My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1224: destroy


One stroke instantly kills an ancient person, and if this situation is seen by the world, it will inevitably be chilly!

Although the ancients were not as famous as the gods of the gods and the king of the last days, they are epic powerhouses!

But such brilliant achievements did not make Ye Fan have any excitement and joy.

Ye Fan, the form of the sword of the infernal sword, looked numb, and after a few steps, he instinctively rushed into a rush, turned into a shadow, and rushed out of the bomb shelter!

He carried a giant sword and quickly pointed to Lovren, who was struggling to escape the fan wing in the distance, and then his legs suddenly slammed!

Like a black lightning flashing across the sky, I even jumped over the distance of more than three hundred meters and flew into the air!


Ye Fan instinctively made a non-human, like a beast-like cockroach, and the face fiercely waved again!

Stout is like the dark unparalleled sword of the sea mad dragon, cut through the sky, as if to split the sky! !


The air was slammed into a thunderous roar!

Lovren felt that he couldn’t avoid it, and he was so shocked that he was very impressed. "Sally! Save me!!"

A purple-black figure really arrived in time, blocked behind Lovren, with a pair of solid devil's claws, forcibly collided with the dark sword!


The sword and the claws make a strong frictional collision, and the electric light splashes!

The huge black sword is like swallowing Sally!

Sally Ye was pushed back and flew for dozens of meters, and finally stopped this move!

But the clothes on Sally's arm, all of them have been smashed, and there are also many wounds on the body that are healing quickly.

Lovren found himself saved and long sighed!

When he ran out, he summoned Sally to help him, and finally caught up!

"Sally Ye! You stand up, leave the place for the father!!" Lovren didn't dare to wait for the big time, just wanted to get out of the battlefield.

However, Ye Fan has been keenly aware that he wants to escape, so he holds up the black sword in his hand and condenses a violent dark unparalleled sword!

For a time, like a huge dark planet, exudes a heart-warming pressure, appearing above the head of Ye Fan!

Xiao Xiaochen star! !

In the form of Purgatory swordsman, Xiao Xiaochen, the time for condensing swordsmanship is greatly shortened, but the power is even more brutal!

Ye Fan single-handedly smashed the dark sword-like sword-like polymer and smashed it out! !

But Ye Fan’s goal is not to run away from Lovren, but Sally!

Sally Yeben will go to protect Lovren to escape, so Ye Fan did not intend to circumvent Sally!

In the form of Purgatory Sword, although Ye Fan loses control of his brain, the combat instinct is played to the extreme!

He can clearly judge the situation and choose how to effectively kill the enemy.

When Xiao Xiaochen stared at Sally Ye, it was like a star that was retrograde!

Sally Leaf noticed the power of this move, and the three pairs of magic wings broke out with powerful demon power, and directly formed three huge protective shields in front of her!

The purple-black shield and the Xiaoxiaochen star touched, and the waves surged in the air!

The energy that spread out seems to be the dark death fireworks, and the ground under more than 100 meters is affected, rolling up the violent dust!

After Ye Fan released the Xiaoxiaochen star, he was completely untired. He had already called out a flying sword early, and volleyed to display the swordsmanship and catch up with Lovren!

At this time, Sally Ye, it is necessary to stand up to the Xiaoxiaochen star. It is impossible to help Lovren!

Lovrenben thought that he could not die, but who thought that there was a sharp break in the back!

He jerked back, but he saw that Ye Fan didn't know when he had already caught up with only a distance of less than 100 meters! !

Ye Fan, who burns the majestic dark swords, and the flying swords, is like coming out of hell, harvesting the death of life, just the black flames of non-human beings, let Lovren panic!

"No... no! No!!-"

The Lovren language is incoherent, and he tries his best to summon the number and turn back to Ye Fan’s emperor to summon a magical array, releasing a lot of magic arrows!

But Ye Fan did not receive any obstacles at all, and the dark unparalleled sword directly smashed these black magic energy!

Ye Fan screamed, his legs slammed on the flying sword, his body was like an arrow from the string, and he immediately arrived in front of Lovren! !

Ye Fan's steel-like hand quickly buckled Lovren's neck!

Lovren’s throat is buckled, his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, his face is licking, his teeth are revealed, and he feels incomparable humiliation and fear!


Ye Fan sneered, and then, a dark sword, instantly swept Lovren body!


Countless intensive holes are heard, uploaded from Lovren!

Countless dark swords, like a cow's hair needle, will smash the whole body of Lovren into a sieve!

Lovren screamed in sorrow and pain, struggling for less than three seconds, and the body was like Nicholas, and it was gone!

He couldn't dream of it. As an ancient man, he would die so badly in the hands of a young man!

After solving Lovren, Ye Fan nodded on the flying sword and turned to Sally in the distance.

It was just after offsetting the power of Xiao Xiaochen, and Sally Ye seems to have been in a state of fatigue, and there are many wounds that are scratched.

Behind the magic flame six wings, this time has been a lot weak.

In particular, the death of Lovren, the soul of the contract magic lost its effect, Sally's eyes, began to reveal a trace of ecstasy.

Her own consciousness gradually began to show signs of recovery, but she was still eager for blood.

This made Sally's head have two kinds of thoughts, and there was a contradiction...

You can kill Ye Fan at this moment, and his mind is full of dark and violent killing desires.

He called back the black giant sword, held it in his hand, and flew again to Sally Ye!

Sally Ye saw Ye Fan attacking herself, the devil's consciousness occupied the dominance, and the complexion condensed the devil's claws coldly, kicking a roundabout and avoiding it, then attacking Ye Fan's back!

Ye Fan flexibly bends back, and the giant sword swings to Sally's neck!

Sally's six wings swelled up and slammed down, avoiding the attack of Ye Fan.

After falling to the ground, there was a huge black demon squad at the foot of Sally, and countless demon blades were summoned from the squad, flew into the air and surrounded the sails!

Ye Fan’s dark sword fell down and swept away the power of these demons. At the same time, he followed the landing, and the toes slammed into the sword.

Sally's speed is not slow, one back to dodge, and by the direction of the magic wing, turned back to Ye Fan!

The two of you come to me, like a black and purple current, rambling on the ground, colliding back and forth!

"Boom! Boom!!"

The intensive explosion sounded through the clouds, a few kilometers in a circle, and houses were shattered everywhere!

In less than five minutes, the city seems to have been razed to the ground by natural disasters. The earth is already a huge pit!

The naked eye of ordinary people can no longer distinguish the two people's battle trajectory and moves!

The two demonized people are all competing in each other with pure battle instinct, relying on the body's own reaction to attack!

When I didn't know the confrontation of the hundreds of strokes, Sally, who was in a disadvantage, couldn't hold it anymore!

The enthusiasm brought by blood, and the power of the devil, after no more blood was maintained, most of them began to disperse.

It seems that it is constantly being stimulated by Ye Fan’s mad-like attack. Sally’s self-consciousness is actually spurred and awake!

Suddenly, after Ye Fan’s snake-shaped position, the black giant sword took a mad shot, and Sally’s hands were blocked, and they could not be blocked!


The girl's body was directly flew out of more than 100 meters, and after breaking two stone walls, it fell into a church!

Sally leaves a **** sputum, and the magic wings behind it are scattered. The six-pointed star in the pair of scorpions disappeared and gradually returned to the original color.

Once the magic has faded, Sally’s will to fight will naturally recede like a tide, and her body will be weak.

In her mind, the passing of things, everything in front of me, gradually began to clear up...

In contrast, Ye Fan, at this time is killing hearty, as if there is endless force!

A face of crazy color, after a high jump, like a black thunder, suddenly fell, the giant sword directly to the injured weak Sally leaves in two! !

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