My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1318: Crossing


Ye Fan listened to Chu Yunyao's skunk, and smiled bitterly, "Xiaoyao Yao, can you tell me first, what does this mean? What do you mean by this crystal of the ruined stone?"

Chu Yunyao said: "You still don't understand? This small piece of red stone can contain such a large amount of energy. If it is not this crystal structure, how can it retain so much energy?"

Ye Fan nodded. "I can understand this, but what is the use of this crystal?"

Chu Yunyao looked at the man's eyes, and there is no difference between watching an idiot. "Is this all you still don't understand?"

"Oh..." Ye Fan swallowed his throat. "What should I know?"

Chu Yunyao shook his head and sighed, and went back to the computer console. "Forget it, I will show you something..."

Saying, Chu Yunyao made several models on the holographic screen through a simulation program.

They are a few different crystals, and they have been hit by some flames.

Then, Chu Yunyao came to the side of the model and reached out and made an order, explaining: "Look, this is a piece of crystal, a piece of black crystal, a piece of ruby...

I used the data to simulate the impact of a Phoenix woman's phoenix. This ordinary crystal can't directly withstand melting. This black crystal has exploded. Only ruby ​​can withstand it.

However, if I put the crystal structure of this uninhabited stone, it will not pose a threat to it!

In other words, suppose we use energy as a kind of 'force', then the force that this kind of ramification stone can withstand is the largest known on the planet! ”

Ye Fan blinked, and when he saw it, he thought a lot. "You mean... this crystal can play a very good defense effect in battle?"

Chu Yunyao's expression was somewhat solid, and his eyes looked at Ye Fan with some numbness.

Ye Fan felt a trace of coolness behind him and asked: "I...Is it wrong again?"

"Hey..." Chu Yunyao took off his goggles in a depressed manner and stroked the bangs in front of the forehead. He said: "Hello, you are also an expert in the medical field. Do you only think of playing this low-level fun? ?"

Ye Fan felt very faceless and said: "Of course not! I... I just didn't think about it for a while."

Chu Yunyao took care of it. After her hand made several instructions on the holographic projection screen, a model of a large instrument appeared.

Ye Fan looked at the model and was a bit familiar. " is it like I have seen it?"

"When you were in Hunchun Island, how did you arrive in the submarine of the Delta 0 team in an instant?" Chu Yunyao asked jokingly.

Ye Fan suddenly realized, "This is the device that was transmitted instantly!?"

"SPACE-JUMPER, the 'space hopping device' I made," Chu Yunyao said: "Do you know that this device is actually a prototype of a very low-level conveyor.

At present it can only make space jumps in short distances, but this is not its full value.

If it is perfect for extension, its limit should be a ‘time and space transmission device’!

That is to say, in theory, it can make people cross the past and the future, and even another plane! ”

When Ye Fan heard this, she couldn’t help but feel a spirit. This woman’s ambition is hard to estimate. Does she want to create a “time machine”?

Chu Yunyao's gaze is flying and flying: "I want to complete the complete space-time transmission device recorded on the axis of the earth. In addition to the technical problems, I still lack sufficient materials.

Whether it's the material of the machine or the energy of the engine, it's very demanding.

Energy, I can think of ways to gather, fusion reactor is not enough, you can do two, three.

However, the general material can't bear it, it can't store so much energy, and it needs to be released in a short time.

I always thought that there was not enough strong raw material on this planet to start this space-time conveyor.

However, the crystal of Hongya Stone is very close at present, and it is very probable that it can be done! ”

When Ye Fan heard this, he couldn’t help but think of the heavenly civilization that Zhou Changjuan said to compete for the floods.

"Yao Yao... There is one more thing, maybe you should listen..."

Ye Fan immediately told the story of the civilization of heaven and earth.

After listening to Chu Yunyao, he immediately thought of something. He said: "It is very likely that you guessed it correctly. The Earth's axis is very likely to be left by the civilization of heaven."

This makes sense...because the magicians are not very dependent on the energy of the ruins, they use spiritual power to mobilize the power of the elements.

Therefore, the reason why Tianren civilization created the Tianshen Magic Training Society and competed for the treasures of Xiaguo. The purpose is not in energy, but in these ores, these crystals!

The Xia Guo clan should have misunderstood the purpose of the heavenly people. To be exact, they misunderstood what they wanted! What they want is not the aura, but the ore! ”

Ye Fan, "But... no matter what they want, in the end, energy and ore are one, the clan can't let the dragons out, let the outsiders dig the graves and destroy the birthplace of the aura."

Chu Yunyao’s eyes are a bit of aspirational color. “It’s a pity... I want a lot of floods... and I’ve used it, I don’t need aura, just crystal.”

Ye Fan said with an eyebrow: "Do you want to be a machine that travels through time and space like the civilization of the heavens? This is likely to attract panic from all mankind."

"Through time and space, how can it be so simple?" Chu Yunyao glanced at the man and said: "From the perspective of my deciphering on the science and technology of the Earth's axis, their technology has not reached the point where they can easily travel in different time and space. The point is just a theory.

However, if you have a large amount of redstone, you can make a crystal that is large enough and pure.

If all goes well, the crystal of the rambling stone should reflect the resonant frequency of the photon, and the photon can travel through time and space. Then, there is a chance to succeed..."

Ye Fan explained: "What is the significance of Tianren civilization's study of time and space? Do they want to change the past and the future?"

Chu Yunyao shrugged. "I know, in fact, all this is based on the theory that is currently known. If our theory is wrong from the beginning, it may not succeed at all...

Science is like this, there is no eternal truth, only a temporary theory...

You have to say, what is the significance of their passage through time and space, it is possible that they want to carry all their civilizations here, or they may want to create portals of different time and space here...

I am not a god, how do I know their purpose? And... Why do you want to keep the Earth's axis in the world? This is a mystery. ”

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