My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1147: Not surprised


The next day, an ancient altar hidden in a million mountains.

In the middle of the altar, there are huge sculptures of eight heads of snakes on both sides of the altar. These sculptures hold a forked blade and look solemn.

In front of the altar, there is a huge sculpture of the Emperor, and the eyebrows are bold and solemn.

The altar was built on a cliff in front of a waterfall, with waterfalls on three sides, making the terrain particularly peculiar.

Early in the morning, hundreds of men and women dressed in colorful costumes stood on a clearing below the cliff.

These are the congregations of the Holy Spirit. They are pious with their hands crossed, their hands crossed in front of them, and their mouths are filled with words.

The left guard, the right guard, the blue rain of the saint, and some elders are standing in the front row.

The left guard wearing a black robe looked at the sky, and after watching the next hour, he announced aloud: "The sacred **** ceremony, officially started! Welcome to the Holy Ghost!"

All the men and women under the altar, respectfully bowed to the ground, bowed their heads and shouted: "Welcome to the Holy Ghost!"

A figure fluttering in white flies from the forest behind.

The sage fell steadily on the cliff below the altar, and then, with a look of solemnity, walked towards the altar.

Before going to the altar of the altar, the sage took the lead and bowed.

Later, Shenggu turned and said: "Upper sacrifice!"

As soon as the voice fell, a group of musicians in the Holy Spirit began to sing a variety of silk and bamboo instruments, emitting bursts of beautiful and quiet music.

The church slowly gave up a way to let the strong men who carried the sacrifices in the back lift the best to the altar.

The sacrifices carried by these strong men include pigs, sheep, and some fresh fruits in the mountains.

However, the last one is carried by two strong young men!

These two young men are unconscious and lie peacefully on the bamboo bed.

There are several congregations who are eye-catching and see the two young people, who are actually responsible for serving Aunt and Sang Luo!

"How are they sacrifices? Are they not selected to serve the Holy Ghost?"

"It may be that the service is not good... Anyway, they are not offering sacrifices, they are others, they are all the same..."

"Don't talk! St. Gu's free decision..."

Some of the whispers whispered, but did not dare to speak out loud.

When the blue rain complex looked at the two young men intricately, it was clear to the heart that this was their master’s plan to bring them into the underworld...

Seeing that the sacrifices have been sent to the altar, the left guard at the stage shouted: "The sacrifice begins!!"

After hearing the instructions, the big men began to throw their livestock and fruit into the water pool below the altar.

Under the impact of the violent waterfall, these animals quickly disappeared and were caught in the strong vortex.

In the end, there were two young men. When they were thrown away by the big man, Sheng Gu stopped it.

"Wait a minute," St. Gu's eyes looked at the complex complexly and said: "The last sacrifice, the old man personally gave the patron saint."

Those big men naturally dared not to defy and retired with respect.

The sage walked over and picked up the man Ada in one hand, then turned back and looked at the blue rain under the stage.

At this time, the blue eyes were slightly red and the hands were tight.

There was a smile on the corner of St. Gu's mouth. She turned back and said loudly: "Please patronize the gods!"

However, when I was about to drop the Ada down the waterfall, I heard an unusual noise coming from behind!


A fierce gunshot sounded in the woods, and a bird was shocked!

At the same time, a large number of ancient warriors rushed from a distance.

A group of male warriors armed with weapons and a group of heavily armed fighters, like descending from the sky, suddenly surrounded the area near the altar!

Almost everyone in the Holy Spirit was stunned, and the music was abruptly stopped. Everyone was nervously watching the sudden changes.

The face of the sage was inconspicuous, and his eyes were stunned by the coldness. Ada on his hand was thrown away and flew to the front of the congregation.

"Do not panic! This is my holy place! The ancestors protect you, no one can beat us here!!" Shenggu shouted.

A group of believers thought that there was still a saint, and they all stabilized.

"Ha ha ha ha ... old witch, you died to the end, but also count on the ancestors of the gods to save you?

You don't know, you are a ancestor of the gods, can you wait for you, a stubborn descendant, to lick your skin? ”

At this time, there were five or six male elders who appeared to be sixty or seventy years old and walked out of the forest.

When the Holy Ghost saw these people, his face was even more ugly.

"It turned out to be your traitors..." St. Gu's teeth cut his teeth.

Some of the old people in the church, when they saw these old people, were also panicked.

When Lan Yu was puzzled, he asked the left guardian: "Left protector, who are they? Why can I find it here??"

"The saints...they are all elders who rebelled me a hundred years ago. I didn't expect them to have so many people alive..." The left guard frowned.

When the blue rain was suspicious, "They are elders of the gods, why are they with the same people as the army..."

"This is not clear, it seems that they are prepared." Zuo Huo Shen Shen said: "The saint, if the battle is under, you must protect yourself.

You can rest assured that there are holy ladies, those guns and ammunition, and those elders, not our opponents! ”

When the blue rain is heavy, because she knows that her master has already reached the end of the oil, even if there is a Yin Emperor, but the body is almost reaching the limit...

"Left guardian! Right guard! You don't have to worry about me, go help my master!!" When the blue rain busy shouted.

Zuo Hufa Zheng focused on the head and flew out.

However, the right guardian method was blinking, and when I looked at the blue rain with a strange smile, I didn’t mean to shoot.

"Right guardian law... What are you still doing?" When Blue Rain felt a little uneasy.

"The Holy Virgin... You are the future of our Holy Spirit, I still protect you, more peace of mind", right guard is like laughing and laughing.

When Lan Yu felt a little bad, he couldn’t help but ask: "Why are you...not surprised at the appearance of these people?"

"Oh? I am not surprised?" The right guard grinned. "I don't know..."

When the blue rain was pretty, it was white because she thought of a very bad possibility.

At this time, the holy aunt has been ordered loudly in front of him, saying: "The Holy Spirit teaches the public to listen to orders! Kill me with these traitors!!"

A group of devotees were desperate to take out their weapons and prepare for combat.

The other party, a male old man sneer: "Old demon, who is a traitor, not you have the final say!

If you didn’t want to work with Xia Guo’s high-level officials, how could my gods decline to such a degree?

Your set of female esteemed men, the man is seen as a general animal, the decaying thoughts have long since become obsolete!

Today, it is our true million mountain people, the emperor, and the day of resurrection! ! ”

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