My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1292: Too scary


The body of the sword god!

This is the second time, Ye Fan's display only has the sword to disintegrate, in order to use this sword!

Compared with the previous battle with Sally Ye, the current Ye Fan, the physical quality and the depth of the sword, have been improved, and the power of the sword after disintegration will naturally increase significantly!

The violent anger of the sword, so that each muscle of Ye Fan's body, every meridian, and even every bone, is numb, which is much less painful than the first time.

The disintegration of the sword is extremely overbearing. Every time, it is a test of his body!

Once you have mastered this power, the sense of accomplishment and sense of sorrow will make Ye Fan a swordsman and extremely addictive!

General monks, the pursuit of immortality, and the real swordsman, only the pursuit of absolute power! !

The sword is disintegrated, so that Ye Fan has a stronger, more satisfying power!

This is also why, when he understood the sword, he was so obsessed with Kendo and constantly tried to find out the kendo.

At first I just felt that I had some talent, but later, it was really addictive!

An unparalleled sword that is thicker and more majestic than before, appears in his body inside and outside!

The pain in the previous wound was completely dissipated. Ye Fan only felt that he was like a new life. Even the place where the bones were broken was not painful!

In Ye Fan’s pair of scorpions, the golden blaze is particularly flamboyant, as if it were two groups of burning flames, to swallow the enemy directly!

Zhou Tengyun was just condensing the real yuan, but this time was shocked by the storm of this sword, and quickly retreat to open a few tens of meters!

When he looked at it again, his eyes revealed a slap in the face and fear!

I saw that, outside Ye Fan’s body, there was a huge golden shadow that appeared proudly, which was clearly produced by the figurative representation of the sword! !

Ye Fan's illusion, wrapped him, compared to the first seven or eight meters high, this time has actually reached nearly 20 meters! More than doubled!

Ye Fan's blink of an eye, a turn of the head, and even the golden flame in the scorpion, all the details, this illusion will be synchronized.

It is even more shocking at the place. It is this phantom that appears. The entire Styx Array has even shown signs of looseness. The ice blue light curtains in all directions are flickering!

Obviously, it is because this sword has a figurative illusion, and its energy intensity is already shaking the aura of the Styx, which will be the case!

"This...what is this!! Is this also the sword meaning!?" Zhou's ancestors are going crazy, never seen such a perverted sword, beyond their cognition.

Su Xiaoxue and other women, including the blue rain, also saw the heart mad, they felt that the temperature around them was slowly not cold, it seems that the power of the Styx is being suppressed.

Xie Linyuan felt that he did not know Ye Fan, and looked at the body of the sword god. "Is this really the boss? I think that the boss is not so perverted..."

The ancient gods in the distance, all of them were incredibly found at this time, they even miscalculated the situation!

Just thought that Ye Fan will die, Zhou Tengyun and Zhou won, but did not want to, Ye Fan did not make the full force! ?

Standing in the middle of the river, it seems as if you are arrogant of the huge golden shadows of the people, as if you are slamming their faces! Laugh at their ignorance! !

"This... is this really a sword?" Qingyin was always straight, and he said: "Sword can still be used like this?"

Wei Weifan smiled. "Who knows... I am afraid, this is the mysterious point of the imperial sword."

In the eyes of Liu Qinghou, the color is smiling again and again. "The emperor's sword is stronger, and it is also realized by people. You guys are stingy and boastful."

Bai Yan frowned: "From beginning to end, everything is in the grasp of the kid. Although this child is young, but the heart is deep... he has been guarding us, not making full effort."

Winning a sullen face, only said one sentence, "This...may not be his full strength..."

Everyone listened, and they could not help but be silent.

They have not dared to go deep into thinking, because it is too horrible...

At the same time, in the Styx, Zhou Tengyun recently felt the pressure of the body of the sword god, and has completely panicked!

In his life, he has never been so scared!

He made a desperate attempt to force the real force and fight everything to play a winter **** fist!

"Go to death!!"

Zhou Tengyun’s eyes are cracking, and the seemingly huge winter **** fist, this time in front of the body of the sword god, but like a baby’s fist!

At this time, Ye Fan is feeling the growth of the body of the sword god. The powerful force is full of limbs and makes him intoxicated. This is the meaning of cultivation and becoming stronger!

The negative effects of this river array have no effect on him, and the cold wind has become a spring breeze!

I noticed that Zhou Tengyun was punching him, and Ye Fan’s heart snorted, and he did not look at it.

The body of the sword **** is falling down in a sword. The huge golden lightsaber is more than ten meters long. It is like Optimus Prime falls down, but it is as fast as a thunder! !

Because the coverage area is too large, Ye Fan does not even need to specifically aim at it, and cut it down as desired!

Thousands of people in the audience, only to see the golden light fall to the ground, the Thunder hit, the thunder and thunder! !


When Zhou Tengyun’s Dongshen Boxing and the Jinguang Giant Sword touched each other, they were smashed, and Zhou Tengyun’s screams were swallowed by the Great Sword! !

He realized that he shouldn’t be so rushing forward, but it’s too late, he has no chance to escape!

The ground was stripped of a deep gully that was more than twenty or thirty meters long, as if it was a canyon!

As for the body of Zhou Tengyun, he was already smashed and fell into the underground gap!

The smoke scattered.

At this point, the audience has been silent, Zhou’s tribe has collapsed, and the face is as gray as it is, and the eyes are full of despair!

They can't believe everything in front of them, start the Styx, and the strength of Zhou Tengyun is actually killed by a sword! ?

"蝼 蚁尔!"

Ye Fan whispered a whisper, turned his head, the body of the sword **** followed, and his eyes glanced at the Zhou's ancestors around the four!

When Zhou Tengyun died, his eyes were destroyed, and the river was naturally broken!

The ice and blue light in the sky dissipated, and the ruins of the ancestors' hands were dimmed, and these ancestors themselves consumed a lot of them, mostly pale.

Ye Fan snorted, which will give this group of people a chance to breathe, since they want to kill their own family, then they will not stay!

"Eight Wild Emperor!!"

When the Styx was scattered, all the swords resumed their vitality again. What's more, after the disintegration of the sword, the power of the sword is better than usual, and the speed of the sword is also much faster.

Ye Fan’s mind was moved, and thousands of swords were assembled in an instant. The eight sword dragons once again became more powerful and powerful!


Ye Fan was too lazy to deal with these ancestors with the body of the sword god, sent eight sword dragons, and screamed to kill the ancestors in the seven directions!

These ancestors of God's enlightenment, is it the opponent of Ye Fan's body and swordsman's double disintegration?

In front of Ye Fan's Eight-Dragon Emperor Dragon, it is as fragile as a paper paste. After a few breaths, all of them are enthroned to death without a whole body, blood splashing! !

The people of the Su family saw this Jedi turn over and turned into a victory. They were all ecstatic and saw Ye Fan, who is like a giant **** of war, and wanted to kneel down and worship!

The women are also relieved, knowing that the overall situation has been set, looking at the powerful and unimaginable Ye Fan, all kinds of pride, pride and joy, overflowing with words.

As the singer of this war, as if the master of this world, Ye Fan himself, they are too lazy to look at the ancestors who were killed.

In his eyes, these people are vulnerable, they should have died long ago, killing them is just to clear the garbage.

The huge body of the sword god, slowly turned, Ye Fan's eyes on a pair of golden flames, passing over the crowd, aiming at a few ancient gods in the distance...

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