My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1314: People will die

"Beautiful Miss Barbara, I don't know if I have to disturb you to rest." Elva is in the face of Ye Fan, pretending to be calm and talk to Barbara.

Barbara chuckled: "President Eval, is there any good news to tell me?"

Eval laughed and said: "The people you want, we have already caught it. Is this good news?"

"Really? That woman named Xu?" Barbara asked.

Elva said: "Yes, my men have brought people, now in a coma, I can send you a video."

“It’s not a president of Eval, it’s a trustworthy business partner,” Barbara said.

"Miss Barbara, don't know, where do you need us to send people?" Eval asked as if casually.

Barbara said: "People don't need you to send it, I will send someone to take over, not to worry about the president of Eyval."

Eval frowned, "but..."

"But what?" Barbara suspicion: "President Eval, are you holding me?"

"Haha, Miss Barbara, I really want to know, when you promised the arms, when will it be delivered," Eval quickly turned a corner.

Barbara chuckled and said: "You are worried about this. Don't worry, after I confirm the hostages, I will send the arms to the day. We do business and pay attention to integrity."

"Then I will be relieved." Eval is trying to take a few more delays, but Barbara has already hung up.

Ye Fan then opened his mouth and said: "You send her a video to let her confirm."

Eval nodded and sent a message to Barbara after taking a look at Xu Lingshan.

Not long after, Barbara sent a message, "I will send someone to receive it within twelve hours."

After seeing Ye Fan, he immediately contacted Chu Yunyao on Purgatory Island.

"Yao Yao, have you found the signal position?"

There is a bit of disdain for Chu Yunyao over there. "Who are you as me? They are so backward technology, as long as they are willing to expose, how can they get me?"

I found it early, I will send you the location now, but the equipment on your island is too rudimentary. If it is my own lab, I can lock and track this moving coordinate...".

Soon, Ye Fan received a coordinate.

He found that this location is in a sea area more than a thousand kilometers away from the country of Goron. The distance is short and short, and it is not far away.

"Sure enough, at sea, it's no wonder that she hasn't found her for so long." Ye Fanyu.

The vast sea is the best hiding place, because the area is much larger than the land, and the search is also very difficult.

With the financial resources of the Rebson family, it is not difficult for Barbara to want to hide at sea for a lifetime.

In order to ensure that Barbara would not be allowed to slip away, Ye Fan ordered Leviathan to send the nearest ship from the sea area and intercept it from three directions.

At the same time, Ye Fan took Xu Lingshan and went straight to the beach.

Xu Lingshan has already seen Ye Fan's Yu Jianshu, and is also familiar with Xiao Jin.

When Ye Fan took her to wear a star, wear a sword, and sit on a small gold, and went straight a thousand miles away, she was not surprised at all, just feeling very nostalgic, in the days of the underground world.

About two hours later, Ye Fan finally found a large luxury yacht.

He took Xu Lingshan and jumped from the back of Xiaojin, let Xiaojin stand by in the vicinity.

When Ye Fan was holding a woman and fell on the deck of the yacht, the four black bodyguards standing outside guarded, almost all stunned, apparently scared.

However, they did not pull out their guns and attacked, but they stood there coldly and did not act rashly.

Xu Lingshan still has to fight, but she can find that the other party is not moving, and she is puzzled: "What are they going on?"

Ye Fan chuckled. "It seems that the owner of the yacht already knows that I will come."

Sure enough, the yacht's automatic door was open, and inside a comfortable and spacious living room, the lights lit up.

A white robe, blond blue eyes, and abundance of Barbara, holding a cocktail, lazily lying on a sofa.

Behind her, stood two maids on the service, and no one else.

"It's faster than I thought, Lord Lucifer, please come in..." Barbara raised a toast and invited.

Ye Fan walked inside with Xu Lingshan, glanced around and found that there was really no ambush.

"When did you find out that this is the bureau I set up?" asked Ye Fan.

Barbara sat up and said something helplessly: "After I received the news from Eval, I was asked to investigate the situation in Med City. As a result, I knew that someone broke into the Barrow Castle...

At that time, I understood that my telephone signal was tracked, but I had no time to escape, because the sea demon had been surrounded, even if I was in the air, I did not land. ”

Ye Fan smiled and said: "So, you are so generous to welcome me in, it will not naively think, I will let you live a path?"

Barbara smiled at herself with a smile, and she was a little lonely in her eyes. "I don't expect it... In fact, I am tired... After I have died, I feel that I am not interested in doing anything."

At first, I wanted to avenge her, but then I discovered that you are constantly getting stronger and it is getting harder and harder to kill you...

And I, like a street mouse, although living a life of Jinyi jade food, can only continue to escape.

This day of escape is too painful. I have already had enough... This time I was caught by you. If it is free, it may not be a bad thing. ”

Ye Fan blinked and asked: "Is the last time you gave an international award, let her go abroad to receive the award, is it arranged by you?"

Barbara accidentally looked at Ye Fan. "How do you know?"

"Guess, although Yun's work is very hard, I don't think she will get international recognition at this age," Ye Fandao.

Barbara smiled sadly: "Yes, it was arranged by me... I originally wanted to fool Du Yuner, but you suddenly disappeared and she did not come out."

It seems that even if I deceive Du Yuner, you have already thought about the countermeasures to deal with it... It is possible that I will fall into your hands earlier. ”

Ye Fan’s heart was awkward. Don’t let Du Yun’s know well, or the girl would be sad. The prize was actually deceiving her.

"All you have done is to avenge Sylvia." Ye Fan could not help but ask.

Barbara nodded. "She used to go with me to pursue undead medicine, and plan to rule the underground world. Without her... everything is meaningless."

Ye Fan couldn't help but feel that he didn't know that his master Black Emperor knew that there was a woman who loved his former wife so much.

However, these two women are also sitting in the sky, the heart is too big...

Do you rule the underground world? Even if Ye Fan has today's achievements, he dare not say such a big word. On this planet, the dragon is lying and the water is deep.

Ye Fan immediately said: "What else do you want to confess before you die?"

After Barbara finished drinking the glass of wine, she said: "I only hope that if you kill, you will kill me. Please ask Lord Lucifer, let go of the servants and bodyguards on this boat. Just be... before I leave, do something. Good thing.

You have an old saying in Xia Guo, not to say that people are dying, and what they say is good words..."

Looking at Barbara's lonely and desolate look, Xu Lingshan on the side of her heart softly said: "Ye Fan, do not promise her, anyway, she is dead, Shura will be scattered."

After Ye Fan was silent for a few seconds, he laughed and laughed and shook his head.

"Lord Lucifer, what are you laughing at?" Barbara confused.

Ye Fan’s eyes are fascinating, and the evil smiles: “Yes... it’s good to play, it’s also played... You are not Barbara, you are just her substitute.”

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