My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 963 Find Another Man

Qin Hao's movements froze immediately, his whole figure seemed a little stiff, he didn't look back, he was afraid of seeing Mu Qianxue's appearance at this moment, he was afraid that he could not help but look back, he was afraid that he would not want to leave again, for him , Whether it will be a day or two, ten days and a half months, or forever, no one is sure.


Feeling ashamed, he didn't know how to explain it to Mu Qianxue, and he couldn't make any promises to her. Because of his own affairs, he asked her to bear the pain and worry about him, but he couldn't even give her a letter of approval. . At this moment, the only thing he could say was "sorry" to express his current mood, and it was also a farewell to Mu Qianxue.

Watching Qin Hao resolutely push the door to leave, Mu Qianxue did not keep her, she is not a truly hard-hearted, heartless person, Qin Hao's kindness to her, love for her is all buried in her heart, although she is not good at expressing it , but she knows it all, and she is doing her best to change and accept it. Otherwise, do you think that anyone can live in the same room with her, anyone can sleep next to her pillow, anyone can make her come home from get off work on time, and even promise a reward that is obviously at a disadvantage?

It was precisely because she understood that she didn't stop him. She knew that he had something important to do, and it was a very dangerous thing. The last time she went abroad, she might not know enough details about what Qin Hao experienced, but she did It was known from the news later that the rivers around Paris were dyed red that night.

Her man is a responsible man, Mu Qianxue is very happy, at least this shows that her man is good enough, her vision is not wrong, she has found the right man. But even with this kind of advantage, there are times when she doesn't want it. What she hopes is that Qin Hao is only responsible for her alone, not for all other women. Obviously, this is unrealistic.

Therefore, she tried her best to behave indifferently, calmly, and rationally, even though her heart was full of worries, even though her heart was full of grievances, even though she clearly didn't want Qin Hao to go, she still held back, she didn't want to bring Qin Hao any trouble. With more burdens, she wants Qin Hao to go about his business with peace of mind.

So, she didn't lose her temper, didn't have mothers-in-law, and dragged her feet. She was doing what she thought a virtuous wife should do.

Outside the office door, Qin Hao let out a heavy breath, feeling a little heavy, how could he fail to see that Mu Qianxue was suppressing his emotions by not looking up and asking more questions, but he still had to move on, he couldn't Let Concubine Luo Mi continue to be in a dangerous situation.

What a coincidence, Qin Hao met Song Yao just as he was leaving the house, and the two looked at each other. Song Yao didn't say a word, but just took a deep look at Qin Hao, and immediately quickened her pace and fled. He seemed to walk past Qin Hao, walked into his office, and raised his hand to close the door.

"Wait!" Qin Hao didn't let Song Yao continue to escape, he rushed after Song Yao's footsteps, because he was about to leave, he really wanted to say something to Song Yao, if he said before leaving In the previous farewell to him, the first important thing was Mu Qianxue, and the second was Song Yao.

When Song Yao heard this, she closed the door even faster. Obviously, she still didn't want to face Qin Hao. A stubborn woman is also extremely stubborn emotionally. She is no different from the one who was able to fight with Mu Qianxue for love before. different extremes.

Seeing that the door was about to close, Qin Hao quickly stretched out his foot and stuck it in the crack of the door. He was relieved and took a deep breath through the crack that was no more than a foot wide. "Shall we talk?"

Song Yao remained silent, let go of her hand after a long while, and stopped insisting, but did not let Qin Hao in, but blocked the door with her body, and asked in a deep voice: "What else is there to talk about? We have been talking about it for a long time. It's over when you don't pay attention, now you just need to live your married life with Xiaoxue, that's enough.

Why can't you just let me go, but you want me to be dragged into your life? Xiaoxue is next door, if you leave now, I can still pretend that nothing happened, you should know, if Xiaoxue sees you pestering me now, what will happen to you! "

Qin Hao pursed his lips tightly, and said softly in a dry voice: "Yaoyao, I'm leaving."

"Go? Where are you going?" Song Yao asked subconsciously, and then realized the current situation, and said coldly, "What does it have to do with me where you go? The person you want to talk about is Xiaoxue, not me, you I found the wrong person!"

"I'm going abroad for a while, maybe a few days, maybe a long time, maybe never again..." Qin Hao paused, took a deep breath, "I don't know what the future will hold, but I know, if I really can't come back , the most regretful thing should be you who didn't save and escaped."

Qin Hao stretched out his hand to hold Song Yao's hand, put it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully, and finally put it on his lips and kissed it, and said calmly: "Perhaps, I will save you a lot of trouble, don't worry about me pestering you anymore." You are dead, but I really hope that you can let go of the past. I don’t expect you to forgive me. I admit that you are right to reject me. I am not a good man like this. I have no way to give you a promise. I will only wrong you I want to chat with you, just want to say goodbye to you, I will not pester you again in the future, what is forcing you, no matter if I come back or not, I hope you can start a new life well, forget about me .”

After saying these words, Qin Hao let go of Song Yao's little hand, and slowly backed away until he was completely out of the range of the door frame of the office, then turned and walked forward slowly.

He was very nervous at the moment, and he hoped that Song Yao would stop him and ask him what happened. He knew very well that this was his last chance, if Song Yao couldn't even get his heart out in this situation. Forgive me, then he will have no chance in the future!

Call me, stop me, hurry up, hurry up, if you don't call me, I will really leave...

Qin Hao kept talking in his heart, but he still didn't hear Song Yao's persuasion for a long time. Just when he was too nervous, the bad news came from his ear, and with a soft click, the door of Song Yao's office closed.

He failed!

Qin Hao's heart was extremely heavy, he didn't want to leave regrets, he didn't want to regret, but everything was impossible to get what he wanted, and there were still regrets in life after all. Although he was sad, he respected Song Yao's choice. He was the one who was sorry for Song Yao. Everything Song Yao did now was a punishment for him.

I thought so in my heart, but why does it feel so painful? For the first time, he had the feeling that he wanted to find a place to secretly shed tears to release his emotions. Maybe this seemed a little unmanly, but he was really depressed and painful.

Just walking out of the Mu's Building and taking a deep breath of the cold winter air, Qin Hao's head cleared up instantly. The most important thing now is how to find Concubine Luo Mi, and the matter of love between children should be put aside for the time being. Only on the side.

Thinking like this in his heart, Qin Hao only felt that his heavy heart seemed to have improved a bit, and was about to take a step, when the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated, and when he took it out, a gratified smile appeared on his face.

The number is from Song Yao, and the content of the text message is not much, just a few words, but it fully expresses her meaning.

"If you dare not come back, I'll find another man!"

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