My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1211: Giant shield


Until the planes have exploded and destroyed, the wreckage has drifted away, leaving only two people in the sky.

On the opposite side of Nie Wuyue, is a body covered in a set of black gold heavy armor, holding a large half-man high cross pattern giant shield, a giant man with a height of more than two meters, as if a knight of centuries ago, mighty .

In front of this majestic knight, Nie Wuyue is as if he is only half the size of his body, just like an adult facing a child.

It is hard to imagine that the plane was actually flying at a speed of hundreds of kilometers, and when it hit the shield of the knight, it caused the collapse of the entire plane and the death of the crew.

On the other hand, the knight stood still and did not suffer any damage at all.

As if in his eyes, this huge plane, like a small flying bird, could not cause any harm to him.

However, in the face of a black knight with such an overwhelming momentum, Nie Wuyue did not have the slightest fear.

The temperature of minus tens of degrees has no effect on Nie Wuyue, who is dressed in thin clothes.

Her eyes looked coldly at the Black Knight. After a long time, she resolutely spit out four words: "Giant Shield, let it go."

The giant shield of the black knight armor does not have any words, just the huge shield in the hand, facing Nie Wuyue.

The meaning is already obvious, he will not give way.

"Giant Shield, although you are the right-handed bodyguard of the righteous, but you must not forget, in the last days of the kingship, you are ranked seventh, and I am the sixth, you really think that you can stop me!?" Nie Wuyue cold Staring at each other.

The strength of the Doomsday King is unfathomable, and naturally no one needs to protect him.

However, as the leader of the doomsday kingdom, the last day of the king could not encounter anything in person.

Therefore, there is a giant shield, he is the only bodyguard of the king, and also a confidant of the king.

Even inside the Doomsday, it is said that in addition to the King of Law, no one has seen the armor of the Giant Shield, what kind of person.

The giant shield never talks, he is rumored to be a dumb, and there are rumors that he is actually a woman.

But more people just believe that the Giant Shield does not need to speak at all. He only needs to listen and listen to the instructions of the King of Law.

His shot means the command of the king.

The giant shield appeared here, which shows that the king of the king is not allowed to go to help Ye Fan before death.

Nie Wuyue knew that Fawang would know her actions sooner or later, but she did not expect to know it so quickly, and she also sent a giant shield to block her in advance.

"You don't want to force me..." Nie Wuyue saw that the giant shield did not let it go, and his eyes became colder and colder.

The giant shield reached out and pointed to the West. The meaning was clear: Go back.

Nie Wuyue no longer hesitated, even if she risked the crime of slamming the king of law, she could not watch Ye Fan being killed by two ancient people.

She showed her arms in an instant, above the sky, a huge black-gray energy, like a dark cloud that covered the sky, and gathered together quickly!

Nie Wuyue’s eyes have also turned into black and gray, and the body has released a breath of death and decay.

In less than ten seconds, the sky was just as clear as the sky, as if it had entered the night!

Nie Wuyue is like the master of this dark world, the Queen, she raised her hand, thousands of thousands of ghosts, ghosts and sorrows, and the shadow of the huge shadows, just like the shadows, raging in this sky.

The giant shield was surrounded by this dark, dead field, holding a shield and not moving.

"Death of the Dead! Nether feast!!"

Nie Wuyue’s hand fell, and he saw countless sorrows and screams toward the giant shield!

This is not the illusion of scaring people, but the real ghosts and ghosts, the most advanced offensive spells in black magic.

Once human beings are hurt by these ghosts, the blood is absorbed and the soul is scattered.

The average black magician, summoning a few or dozens of ghosts, is already very remarkable, but Nie Wuyue has directly created a dark field, allowing thousands of ghosts to shuttle through it.

These spells, and the elimination of an army in an instant, are also easy.

Seeing these ghosts screaming and screaming, the black armor on the giant shield was also spread out.

These arrays of inscriptions on the armor are hundreds of them, and the giant shields are wrapped in no dead ends.

As soon as the golden squad opens, these sinister attacks are like sinking into the sea!

Thousands of ghosts in an instant, all of them did not hurt the giant shield! ?

It seems as if these attacks have become a flower shelf, and the black magic energy hitting the giant shield has disappeared.

Nie Wuyue blinked. Although she knew that the magic of the giant shield was mainly defense, she did not expect that so many ghosts could not penetrate his defense.

Seeing this trick is invalid, Nie Wuyue changed his mind and drew a huge gray magic array in front of him. After shaping, he also superimposed another dark green array.

"Rotten land, aging! Ghost claw vines!"

The two squadrons were transferred to the body of the giant shield in an instant, and the air around them radiated a rotten atmosphere.

This kind of aging magic can make ordinary people immediately turn from young and old to old and old, and it is the most sophisticated magic in black magic, and it is also a taboo spell.

With Nie Wuyue's magical cultivation, there are not many people in the world who can resist her fading spells.

Even if you can hold on for a while, you can't stand in the circle of law.

Nie Wuyue also released the ghost claw vines, a strip of ghosts and ghosts, forming a cage, wrapped in giant shields.

After the giant shield was surrounded by the decaying land, it still did not move, but a rotten magical energy was constantly rushing into the defensive array of the giant shield.

"Giant Shield, I know that you are good at defense, but you think that if you keep defending, you can stop me? Sorry, I don't want to accompany you!"

Nie Wuyue did not want to delay, and thought that he had already controlled the giant shield and planned to leave.

But at this time, I suddenly heard that the giant shield surrounded by ghost claws and vines released the sound of thousands of ghosts! !


Thousands of phantoms, like the trapped beasts, roared out of the golden circle outside the giant shield armor! !

They shredded the ghosts, shattered the aging array, and then even swooped toward Nie Wuyue! !

Nie Wuyue quickly opened up a stagnation of the Necromancer, and all these sinful spirits were resolved in the squad!

But she suddenly found out that these ghosts were just the ones she had just summoned, but after a combination of more depression and dark energy, they were more fierce than before! !

This... is this...

Nie Wuyue slammed his eyes wide and fixed his eyes on the giant shield that had been silent. He said: " are not defensive magic, it is... ‘counterattack’!?”

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