My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1196: Sally's life


Invisible seal, invisible key!

Sarahville, the legendary dagger, is the key to unlocking the invisible seal!

When I heard this, Sebastian felt quite frustrated. "In the same year, although there were rumors in the family, there was a battle between the ancients.

Thus the sorcerer Lovren, together with the sealer Clos, was imprisoned in a special space.

However, because several other ancients said that those were false, it was said that the witch had enchanted Lovren, making Lovren mad.

In order to kill Lovren and the Witch, Clos sacrificed himself and preserved the survival of the blood family.

Now it seems... we are all in the dark, these younger generations..."

"No way, this is also to prevent too many people, disappointed with Uncle Lovren.

His behavior seriously undermined the evasion treaty of the blood family, and he abandoned the safety of the blood family.

Once this truth is leaked out, human beings will also be full of suspicions about our blood family, fearing that other ancient people will have such a situation."

Sophia continued: "Knowing all this truth, in the blood family is also the ancients and several of our four generations.

Among them, because I am a woman, I don't get involved in the family affairs, and it is not easy to be targeted. So, let me hide Sarahville. ”

"No wonder, your aunt has not entered the parliament more than 20 years ago. It turns out responsible for such an important job, we all misunderstood you, and thought you were eccentric," Sebastian was stunned.

Sophia rolled her eyes. "I have been doing the work of the Dark Council for thousands of years. Do you want me to keep doing it? Funny... It’s my turn to play."

Sebastian looked awkward and it turned out that Sophia really didn't want to take care of it.

Ye Fan wondered: "Why must we leave Sarahville? Is it still prepared to unlock the seal?"

Sophia nodded. "Yes, Uncle Clos said before entering the seal. If there is a positive signal on the seal one day, Sarahville will use the seal to unlock it.

He can communicate with Uncle Lovren in the seal, confirming that Lovren will no longer be obsessed with eternal life, they can all come out.

However, if there is no positive signal, it will be solved. The result is very likely... It is to release a more powerful slayer.

Because in the seal, their aging will be greatly slowed down, Lovren is very likely to concentrate on the black magic and become more powerful.

However, as long as he does not unravel the seal, he can't come out anyway, because he is not a sealer, he can't find the door. After all, even Uncle Clos himself has to pass Sarahville to come out. ”

"What about the witch? Is it sealed?" Ye Fan asked, but it was the mother of Sally.

Sophia shrugged. "The energy supply of the summoner was lost. The witch disappeared from the world not long after."

It is also pitiful to say that it seems that the witch, in the plane of the devil, is also in danger of being forced to be summoned to the world.

If she was not alone, she would not come to this world, and finally could not go back...

It may be dead, her heart is very unwilling, after all, if she is truly full of strength, who in the world can hurt her?..."

Sophia smiled bitterly, shook her glass and said: "Say it... It seems that the hair color of Sally is silver, the same as her mother."

Ye Fan asked inexplicably: "Since Sally Ye is a member of your four generations, it is reasonable to say that it should not be well protected by you?

She was just a baby at first, and she didn't understand anything. Why do you want to give her to the old dominator? ”

Sophia sighed awkwardly. "Lucifer... Do you think we dare to leave her in the family?"

Once one day, humans know her true identity... Or, she knows the truth, what will happen? ”

Ye Fan frowned. "You... worry about her revenge?"

Sophia smiled. "Sally is hating us. It is right. We sealed her father and killed her mother.

But we are doing this for the blood and human beings. For this world, we have no choice.

And once we take in Sally, no matter what we don't teach her, her talent is already doomed. If she lives, she will be extraordinary!

She has the bloodlines of the abyss witch, but also has the bloodlines of my uncle's three generations of blood.

This means that in this world, she will not be plagued by her position as her mother, limiting her ability to develop.

No one dares to imagine what Sally will become in the future. Maybe she won't be strong, but... it may be so strong that all humans are afraid.

If at that time, humans believe that our blood family is cultivating Sally, then... What do you think humans will make?

I am afraid that even if there are more people who have died or injured, we must let our blood family disappear from this world..."

Ye Fan is silent, think carefully, indeed, as Sophia said, Sally is against the blood family, it is hot potato.

The stronger Sally is, the more likely it is to bring crisis to the blood.

"But you...and didn't have the heart to kill her," Ye Fan sighed.

Sophia flashed a trace of sadness in her eyes and smiled. "Do you know... Our four generations of blood, the last brother born, was also about 8,000 years ago...

Sally Ye, but a four-generation member who was born unexpectedly after more than 8,000 years...

For our blood family, the more powerful members, the harder it is to obtain the descendants of pure blood. Therefore, the appearance of Sally leaves, let us three generations and four generations, do not know how happy...

It seems to be God, and suddenly treats us kindly, let us be a race that is destined to decline in time, and there is a glimmer of hope.

Kill her? Who can get it?

If it is not the madness of Uncle Lovren, if it is not the horror of the abyss witch, maybe Sally Ye... can also be a member of us. ”

"So, you handed her over to the old dominator? You know, how many inhuman tortures did she suffer?" Ye Fan thought of the sad situation of Sally Ye, and she still felt pain in her heart.

Sophia bit her lip and sipped her own drink and said, "We can't do anything. In the Western world, it's too hard to want to have something to do with the Doom."

He knew that we did not dare to take in Sally, so we sent the Black Emperor and the White Queen to come to Sally.

Do you think...we dare not give it? Do not give the last day of the king's right, do we give you the ancient gods on the side of Xia Guo?

To put it bluntly, even if Sally is destined to go to the tragedy, it is her fate...

What we can do is not to kill her, but this child can survive... depends on your human choice. ”

Ye Fan frowned for a long time, but it is also impossible to refute anything. Let the blood family fight for Sally Ye and the last day. Obviously impossible.

However, Ye Fan thought of one thing in the past, and wondered: "I went to your Dark Council to ask for an alliance, and 18 layers of hell. You finally agreed, is it related to Sally?"

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