My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1141: Not the same


Ye Fan picked up the teacup and drank the tea in one bite. He said: "The laity people do what they do in the world, not for the name, but for the sake of profit. If you want to open something, it is to make a peace of mind.

How can your Holy Spirit teaching not be indifferent to fame and fortune, so... of course it is for your own benefit."

Shenggu nodded and smiled and said: "Mr. Ye really experienced a lot of experience, but he was very young."

Saying, Shenggu let the blue rain next to it, and pour tea to Ye Fan.

When the blue rain sipped tea, he curiously said: "Ye Fan brother, you are not afraid of my master doing the hands and feet in the tea?"

Ye Fan smiled faintly. "If a cup of tea can make me fall here, how dare I come in with you."

"Mr. Ye is really confident. It seems that our Holy Spirit is in your eyes. It is really insignificant."

"How can it be insignificant? You can't let Xia Guojun dare to step into this million mountains easily," said Ye Fandao.

Shenggu smiled and shook his head with helplessness. "Mr. Ye, you and I actually know that the current Xia government is only because our Holy Spirit has little influence, so we are too lazy to care for us."

If they really want to deal with our Holy Spirit, I am afraid that even people do not need to send them. They will launch several missiles directly outside, or send several planes to come. We are all unable to stand up. ”

Of course, Ye Fan also knows that Xia Guojun can’t really help the Holy Spirit. It’s just too lazy to manage the poor and remote places here.

"You came to me, just to talk about this?" Ye Fan guessed and asked: "Do you think... The Holy Spirit is not safe?"

Sheng Gu solemnly nodded and said: "In fact, our Holy Spirit is already in a dead end, and we don't know how old we can last."

“Oh?” Ye Fan wondered: “I see more than a dozen of your strongholds. Just walked in, there are hundreds of believers, and the people in the million mountains are also very respectful of you. How is it at stake?”

Sheng Gu smiled and said: "Mr. Ye, you know, what is the size of the Holy Spirit fifty years ago?"

Ye Fan shook his head. He didn't know much about the past martyrdom or the current Holy Spirit. The information given by Tianyan was only approximate.

Shenggu long sighed and revealed the color of his memories: "At that time, we were holy spirits, in addition to the left and right protection of the law, there are five poisonous elders, seventy-two apologetic elders, and the church has more than two thousand people.

In this million mountains, there are 600,000 believers, and every year, they will come to the servant.

At that time, the believers and believers would not be obsessed with the world outside the mountains. Everyone was guarding the millions of mountains with the most sincere faith. ”

Speaking of this, Shengu Lulu regretted: "But the times have changed... In the past 50 years, the changes in Xia Guo have been overwhelming.

People are not old, more and more people, began to fall in love with the world of flowers and flowers.

After the establishment of the Chicheng City, the Xiaguo government tried its best to repair the expressway around the Million Mountain, build the railway, and move all kinds of seductive folks to the millions of mountains.

I know that they are deliberate at all, and they want to turn our sacred million mountains into their own possessions without a single stroke!

They do... they constantly use some dirty interests to erode our purely spiritual congregations and believers!

This demon wind has left less than 100,000 believers in the entire million mountains, and the church has only less than 500 people..."

"Wait a minute!" Ye Fan heard this, couldn't help but stop, crying and laughing: "I said St. Gu... You say this, I think it is up to you.

It is not a good thing for the country to build roads, build modern cities, and bring a rich life to the people of millions of mountains.

They have not burned and looted, nor maliciously destroyed, even if you believers and the congregation are reduced, it is their own choice...

Do you have to live in poverty in the mountains, but you can't go out for a better life? Just to believe in your Holy Spirit? ”

"No!!" Sheng Gu suddenly showed a trace of anger and fierceness. She was judged by the previous peace. She took the case and said: "They are all tempted by the Xia government! They are greedy." I am enchanted!!

For thousands of years, we have guarded the millions of mountains, and it has never happened like this in the past!

Our believers and believers will never betray their faith! All of this is the modern Xiaguo government, they are caused by ghosts in the dark! !

They are just to destroy us, and use this despicable and insidious plan to continually erode every inch of our land! Those who are in power in Xia Guo are the source of all evil! ! ”

Ye Fan took a deep breath and looked helpless, looking at the blue rain.

It was discovered that the girl stood there and seemed to have a complicated look.

Ye Fan couldn’t help but smile. “When it’s blue rain, do you think your master is right? What do you think?”

The Holy Lady looked to his disciple. "Light rain, you should know the meaning of the master best, right?"

When the blue rain lowered his head, he thought for a while, saying: "I hate the world outside the mountains. I like the Holy Spirit. This is the purest place."

"Yes! That's it!" St. Gu nodded with satisfaction and said: "The dirty world outside, the human heart is not old, the world is cold! The people in power in Xiaguo just use some small profits to confuse our followers, but in Bring them into the abyss that will never be lost!!"

Ye Fan frowned: "St. Gu, your apprentice just said that he hates the outside world, but he did not say that the dirty world outside is definitely not good."

St. Auntie smiled and said: "Mr. Ye, you know, since Xia Guo began to build roads to our million mountains, our beasts and beasts in this mountain are constantly being poached.

The girls in our mountains were trafficked, bullied, and even many were directly killed by guns by poachers, and they were thrown into the wilderness!

If it weren't for our Holy Spirit, we would continue to send patrols to the sects and use some traps to resist those alien invaders. The inhabitants of this million mountains must be even more miserable!

If Xia Guo’s group of powers is good for the people of our million mountains, why do they have such a scourge! ? ”

Ye Fan frowned. These words, he believed, but this holy aunt is obviously looking at these inevitable historical evolutions with a narrow perspective.

"St. Gu... I have to look at both sides in everything. I know that you don't want to look at the Holy Spirit. You are going down in your hands, but there are things that are not one person, and a few people can change."

"Do you think I am doing my own self-interest?" asked St. Gu.

"Even if it is not your self-interest, it is only the interest of the Holy Spirit." Ye Fan said: "You are now sending people to intervene in the world, and intervening in the underground gang, I can understand.

You want to control some underground channels outside the mountain step by step, so that you can serve the Holy Spirit, and you can use it to smash the Xiaguo government and make trouble without compromise.

But to be honest, you are just playing with fire and self-immolation... because once the Xia government knows that you are trying to control all underground families, they will definitely annihilate you in the first place.

You also know that you really can't really resist the Xia Guojun. They just look at everyone's share of Xia Guo's compatriots. They didn't yell at you. ”

St. Gu's eyes stared at Ye Fan, and said: "Mr. Ye is right, we are holy spirits... After all, the strength is thin. But... If the Hell King Lucifer becomes our own person, then it may be different." .

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