foot, and he didn't use any strength at all. It seemed like a guilty conscience. He couldn't hold his face, and moved around on the seat. Fart~ It's like a needle has been placed under the buttocks, he hesitates to speak, wants to say something but doesn't know where to start and how to say it.

Sensing Qin Hao's state at the moment, the corners of Mu Qianxue's mouth turned up slightly again, and it was only for a moment, before returning to its original state soon.

"Are you laughing? What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me?" This time Mu Qianxue did not manage to escape,

After being caught by Qin Hao, the sensitive man jumped up immediately, thinking that Mu Qianxue was laughing at him, so he immediately asked.

Mu Qianxue's face was tense, without showing any abnormality, she lied solemnly and said: "I didn't smile, you read it wrong."

Read wrong? For Qin Hao, whose facial features are far more sensitive than human beings, if he can make a mistake, no one in the world will be able to make a mistake!

"Impossible! I'm absolutely right, you laughed, you definitely laughed!" Qin Hao foolishly exposed Mu Qianxue's disguise, and kept talking, but refused to let Mu Qianxue escape.

This time it was considered to have annoyed the woman, Mu Qianxue gave Qin Hao a cold look, and said in a very, very dry tone: "I told you, I didn't laugh, don't you understand?"

Although Qin Hao is a bit of a very straight man and doesn't understand women's hearts, it doesn't mean he can't read people's faces at all. Mu Qianxue obviously has a tendency to go crazy, and his eyes are so rolled that he can't even see the eyeballs. This Time to continue to ask, isn't that just looking for a draw?

Just when Qin Hao had basically given up the idea of ​​exploring, Mu Qianxue's lukewarm voice suddenly came from next to his ear: "Except for you, I still have no feelings for any man."

"Ah?" Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment. These words seemed to have no beginning and no end, but they were actually expressing their attitude. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was Mu Qianxue's style of confession.

Happiness came so suddenly, Qin Hao's whole body beamed and smiled, his expression was very comfortable, and he said happily and courteously: "My wife, your sudden flirt really caught me off guard, love you. I just saw you It seems that the food hasn't been touched, so I haven't eaten dinner, what do you want to eat when you go back later?"


Going back to the restaurant just now, after Mu Qianxue and Qin Hao left, Mo Hua, whose meal was almost over, didn't leave in a hurry, but sipped red wine in small sips, as if waiting for someone.

About two or three minutes later, a tall and cold man wearing a peaked cap and wrapped under a black sportswear bowed his head and walked into the restaurant, and went straight to Mo Hua. Without any greetings, he raised his hand and directly grabbed the other person's neck. Without going through the main entrance, he opened the window on the second floor and jumped down, dragged him to an inconspicuous alley by the side of the street, and leaned against the wall, staring at Mo Hua with a pair of indifferent and emotionless eyes. Exudes a cold murderous aura.

"Ahem..." Mo Hua coughed twice, put his hand on the man's arm, and said with a smile: "I said, why make such a fuss? It's just a drink and a conversation, which is also hindering you gone?"

"Mo Hua, you are looking for death!" The man's voice was extremely cold, and the temperature in the space around him instantly dropped to a low point, which made people shudder, as if the blood was frozen into ice at this moment.

"I warned you before, don't try to find out about me, believe me, even if you are my partner, you will die! I will warn you for the last time now, don't mention me in front of that person, otherwise , I will really kill you!"

Facing the man's undisguised killing intent, Mo Hua was not timid, but said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, I have a measure, otherwise I won't send someone to help you confuse your sight and clues. Once Xia Zixun died, what they speculated I will be overthrown again, and I will not self-destruct the city wall to reveal my identity. So, don’t be nervous, I will arrange everything, you just need to use your transformed power to assist me.”

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