My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 1345: Decide


The onlookers could not fully understand Du Yun's mood at this time, but everyone was happy and distressed for the girl. She was happy that she was no longer an orphan. It was distressing... She waited for this day and waited for too long.

After a while, Huang Yueshan giggled: "The picture of the beautiful, oh, let you suffer alone, it is our Phoenix clan who can't live with you.

I also blame you, this father, who can't say anything in the family, but your grandfather has spent a lot of time trying to keep you and your mother. ”

Xiao Fengshan is somewhat embarrassed by the side, but more is still a kind of embarrassment.

Du Yuner is a tender body, said: "I... my mother? Is she still alive?"

"Oh, this time we will pick you up to the Phoenix clan, that is, let your mother and daughter reunite, family reunion," Huang Yueshan smiled.

Du Yuner immediately asked: "Why did I be placed in a welfare home that year?"

Xiao Fengshan said with enthusiasm: "Children... things in the past, it is difficult to make it clear at once. It is my father, I am sorry that your mother and daughter, your mother ... did not want to abandon you."

Du Yuner looked at his biological father with a gaze, the man who should have been most familiar, but unfamiliar.

Ye Fan saw this and couldn't help but smile. "You really want to be thoughtful, and you don't want to bring the mother of Yun's mother together, that is, let the children return to the family."

"Oh..." Huang Yueshan smiled and said: "Ye Fan, how do you think of us so much? The mother of Yun'er has not been repaired, long-distance work, no need.

What's more, Yuner is a phoenix woman in the millennium. Our phoenix family is only good for her, and will not bully her. She will go back with us. You don't have to worry about it. After all, Feng Yulin is her home. ”

"Now your major clan is busy re-dividing the territory of the forces, looking for permission to go back, it should be more than just family reunion," Ye Fan grinned.

Huang Yueshan looked helplessly: "This is what we said... How can we bear to let such a child face such a big thing?"

Yuner is still small, and things between the adults, we will naturally deal with... We just want to cultivate Yuner well, after all, owe her a lot.

What's more, we just came to ask the children to go back and not kidnap her. If she doesn't want to, we naturally don't insist. ”

Ye Fan blinked, this Huang Yueshan really said, the head is the road, it is no wonder that the last time Xuan Ming's thing, and this time to Purgatory Island, she came forward.

Du Yuner then turned around and asked: "Ye Fange, have you already known this thing?"

Ye Fan no longer hides at this moment, nodded, said: "Ying, this matter ... related to your safety, I did not deliberately glaring at you."

"I know, you must be good for me, so I won't blame you... but I just want to know the truth of the year. Only you tell me, I can believe 100%..." Du Yuner insisted.

Upon hearing this, Huang Yueshan and Xiao Fengshan both looked at Ye Fan eccentrically.

Ye Fan thought about it and nodded: "Well... I know what I know, tell you now..."

Immediately, Ye Fan told Du Yuner about the affair of the Xiao family in the past.

"...I know that, so much, as for your mother's still alive, I don't know," Ye Fandao.

After Du Yuner listened to it, she stayed stunned for a long time. Her heart was soft. The first thing she thought of was not her own suffering and fate, but the twin sisters who died in Xiaoxin.

Although her appearance, dying the baby girl is nonsense, but emotionally it will make others feel so.

"Sister of Xiner... Sorry, I... I didn't expect it to be like this, you... Do you hate me?" Du Yun looked at Xiao Xiner with apologies.

Xiao Xiner squatted, and then smiled helplessly. "Stupid, how can you be such a stupid girl, can you blame you? Your birth is not something you can control. If I hate you... Why are you always looking for you before?"

Du Yuner was relieved, "Thank you... Xiner sister..."

Huang Yueshan nodded with satisfaction. "Yes, although Yun has been living from a young age, his heart is really kind. This is very helpful for cultivating our 'Feng Dance Nine Days'.

The blood of the phoenix is ​​born to be noble and holy, and the person with pure heart and straightness can better understand the true meaning of this school.

Yuner... Your grandfather has brought your mother back to the clan, you come home with us, meet your mother, and do it back to you. ”

Du Yuner tightened his hands and looked at Ye Fan behind him. After a moment of contemplation, he said: "Ye Fange... I have some words, I want to talk alone."

Ye Fan nodded and got up with Du Yuner and walked to a viewing platform outside the castle.

The sea breeze blew, Du Yuner smashed the bangs, and took a deep breath. "Ye Fange... I have a good heartbeat."

Ye Fan took out a cigarette, gave it to himself, looked at the girl's red face, and smiled: "How, very nervous... suddenly turned into a Phoenix clan, there are so many loved ones, from one Orphans, become girls of both parents and sisters."

Du Yuner glared at his chest. "I... I actually had such a guess before, but I didn't expect... things are so complicated..."

"Yeah, but now, those ancestors are going out, they want to protect you, I think those who are in the seventh vein of Xiao family don't dare to say anything to you." Ye Fan said: "Are you thinking about it, Do you want to go back?"

Du Yuner nodded. "I just thought about it. I want to go back... I want to see my mother. I want to thank my grandfather. Without him, my mother and I have long since disappeared."

"He threw you in the welfare home, what can be thanked," Ye Fan shook his head.

"No!" Du Yun said: "If he does not recognize me, why give me the phoenix?"

Ye Fan stunned, listening to Du Yuner said this, but it makes sense. This Xiao Huang really recognized this granddaughter in his heart.

Ye Fan smiled and reached out and touched the girl's face. "You are... goodness, maybe also the relationship cultivated by Dean Li... If you go back to the clan and are bullied, you must tell me, I will For your early sake, you are my woman."

Du Yuner nodded blushingly. "I don't want to come back later. How can I be willing to be here, and the children of the welfare homes?"

Ye Fan listened, and he couldn’t help but wonder. "Your child, since you have already decided, let me come out, what do you want to say?"

Du Yuner bit his lower lip, as if he made up his mind, he said: "Although I said, you may be angry, but I still want to say... Ye Fange, you are better for the lady of death, don't be so cold to your mother. , ok?"

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