My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1340: Ask you one thing


Ji Pengchun hesitated and did not escape. If he did not even pick up a sword, he felt that he had no face to return to the clan.

"Shenlong Golden Light!"

Ji Pengchun rushed to protect the body, and the golden light shone, and there were several real yuan shields in front of them!

At the same time, his footwork is also very particular, and he can dodge from every angle at any time.

At this time, Ye Fan has only been a dozen meters away from Ji Pengchun. The sword in his hand has always had a light golden sword, but it seems to have not been condensed, and the light is not shining.

Everyone can't help but wonder, is it that Ye Fan intends to keep approaching again and shoot out the sword in a very short distance?

However, Ji Pengchun is certainly not stupid. When Ye Fan's distance has reached a certain level, he will also move his position.

"This is the sword I just learned recently, just... take your hand..."

Ye Fan’s voice did not fall, the sword in his hand suddenly burst into a glaring golden light! !

At the same time, Ye Fan's feet are full of strength, and the rhythm changes just capture a mobile space of Ji Pengchun!

Ye Fan's figure, draw a sharp straight line of straight pen, direct to Ji Pengchun!

The golden sword light is like a round of tomorrow that emerges from a sea level, bursting with radiance, and like a golden flame burning across the sky!

"Unparalleled swordsmanship...breaking!!"

In the months of cultivation, Ye Fan once emerged from the deep sea, just to see that Zhaohui emerged from the sea level at the same time!

Ye Fan saw a lot of sunrises, but after practicing in the deep sea for many days, he suddenly returned to the bright world from the darkness, and just happened to see the sunrise and the red glow!

While his eyes tingled for a short while, he felt the tide of this magnificent scene!

Ever since, Ye Fan has realized this trick, and he uses the speed of the body to move faster, and then with the sunrise-like glare, he instantly crosses a distance and plays a surprise sword!

This sword is intended to be simple, but in reality it is highly demanding for physical quality and detail.

Need to condense the sword to the sword body, suddenly released in a short time, but also the perfect fit of the body, the time difference between the middle can not be a little bit lost.

The purpose is to release the strongest explosive sword in the most accurate time!

The sunrise-like glare of gold can also make the sword's vision interfere with each other's vision, causing the opponent to have a short pause.

If it is to deal with the opponents of the same level, Ye Fan feels that this move may not be good, after all, to prepare more, can deal with opponents weaker than themselves, this trick is extremely deadly!

When Ye Fan made a move, the spectators around him all consciously closed their eyes or closed them.

They only saw a straight golden light passing through the figure of Ji Pengchun, and Ye Fan came to him from the front of Ji Pengchun!

A short one second stagnation, Ji Pengchun's body care golden light, suddenly scattered!

His eyes were wide, full of incredible and unwilling painful colors, his mouth open, trembling, and hard to breathe his neck!

Blood, flying from the throat of Ji Pengchun!

A sword, sealing the throat!

"Pengchun ancestors!!" Ji Kangnian and Ji Yutang screamed in horror, they rushed over, incredulously watching Ji Pengchun fall to the ground!

Everyone in the back saw this scene, and they all felt that the soul was shaking for a moment!

They didn't see it at all, how did Ye Fan get out of the sword!

Both Ye Chunhua and Ye Longteng swallowed their throats and looked blue.

They all heard that Ye Fan’s terrible battle in Xuan Ming’s real life can really see Ye Fan’s terrorist strength. They all feel like dreams...

Is this... really just a young man in his twenties? !

A few women felt that Ye Fan was obviously stronger than when he was in Xuan Mingshi. They could think of how much Ye Fan had practiced recently.

INFERNO's demons are very accustomed to such scenes. They know the characteristics of Ye Fan, and they have talents. The key is to improve their strength and to work harder than anyone else.

Therefore, it is no accident that Ye Fan can survive and have achievements today.

Nie Wuyue looked at his son, his eyes were filled with pride and excitement. Looking at the painful Ji Pengchun on the ground, it was even more hateful.

Ye Fan didn't have much excitement. He killed Ji Pengchun, just like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables. There is nothing to be proud of.

He took the sword and turned to face Ji Yutang and others. They saw that they were still guarding the body of Ji Pengchun and said: "Don't watch, die."

Ji Yutang was amazed, and his face stood white and stood up: "Ye... Ye Fan... We are not hostile, we really can't help the ancestors..."

They have thoroughly understood that the gap between Ye Fan and them is how huge and alive, they are their top priorities!

Ye Chunhua and Ye Longteng are complex in appearance. They are still worried that if Ye Fan kills Ji Pengchun, will it make Ji family dissatisfied and be enemies with Ye Fan.

But now, I have seen the overwhelming strength of Ye Fan. They even worried about the Ji family... Now the Ji family really can still resist Ye Fan?

Or... the clan, in addition to a few top-ranking masters of the ancient gods, who can be the opponent of Ye Fan? !

At this time, if you are against Ye Fan, I am afraid that any clan is not willing to do so.

The idea of ​​using various conditions to attract Ye Fan back to Yeh was basically shattered at this time...

Ye Fan already has capital, and he has opened up a mountain. Why do you have to consider the clan power again?

Ye Longteng’s inner feelings, from the first meeting, has only been a short period of one or two years, how can Ye Fan rise to such an amazing height? !

"Ye Fan ah ... killing Peng Chun, enough, after all, is the same family, let them go," Ye Chunhua whispered.

What he can do now is to let Ye Jia and Ji Jia stay able to maintain peace. After all, if Ye Fan does not go back, they will only have to face the Ji family.

Ye Fan can disregard the people of Ji family, but the Ye family are still fighting, and when the Ji family scatters the gas on the Ye family, they can make a big deal.

Ye Fan is faint: "I asked you one thing, you answered me truthfully, if I found you lying... the consequences, you think about it yourself."

Ji Yutang and others were so excited that they nodded.

" ask," Ji Yutang said.

Ye Fanzheng said: "My foster mother, Hu Xiaoqin... Who killed him?"

When this problem came out, several people in Shenlong’s face were stiff, and Nie Wuyue in the back was also one of them, showing a trace of sadness...

In fact, Ye Fan has long wanted to know the answer. It’s just that too many things happen, and it’s delayed...

Of course, it is also related to the fact that he has to worry about the strength of the clan.

But now, Ye Fan thinks it is time to find out the truth.

There are some speculations in his heart, but after all, there is no positive result.

Although he does not have much memory of the foster mother, if he does not have that ordinary woman, he will not live today.

Therefore, Ye Fan thought about ending this past event to comfort the spirit of heaven.

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