My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1233: Just there


A small boat slowly landed on a tropical river.

On the shore, there is a temporary tent. There are several flags of international organizations flying in the middle. There are security organizations, doctor organizations, health organizations, and of course, Xia Guo’s peacekeeping forces.

"Captain Xu, are you coming back?"

Two powerful young peacekeepers, who ran into the shore, ran to the shore and held the boat.

Xu Lingshan helped several refugees rescued from the gangsters and let them go ashore.

"Liu Ye, Zeng Kai, three people were slightly injured. You took them to the doctor and bandaged them. Others took them to house the tents and gave them food and water," Xu Lingshan ordered.

Liu Ye and Zeng Kai on the shore saluted and then prepared to take these refugees to the tent.

But when they saw the middle-aged appearance, an Asian man in a ragged, and some wonder, this person is not like the residents here.

"Captain Xu, is this uncle also a refugee?" Zeng Kai asked.

Xu Lingshan looked back at Ye Fan, her eyes flashed a bit uncomfortable, barely smiled and shook her head: "No, he is my friend, just met here."

"Your friend? Such a sinister place can meet friends!?" Another soldier Liu Ye surprised.

Liu Ye is observing his words and discovering the strange expression of Xu Lingshan. He smiles and says: "Why are you asking so much? Work hard!"

After the group left, the two older soldiers who had just fought with Xu Lingshan also went ashore.

They did not ask Ye Fan's origins. One of the bearded men smiled and said: "Xu team, I will give you this old friend, ready to wear it? I am close to him, I should be able to wear it."

"Thank you, Laocheng," Xu Lingshan said with a smile.

"Thank you, Laocheng brothers," Ye Fan also felt that the clothes were too broken, and it was not good to show anything.

Lao Chenghehe smiled and said: "I am much younger than you, let me be a small achievement, my name is Cheng Tianshu."

Ye Fan was crying and laughing. If he told him that he was only in his twenties, he thought he was talking about his dreams.

Not long after, Cheng Tianshu took a set of clothes and sent it to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan could not change in the open air, so she followed Xu Lingshan to the tent where she rested.

"Because there are fewer girls here, except for the other three women who are doctors and nurses, this tent is not coming in during the day, you can change it here," Xu Lingshan said.

Ye Fan said with gratitude: "Thanks to you, Lingshan, this time, it's a bit long... I was on the boat, I can't explain it to you."

"You don't have to say this, I understand, I will give you something to eat and drink, and wait for you to change your clothes and say it," Xu Lingshan smiled.

Ye Fan nodded and watched Xu Lingshan go out.

Later, he looked around and looked at some exotic decorations on the tent. He sighed and couldn't help but smile and smile...

It is hard to imagine that after entering the state of the purgatory swordsman, he even ran across several countries, directly from North America to South America!

Here, it is already on the banks of the Magdalena River in the country of Goron.

Because this place is in the rainforest, the terrain is complex, the waterways are staggered, and it is easy to defend.

Therefore, there have been a large number of extremely vicious drug lords, entrenched here, as if the establishment of a drug kingdom!

Moreover, the drug lords also control the local residents here, and even from outside, arrest some women and children to help them make drugs.

It can be said that this is the gray area of ​​the law. Every day people are dying. Most of the local people are in the shadow of drugs and death.

Because these drug smugglers are all in the sky, buying many members of the Colombian country and adding a huge chain of interests, it is almost impossible to use military means to annihilate them.

With more and more drug lords here, the battle between each other is killing and continuing.

Many people here can only risk their lives and secretly find ways to escape the poisonous claws.

Some people ran away, and the drug lords would naturally chase after them. As a long time ago, there were more and more poor civilians who died and wounded.

Xu Lingshan, their peacekeeping force, was dispatched here in such a large environment to carry out humanitarian support.

Today, Ye Fan met three people, Xu Lingshan, to meet several families who fled.

After these refugees ran out, after rescue and psychological counseling, they would find time to send them to the nearest town and then arrange their follow-up life.

It can be said that life here is very difficult, but the task is very heavy and dangerous.

After listening to some of the situation here, Ye Fan admired Xu Lingshan and could eat such suffering.

He was thinking about these things while changing his clothes.

Suddenly, the tent was opened and Xu Lingshan walked in with a tray.

When the two men arrived at each other, Ye Fan was taking off his pants at this moment, and his status was quite awkward.


Xu Lingshan quickly turned around and her face was red. "I... I thought you changed it early!"

Ye Fan said apologetically: "I just thought about things, I stayed for a while, changed slowly... Ha ha... Soon."

Although the two had been intimately puncturing the last layer of window paper, but not seen in a year, this intimate feeling has long been a little faded.

This intimate and unfamiliar feeling makes both of them complex.

After Ye Fan changed it, Xu Lingshan had already calmed down and put the tray down.

"The conditions here are simple, bread and canned, water is boiled river, you will eat it," Xu Lingshan said.

Ye Fan picked up the bread and bite it with a big mouth. "It's good enough. It's always a hundred times better than the squid I used to eat."

Xu Lingshan looked sadly at the gray hair on the man's head and said, "You... how did you get here? How come here?"

Ye Fan looked up and sighed: "If I tell you, I am running all the way from the city of Mexico, do you believe it?"

"What!?" Xu Lingshan stunned. "How could it be... Run? It has to run thousands of kilometers!"

Ye Fan shrugged. He also knew that this was very abnormal. But if he had rushed thousands of miles and consumed the power of this purgatory sword, it is estimated that the blood flowed into the river, and there were countless deaths and injuries.

The side effect is that Ye Fan has become like this, and he has become an ordinary person with a middle-aged appearance...

"Wait a minute!" Xu Lingshan suddenly remembered something, and looked round and round: " said that you came from the city of Mexico!"

Could it be said that... the historic tragedy that killed the world yesterday and shocked the world, killing millions of people... has something to do with you! ? ”

"Is it... has it spread all over the world? It’s also... such a big thing, no matter how can it be covered up..."

Ye Fan’s look is complicated and unpredictable. His eyes are stunned and he bows his head: “Yes, I was there...”

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