My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1304: Need an explanation


"How can this be good... Hard, the leaves are gone, and Shenlong has entered the trough like never before. Is it because of such a 20-year-old hairy child that makes us unable to walk?" Xiao Wanzhong sighed .

Huang Yueshan looked at Xiao Xiner and said: "Xin Er, you are not saying, Ye Fan is very disgusted with Shen Long, and is quite disgusted with his biological father and uncle?

Do you think that if we have a dispute with the Shenlong clan, will he help Shenlong? ”

Xiao Xiner faced a group of ancestors and spoke more respectfully than usual. After thinking about it, she cautiously replied: "With my understanding of him, he is not the kind of person who is easily guessed.

He may not come to help Shenlong, but may cause trouble for us for other reasons.

If he knows the importance of the dragon, he may be involved in this matter, and it is still unknown. ”

"Yes, my son Fengshan also said that Ye Fan, a young man, is not very old, but his experience is extremely rich. He must not treat him as a simple young person," Xiao Huang agreed.

Everyone listened, silenced, and thought.

A white-haired ancestor with a beard, is a ancestor, Xiao Wanlou, he thought about it: "If this is the case, then we may first explore the virtual reality, put pressure on the Shenlong clan, and then look at the leaves. The reaction of the sail."

Huang Yueshan nodded: "In fact, we don't have to be too anxious. The White Tiger clan has not been moved until now. Obviously, the taboo will be with the Shenlong clan.

Those of us, just retiring out these days, are not clear about the world today. Let us take a moment to understand the world today.

I went to Xuan Mingshi this time. I encountered a lot of magical new things on the road. Now the world is changing a lot. We need to adapt. ”

Sitting at the top of Xiaorou, he also smiled and said: "Yeah, I really want to go out and go around, take a walk.

I used to practice cultivation and wanted to catch up with the leaves until I suddenly left. I realized that I was wasting my time.

So... I don’t want to practice all the time. I have to make up my life and play around.”

Everyone listened, and couldn’t help but stunned. Huang Yueshan asked: “Xiaorou’s ancestors, Ye Wuya is really so powerful? You are also a legendary figure in the history of our Phoenix clan. Why do you waste your time?”

Xiaorou stuffed his fondant into his mouth. Some unhappy said: "Don't mention him. Anyway, he is a liar. If there is a chance to see him again in the future, I must slap him and lie to me for hundreds of years!" !pissed off!"

Xiaorou said, and he slammed a few candy into his mouth, smashing the drums.

The ancestors of the public face each other, although very confused, but did not dare to ask, provoked Xiaorou is not happy.

"I see... If you don't go to Kunlun now, let's deal with some of the worldly things first," Xiao Wan Lou.

Xiao Wanzhong agreed: "The old man thinks the same way. Now the leaves are gone, and the rules of the clan should be changed. We have all kept the light for too long, it is time to show some strength.

Even if we don't occupy the dragon pulse for a while, but in this country, our Phoenix clan should also get more resources and can't make the Shenlong family alone. ”

"Yes, even if the Dragon's pulse can be put aside, but other places, our people, it should be action.

Our clan pursues a strong strength, in order to make the whole clan prosper, the tribes can develop better, and there is no endless Shenlong family, why should we fight with us?" Another ancestor sneered.

"I have heard that now the secular powers are surrounded by a useless little son of Ye Wuya, who is organizing a ‘Dragon Soul’.

Uh... the strength is not as good as our Xiner. Why should I listen to him? This dragon soul is still free." Xiao Wanlou's eyes are clear.

"Yes, Wanlou’s words are very..." The other ancestors responded and felt that it was.

Xiao Xiner’s petite body trembled, although she knew that Xia Guo was going to change the sky, but did not expect... the means of the ancestors, so direct!

She is actually not very mindful of being led by Ye Longteng, but she is a Phoenix girl and she must be considered for her clan.

The resources of the secular world do not have much to do with these ancestors, but there are actually many conveniences and benefits for the thousands of clan children.

The clan needs the support of the bottom layer in order to continue to develop and continue to develop. After all, the entire clan cannot be formed by so many dozens of masters. They must also consider the living environment for future generations.

Therefore, it is inevitable to compete for the power of wealth in the secular world.

Now, the Wushen is gone, and the distribution pattern of the clan resources of the Shenlong clan is definitely to be rewritten. Then... a battle between the clan will be necessary.

After discussing it for a while, Xiao Wanzhong respectfully asked Xiaorou, the top leader. "Xiaorou ancestors, are you looking at our plan, is it feasible?"

Xiaorou has already finished eating a packet of soft candy. He took a cup of tea next to him and sipped his mouth. He said: "These things, you just do it. I am so old, I can’t manage too much. .

What I am most concerned about now is that the ‘Phoenix’ was born. Why didn’t you bring her back to the family? ”


A group of ancestors looked suspicious, and Xiao Xiner was also nervous.

"Yueshan told me that she went to Xuan Mingshi this time and found Ye Fan's side, there is a girl who has already awakened the blood of the Phoenix girl.

A hundred years of phoenix birds, a thousand years of phoenix... The family has not seen a phoenix for more than a thousand years, and finally the phoenix is ​​double, how can you be so sloppy?

The child was in his twenties, neither brought back to the family, nor practiced the phoenix dance for nine days! ? ”

When Xiaorou said this, although it was still pretty, the milk was milky, but the dissatisfaction in his eyes, or the following Xiao Huang scared his face pale.

"Contemporary owners, since you know the existence of the Phoenix girl, why not bring her back? I need a reasonable explanation!" Xiaorou looks like a tender face, but it is extremely serious.

The other ancestors were also very unhappy, and they glared at Xiao Huang with blame.

Xiao Xiner was watching his grandfather unexpectedly. Did he know Du Yun's things long ago?

Xiao Huang has been lying on the ground at this time, sincerely and helplessly explained: "Xiaorou ancestors, please listen to me explain...

This child was an illegitimate woman, and the family said that she had killed her sister-in-law, and some of the people in the family hated their mother and daughter very much and could not accommodate them, so... I sent them away...

But I gave the phoenix to the child, and also left her mother, for one day, if the child can wake up the blood of the phoenix, then recognize the ancestors! ”

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