My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1171: Of course


The Huahai Art Center, which is already full of security guards outside, has even dispatched the armed brigade of the Defense Bureau.

Journalists from all over the world are robbing good places outside and reporting on the big things in the fashion world.

With a large number of celebrities from all walks of life, they have entered the red carpet and entered the art center, and the fashion show is about to kick off.

Su Xiaoxue did not choose to go to the red carpet. She drove herself directly. After passing the security review, she stopped the car and entered the banquet hall.

The hall has been remodeled, and there is a huge t-stage in front. There are no more than one hundred seats in the infield VIP, and there are hundreds of seats, which are relatively far away.

Su Xiaoxue did not have the idea of ​​being in the limelight, so he only politely wore a dress decorated with black diamonds, which was simple and neat.

But the natural beauty of the face, or let her enter the door, it attracted attention.

Su Xiaoxue is accustomed to these gaze, and she doesn't care. She is a little annoyed because Ye Fan is a guy who seems to be putting her pigeons.

But she did not want to take the initiative to call, it was a bit shameful, rather than a man does not exist.

At this time, Ye Fan called over the phone.

Su Xiaoxue met, deliberately waiting for the phone to ring a few times, and then the tone was not very good to pick up, "Hey..."

"Oh... my wife, I am sorry, I have something to do, I have solved it now, I am rushing to the horse!"

"You still don't come, anyway, it is not a big deal," Su said.

Ye Fan said busyly: "It is a small matter to watch the show, but it is a big deal to accompany your wife! Your wife will wait for me, give me a seat, I will arrive soon!"

At this moment, a staff member wearing a suit, smiled and walked over, inviting Su Xiaoxue to pass.

Su Qingxue said: "I will go to sit first. You will go straight into the infield and invite them to see them."

After that, Su Xiaoxue hangs up.

"This is the general manager of the Splendid Group, please come to choose a seat first," the staff said very politely.

Su Xiaoxue walked over and found that there was a machine with a screen for selecting seats.

"Your seat, isn't it good?" Su Guangxue asked.

"Oh, in order to show respect for the infield VIPs, our seats are randomly arranged by computer.

After all, most VIPs want to sit in the first row, watching the show at the nearest distance, but the seats in the first row are limited.

And some of the positions are fixed to the performance stars and some world-class masters in the fashion world. The remaining first row positions are few and can only be randomly selected," the staff explained.

Su Qingxue frowned: "My husband is coming, can you take two seats together?"

"Yes, as long as two invitations are available, you can choose the seats at the same time, but if you choose the seats behind, you must also sit behind them at the same time."

Su Xiaoxue didn't really care where to sit, so he nodded and said, "I will choose two at the same time."

Immediately, Su Xiaoxue went up and pressed the button.

Soon, the computer shows two seats, which are relatively backward.

After all, the probability is small, Su Xiaoxue did not feel how.

Just when Su Xuexue was going to sit down, he saw the staff member pointing to the back of a computer-controlled person.

Immediately, the seat number on the display suddenly changed to become the first row of seats.

"Congratulations to President Su, you just got the seat in the first row." The staff showed a kind smile in kindness and said: "Please go to the seat."

Su Shixue frowned, she was sure that she was not mistaken, it is clear that they quietly falsified the seat.

"You... Why did you help me change the seat?" Su Guangxue asked.

The staff whispered: "Su, you don't bother us, we are listening to the instructions..."

Su Xiaoxue’s heart is awkward. Could it be that Ye Fan’s quiet relationship behind it? With the strength of my husband, it is indeed possible.

It is estimated that in order to please yourself, secretly arranged the first row of seats.

Su Xiaoxue did not say much, nodded, went to the first row of the infield below, sat down.

At this time, most of the infield players have been seated, but some heavyweight guests naturally want to come to the finale.

Su Xiaoxue found that the first row was basically not sitting on anyone. It seems that those real fashion big names are bigger than those who are in the market, so they deliberately delay the playing time.

Many people look at Su Xiaoxue quite enviously. After all, they can sit in the first row, which means that they can be on the mirror when they are broadcast live around the world, and they are also a symbol of status wealth.

Su Xiaoxue sat alone and was very bored. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the news.

It didn't take long before I heard a loud noise coming from behind.

"...I am Yang’s head and I heard that, watching a show, I have to rely on the machine to give me a seat! Do you want to do business in Xia Guo!?"

Su Xiaoxue turned back in confusion and wanted to see who was so tempered.

Soon, many people on the scene looked at the past.

I saw a hair that was very shiny and shiny, wearing sunglasses, an Armani suit, and a middle-aged man holding a cigar, was grimacing with a gloomy face.

Beside him, there is a handsome man wearing a fashionable punk retro wind jacket. This man, most people know, is the most popular star of Xia Guo, Wu Han.

"Isn't that Wu Han? Is it around him, is Yang Huacheng?"

“It’s the boss of Yang’s Royal Entertainment, Yang Xiangxin’s background, can you not be bullish?”

"Wu Han seems to be his son, will Wu Han also perform tonight?"

"The organizer has encountered a hard slap in the face. Wu Han can perform in the Wei Mi show, and it is definitely also the relationship between the boss and Yang.

Yang Boss came from Xiangjiang deliberately and joined his dry son Wu Han. How could he accept the seat in the back row? ”

"Small voice! Don't let people hear it! That's the control of Xia Guo's half-circle entertainment circle. You can't afford it..."

In the infield, most of them are not rich and expensive, but these people are quite jealous when they see Yang Huacheng.

Sure enough, Yang Huacheng was too lazy to take care of the staff, with a few bodyguards, went directly to the infield.

The staff couldn't stop it, but they didn't dare to come up with such a **** and white cockroach. They could only be nervously on the sidelines.

Yang Huacheng walked proudly to the first row, aimed at the eye, and asked: "Wu Han, where are you sitting?"

Wu Han’s seat is a guest performing tonight, and it is also the leading star of Xia Guo’s premiere. In order to promote the effect, it is the first row.

He chewed the chewing gum, smiled and smiled, and pointed his finger at a seat next to Su Liangxue. "There is a seat arranged by the organizer, and it seems to be the master of the fashion world." .

Yang Huacheng nodded and went straight to Su Liangxue. He looked at Su Xiaoxue and said: "I know you, you are... the young female entrepreneur of Huahai Jinxiu Group, I have seen you in magazines."

Wu Han also stared at Su Guangxue and looked straight, showing a few fascinating colors in his eyes.

Although Su Xiaoxue’s heart is not very comfortable, but in such an occasion, he does not want to have a contradiction with Yang Huacheng’s old-fashioned tycoon. After all, the organizers have to do a show.

So I stood up and nodded. "I am, is Mr. Yang having something?"

"I have to change seats with you, you should have no opinion." Yang Huacheng opened his face naturally, as if this was taken for granted.

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